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1、 It makes me feel painful to think that she has to work 12 hours a day and seven days a week.Better: It pains me to think that she has to work 12 hours a day and seven days a week. It will be our aim to ensure proper health care for each and every one of the Chinese people. Our aim is to ensure prop

2、er health care for all Chinese. This book will help you master the basic elements of good writing. This book will help you master the basics of good writing. The search of the forest that they conducted was entirely complete. The search of the forest was complete.或They conducted a complete search of

3、 the forest.第二个句子合乎汉语表达习惯,即他们对森林进行了彻底的搜查。 He has no sense of principles, whether he is in public or in private. He has no principles, public or private. Whenever anyone telephoned her to ask her for help with their homework she always obliged right away. She immediately obliged anyone who telephoned

4、 for help with homework. In a cautious manner the car went around the corner. The car negotiated the corner. If the government agency finds that an individual has received a payment to which the individual was not entitled, whether or not the payment was due to the individuals fault or misrepresenta

5、tion, the individual shall be liable to repay to the government the total sum of the payment to which the individual was not entitled. If the government agency finds that you received a payment that you werent entitled to, you must pay the entire sum back. Another important aspect is good health. It

6、 is one of our great blessings. It may be achieved through proper diet and exercise. Rest is also desirable. The great blessing of good health may be had through proper diet, exercise, and rest.词语简化的一些技巧2 策略之一:用介词短语替代从句。例: While they were playing tennis, she started an argument that lasted all morni

7、ng. During tennis she started an argument that lasted all morning. When you come to the second traffic light, turn right. At the second traffic light turn left.2 策略之二:删除诸如who is”或that is之类的关系代词,变从句为短语。 The novel, which is written in three parts, told a story that took place in the Middle Ages. The t

8、hree-part novel told a story set in the Middle Ages.注:把句中的”three parts”改用形容词来表达,节省了四个不必要的单词”which is written in”。我们经常可以将关系代词如”that”去掉,这只会引起最少的变动。2 策略之三:剔除你不需要的单词Two joint partners will present their views over a long-distance telephone call. 写完这样的句子后,你自己再读一遍,挑出单词”joint”和”telephone”,注意删去不必要的词。2 策略之四:

9、表达否定意义时,尽量避免使用否定词。英语中很多词不用 nos 或者nots也能表达否定含义的词汇,你尽可以采取更为委婉的表达方式。例:Thus college students who do not have sufficient financial backing ,也就是 college students who lacks sufficient financial backing。如果你不想使用太多的否定词,就应该尽量避免使用它们。善于变化许多人将简洁与简短混为一谈,其实二有很大区别。简洁的主旨是用尽量少的词汇讲述整个故事,简短的主旨则是为保持文章篇幅短小,精心撰写或随意删除文中的某些词

10、语或章节。简洁并不意味着总写短句子。事实上,如果句式缺乏变化,文章就会显得支离破碎,缺少联系,让人觉得写作技巧贫乏。句式的变化能令文章协调而流畅,会让读者感觉到作者对主题把握得游刃有余。虽然短句没什么语法错误,但用得太多会使本应合在一起的意思分离开来。记住:不要使用一串串短的、支离破碎的句子。要理清自己的思路,尽量使句子长度有所变化。Before: The Art of Strategy was written by Sun Tzu. It is a fifty-six-hundred-word Chinese classical work. The writer put forth a se

11、t of principles in a very tightly compressed manner. They deal with how to defeat oppositions and win battles.这种表达的问题在于:(1) 简单的“主语+谓语”结构太多;(2) written和writer,The Art of Strategy It,set of principles they为重复用语;(3) 读起来很单调。After:In his fifty-six-hundred word classic, The Art of Strategy, Sun Tzu put fo

12、rth a tightly compressed set of principles for achieving triumph over opposition.介词结构+同位语+主语+谓语的形式比较好,因为将Sun Tzu 放到了最重要成分-主语的位置,其他成分按逻辑排序居次要地位。整个句子很流畅。再看下面各例Choppy: Of course, the weapons at Sun Tzus time were quite primitive. The armies were very large. They were nearly as large as those in World W

13、ar Two. The devastation and human sufferings were just as profound as in World War Two. Compared with World War Two, the weapons at Sun Tzus time were quite primitive, but the armies were nearly as large and the devastation and human suffering just as profound. Proverbs are short sayings. They are d

14、rawn from long experience. Proverbs are short sayings drawn from long experience. People change and places change as well. Jennifer felt this strongly. She had been away for eleven years. On returning after an eleven-year absence, Jennifer had a strong feeling of how people and places change. Beijin

15、g streets are crowded with taxis, company cars and private vehicles owned by the newly affluent. The number has been rising rapidly in the last few years. The latest statistics show there are now 1.2 million vehicles in Beijing alone. Taxis, company cars and private vehicles owned by the newly afflu

16、ent have crammed Beijing streets in rising numbers in the last few years - 1.2 million vehicles at last count. Moby Dick is a book. It is a long book. It is about a whale. A man named Ahab tries to kill it. Herman Melville wrote it. Herman Melville wrote a long book called Moby Dick. It is the story

17、 of a struggle of a man against a whale. Thousands of buildings met the same fate. This alone is now being preserved. It marks the center of the nuclear explosion. It is being preserved as a symbol. It symbolizes our wish that there be no more Hiroshimas. Of the thousands of buildings that met the s

18、ame fate, this alone, marking the center of the nuclear explosion, is now being preserved to symbolize our wish that there be no more Hiroshimas. I have always had a dream. My dream has been to be a famous writer. Everyone would read my books. I would become very wealthy. I have always dreamed of be

19、ing a wealthy, famous writer, read by everyone. This is a wreck. It was formerly the stately Imperial Garden. It is preserved deliberately as a reminder and symbol. This wreck, formerly the stately Imperial Garden, is preserved deliberately as a reminder and symbol.句式变化的一些技巧英语的一个显著特征是它可轻易地把简单结构(一个中心

20、意思)转化为复合结构(两个中心意思)和复杂结构(一个中心意思和一个从属意思)甚至转化为复合-复杂结构(两个或以上的意思)。主句,又称独立句,表达可独立成句的思想内容。从句,又称非独立句,表达不能独立成句,而需与主句一起构成完整的思想内容。达到句式多变的最佳期途径是把关键词或短语换到开头或结尾,从中发现达到你的目的和适合你的品味的最好方法。通过连接短句-省词,增词,改变词序或把不那么重要的思想放到从句中去-你就可以写出更流畅,成熟的句子。例 Lu Hao graduated last summer. He joined the First Auto Works in Changchun soon

21、 after graduation. He received an engineering degree from his college.采用从句能将这三个简单句以不同方式连接起来。After: After graduating last summer with an engineering degree, Lu Hao soon joined the First Auto Works in Changchun.(介词结构 + 主语 + 谓语)或: An engineering degree-holder, Lu Hao joined the First Auto Works in hang

22、chun last summer soon after graduation.(同位语 + 主语 + 谓语 +状语) Having graduated with an engineering degree, Lu Hao joined the First Auto Works in Changchun last summer.(状语+ 主语 + 谓语)巧用倒装To be or not to be: that is the question.-William ShakespearNever before have we had so little time to do so much.-美国前总

23、统 Franklin D. RooseveltPlain: We sat on the cliffs by the sea, watching the sunset.Interesting: On the cliffs by the sea we sat, watching the sunset.(介词短语-主语-谓语-分词)Normal: The professor walked in.Reversed: In walked the professor.(谓语-主语) Jeremy scorned honest men. Honest men Jeremy scorned.(宾语-主语谓语)

24、 Although I am fond of my children, I hope they wont grow up spoilt. Fond as I am of my children, I hope they wont grow up spoilt He never gave up certain habits of his youth, and one of them was that he liked to inspect his clothes thoroughly for wrinkles before he stepped out of the door. Certain

25、habits of his youth he never gave up, and one of them was that he liked to inspect his clothes thoroughly for wrinkles before he stepped out of the door. Stephen was a bungler then. A bungler Stephen was then.(补语-主语-谓语) We shall never feel secure.Reversed/Interesting: Secure we shall never feel. Thi

26、s is a lost generation. This is a generation lost. The immense expanse of the Gobi Desert stretches before us. Before us stretched the immense expanse of the Gobi Desert.(介词短语-谓语-名词) He wasnt cut out to be a peacetime officer. He wanted glory, he wanted the excitement of war. No one, except possibly

27、 himself, has ever doubted his physical courage (or any other kind of courage). He wasnt cut out to be a peacetime officer. He wanted glory, he wanted the excitement of war. His physical courage (or any other kind of courage) no one, except possibly himself, has ever doubted. Nobody knows why lands

28、sink under the sea and rise again. Why lands sink under the sea and rise again nobody knows. I dare not trust her.Emphatic: Trust her I dare not. I never thought he would return alive. Never did I think he would return alive.Loose: History has proved amply that mere numbers may be defeated by smaller forces who are superior in arms, organization, and morale. That mere numbers may be defeated by smaller forces who are superior in arms, organization, and morale history has amply proved. I hate taxes and tax collectors equally. Taxes and tax collectors, I hate equall

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