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1、3) But at the same time, some problems remain. 2. 明确中心思想 例1以Whats to Be Done Without Water? 为题,可确定主题思想,列出写作提纲:1) Water is indispensable to life.2) But unfortunately, water shortage has not drawn everyones attention3) We have to develop ways to refuse water and utilizing sea water.也可以从另外角度来写1) Water

2、is found everywhere.2) Without water, there would be no life.3) Therefore, what can we do? 3写好提纲 例1就 Environment Pollution 为题,列出下列短语式提纲 1) Industrial wastes 2) Automobile exhaust 3) Rivers are dirty 4) Factory smoke 5) Lakes are contaminated 6) Fish die 7) Cities are noisy 8) Garbage is everywhere 9

3、) Poisonous chemicals in the air例2以 Means of Communication 为题:1) Fire was used in ancient times2) Body language- gestures, postures, facial expressions, etc.3) Sign language4) Letter writing5) Modern means of communicationA. radioB. televisionC. pressD. telephoneE. faxF. e-mail 4写好开头一篇文章有三个基本组成部分:引言

4、段 (introductory paragraph), 正文 (body) 和结尾段 (concluding paragraph)。英语作文常用的开头一般有五种1) 用简单的表述一语道破主题。2) 用一个简短的叙述或描写。3) 用一段与主题有关的对话。4) 用一段与主题有关的轶事或故事作引子。5) 用引语或谚语开头 5突出主体(正文) 主体是主题的扩展和深化,是对问题的分析和说明。它可以是一段,也可以是二,三 段或更多段落。一切服从主题的展开,各段应相互衔接,前后联系。分段时要注意层次,又要注意到段落的一致性和完整性。 主体在篇幅上一般要占百分之七十以上,内容必须丰富,详实,有分析,推理,更要

5、生动有力,实实在在的例子。例1 Why I Teach Peter G. Beidler 1) Why do you teach? My friend asked the question when I told him that I didnt want to be considered for an administrative position. He was puzzled that I did not want what was obviously a “step up” toward that all Americans are taught to want when they g

6、row up: money and power. 2) Certainly I dont teach because teaching is easy for me. Teaching is the most difficult of the various ways I have attempted to earn my living: mechanic, carpenter, writer. For me, teaching is a red-eye, sweaty-palm, sinking stomach profession. Red-eye, because I never fee

7、l ready to teach no matter how late I stay up preparing. Sweaty-palm, because Im always nervous before I enter the classroom, sure that I will be found out for the fool that I am. Sinking-stomach, because I leave the classroom an hour later convinced that I was even more boring than usual. 3) Nor do

8、 I teach because I think I know answers, or because I have knowledge I feel compelled to share. Sometimes I am amazed that my students actually take notes on what I say in class! 4) Why, then, do I teach? 5) I teach because I like the pace of the academic calendar. June, July, and August offer an op

9、portunity for reflection, research, and writing. 6) I teach because teaching is a profession built on change. When the material is the Same, .I change- and, more important, my students change. 7) I teach because I like the freedom to make my own mistakes, to learn my own lessons, to stimulate myself

10、 and my students. As a teacher, Im my own boss. If I want my freshmen to learn to write by creating their own textbook, who is to say I cant? Such courses may be huge failures, but we can all learn from failures. 8) I teach because I like to ask questions that students must struggle to answer. The w

11、orld is full of right answers to bad questions. While teaching, I sometimes find good questions. 9) I teach because I enjoy finding ways of getting myself and my students out of the ivory tower and into the real world. I once taught a course called “Self-reliance in a Technological Society.” My 15 s

12、tudents read Emerson, Thoreau, and Huxley. They kept diaries. They wrote term papers. 10) But we also set up a corporation, borrowed money, purchased a run-down house and practiced self-reliance by renovating it. At the end of the semester, we sold the house, repaid our loan, paid our taxes, and dis

13、tributed the profits among the group. 11) So teaching gives me pace, and variety, and challenge, and the opportunity to keep on learning. 12) I have left out, however, the most important reasons why I teach. 13) One is Vicky. My first doctoral student, Vicky was an energetic student who labored at h

14、er dissertation on a little-known 14th century poet. She wrote articles and sent them off to learned journals. She did it all herself, with an occasional nudge from me. But I was there when she finished her dissertation, learned that her articles were accepted, got a job and won a fellowship to Harv

15、ard working on a book developing ideas shed first had as my student. 14) Another reason is George, who started as an engineering student, then switched to English because he decided he liked people better than things. 15) There is Jeanne, who left college, but was brought back by her classmates beca

16、use they wanted her to see the end of the self-reliance house project. I was there when she came back. I was there when she told me that she later became interested in the urban poor and went on to become a civil rights lawyer. 16) There is Jacqui, a cleaning woman who knows more by intuition than m

17、ost of us learn by analysis. Jacqui has decided to finish high school and go to college. 17) These are the real reasons I teach, these people who grow and change in front of me. Being a teacher is being present at the creation, when the clay begins to breathe. 18) A “promotion” out of teaching would

18、 give me money and power. But I have money. I get paid to do what I enjoy: reading, talking with people, and asking questions like, “What is the point of being rich”? 19) And I have power. I have the power to nudge, to fan sparks, to suggest books, to point out a pathway. What other power matters? 2

19、0) But teaching offers something besides money and power: it offers love. Not only the love of learning and of books and ideas, but also the love that a teacher feels for that rare student who walks into a teachers life and begins to breathe. Perhaps love is the wrong word: magic might be better. 21

20、) I teach because, being around people who are beginning to breathe, I occasionally find myself catching my breath with them.全文可图示如下: 引言段- -第一段 “不是因为“-第二段 一般原因 正 文 “而是因为“ 第三段 重要原因 “教书: 充满着爱 第四段 结尾段-第五段6认真写好结尾1) 用归纳法点明主题。2) 用概括法总结全文所讨论的问题和要点。3) 展望未来,指明方向,激励读者。4) 采用层递法,使结果成为全文的高潮。7认真修改初稿 修改作文 从内容(cont

21、ent),组织逻辑(organization), 句子(sentence)和措词(diction) 等四个方面重点检查修改,以提高英语作文的质量:1) ContentA. Is the thesis clear? Is it supported by enough facts (details, reasons, examples, etc.)B. Is there irrelevant material that should be removed?C. Is the logic sound? Are there gaps in the logic?2) OrganizationA. Is

22、the arrangement of the material clear and logical?B. Are there proper transitions between sections?C. Does each paragraph have a separate central idea?D. Does the introductory paragraph lead to the main point of the paper?E. Does the concluding paragraph give the reader a clear impression of what th

23、e paper intends to say?3) SentencesA. Are there structural mistakes?B. Are there wordy and redundant sentences?C. Are there unnecessary sentences that may be removed?D. Is there variety in sentence type?4) DictionA. Are there words that are not appropriate for the topic or conflict with the style of

24、 the rest of the essay (e.g. too colloquial or too formal)?B. Are there words or phrases which are directly translated from Chinese but which may mean something different in English? 第二部分 写作体裁 (Types of Writing) 和写汉语作文一样,英语作文的写法应视写作目的,意图以及题目的性质而定。通常看到和写的文章共分四类:描写文,叙述文,说明文和议论文。 1. 描写文 (Description)描写

25、是对人物,地点,事物,情景的描写,其目的是要借助形象来传递信息。写描写文时要注薏以下几个方面:1) 描写我们的感观能感觉到的最具代表性,最能说明问题及最具感染力的人和事。2) 描写的内容必须与文章的主题思想紧密相关。3) 描写文中不仅应有对被描写的景物,事物与人物的概括与总结,还应有具体的 事实和观点以帮助说明主题,使得描写文有血有肉,丰富而充实。4) 描写文中的材料应取舍合理,安排恰当,合乎逻辑,根据不同的情况依照空间 顺序进行描写。例1 The central character is Toney, an itinerant peddler, skilled gambler, and ma

26、ster gunfighter (总的应象,引入描写)。He is blind, yet gifted with unusual perceptive powers(最重要的特征). Toney abilities(引入具体的例证). He can shoot a coin thrown up into the air by listening to its turning. He can feel the color and value of poker chips. He is even able to locate a delicate cactus blossom surrounded

27、 by thorns from its aroma (具体的不同方面的例证). Ridiculous! Many other people cant help suspecting his blindness.Accompanied by his faithful mule, Sisic, Toney becomes involved in the town struggles. Single-handedly, he wipes out the hired killers through his unorthodox gunplay and unconventional fighting t

28、echniques, which constantly astound bystanders(更多的例证). Continuing his journey westward, Toney fearlessly moves on with the satisfaction of knowing that the town is out of peril(结束句).例2 The United States covers a large part of the North American continent. Its neighbors are Canada to the north, and M

29、exico to the South. Although the United States is a big country, it is not the largest in the world. Its population is now about 200 million(概况).When this land first became a nation, after winning its independence from England, it had thirteen stares. Each of the states was represented on the Americ

30、an flag by a star. All these states were in the eastern part of the continent. As the nation grew toward the west, new states were added and new stars appeared on the flag. For a long time, there were 48 states. In 1959, however, two more states were added to the flag, representing the new states of Alaska and Hawaii(简要的历史) Indians were the first inhabitants of the land which is now the

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