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1、Cocktails, boys? 要鸡尾酒吗 帅哥们On your left. 在你左手边Is that Alexs old bike? 那是艾丽克斯的旧单车吗Yes, totally rebuilt. 是的 重新组装的It only took me three months and two tetanus shots. 只花了我三个月时间和两管破伤风针Shes been dropping hints about wanting some wheels. 她最近一直暗示想要辆车Are you sure she didnt mean a - 你确定她说的不是.Unicycle? No. She

2、definitely said wheels. 独轮车吗 不 她肯定说了多轮车Well, the baskets perfect for loading up the toiletries. 车篮正好用来放盥洗用品Remember last time we went up there? 还记得我们上次去那里吗She was washing her hair with the powdered soap from the ladies room. 她正在用女厕的肥皂粉洗头Alex is an intelligent, accomplished - 艾丽克斯是个聪明 有学问的.- You can

3、just say it. ?- Scatterbrain. -你就直说了吧 -马大哈Sometimes, she studies so hard 她有时太用功念书she forgets about the little things. 会忘记一些小事ll be at the library. 我去图书馆Uh, honey.arent you forgetting something? 女儿 你是不是忘了什么东西That was close. 差点忘了God. 老天m on it. 我去处理So, this is the place Ill call home for the next four

4、 years. 这里就是未来四年我称为家的地方And because youre a theater major, 而且因为你念的是戏剧系probably the biggest apartment youll ever have. 这很可能是你这辈子最大的公寓了There are two things I want to avoid my first day of school: 在开学第一天 我不想发生两件事getting caught leaving the shower in my aqua shoes, 被发现我洗完澡穿着滑水鞋出来and a tearful goodbye. 以及挥

5、泪告别My classmates are gonna see me cry eventually. 我的同学们始终会看到我哭d prefer it be during a curtain call. 但我希望是在谢幕的那一刻看见I am Colombian, 我是哥伦比亚人so its against my nature to give Manny what he wants: 满足曼尼的愿望有违我的天性a cold, white-people goodbye. 他想要冷漠的白人式告别But I know hes sensitive, 但我知道他很多愁善感and hes having a ha

6、rd time leaving the nest, 离家让他很难过m gonna give it to him. 所以我会顺他的意Good luck, chum. 祝你好运 室友Where do you want your espresso machine? 你的浓缩咖啡机想放在哪里On my desk is fine. 放我书桌上就行And dont worry, Trevor. 别担心 特雷弗ll pay for the beans with the money from our swear jar. 买咖啡豆的钱用脏话罐里的罚款付Dont forget - no coffee after

7、 4:00, 别忘了 四点后不许喝咖啡or you get the nightmares. 否则你会做噩梦I think I can take it from here. 接下来我自己搞定就行了Thank you both for all of your help. 谢谢二位的帮忙Sure thing. 不客气We will keep in touch, son. 我们保持联络 儿子Well, my friend, 这位朋友you have just witnessed the rare perfect goodbye. 你刚刚见证了十分罕见的完美告别History records but f

8、ew flawless farewells: 历史上仅记录到过几次完美告别Oscar Wildes deathbed bon mot, 奥斯卡王尔德临终之时的珠玑妙语墙纸越来越破 而我越来越老 两者之间总有一个要先消失 英国作家 诗人 散文家 据说他的遗言是Rhett Butler not giving a - 白瑞德毫不在乎.Rhett Butler not giving a - 世界经典名著飘中的人物Damn it. 我靠I left my white noise machine at home. 我把白噪音机忘在家了I left my white noise machine at hom

9、e. 白噪音能抵消外界噪音 帮助入眠Now I have to go back there, 这下我不得不回去and risk ruining our perfect goodbye. 可能会毁掉我们的完美告别呢But youre gonna thank me, Trevor. 但你会感谢我的 特雷弗Theres something soothing about constant background noise that. 持续的背景噪音能安抚.Trev? 小特One gin and tonic. 一杯金汤力I hope youre not. driving. 希望不是你. 开车开球Sorr

10、y, thats usually a big hit with the golfers. 抱歉 这笑话通常高尔夫球手们都很喜欢It was hilarious. 很好笑But Im trying to avoid laugh lines. 但我尽力避免长出笑纹I get that. 我懂I dont want crows feet, so I never squint, 我不想长鱼尾纹 所以我从不眯眼even if a cop is shining his flashlight directly in my eyes. 哪怕警察正用手电筒直照我的双眼Once a week, I sleep i

11、n a wetsuit full of Vaseline. 我每周一次穿着涂满凡士林的潜水服睡觉It shows. 效果显著啊It was like meeting myself in 30 years. 简直像遇到三十年后的我Turns out, I really held up. 原来我真的驻颜有术Good morning, Ms. Rappaport. 早上好 拉帕波特女士Oh, hello. 你好- Duke, is it? ?- Yes. -你叫杜克对吧 -是的Haley, shouldnt you be getting back to your cart? 海莉 你是不是该回球车上

12、去了Rhonda asked me to sit down. 是朗达叫我陪她坐的s a rule against staff fraternizing with members, 我们明令禁止员工和会员过于亲密and you wouldnt want to make trouble for whoever 某人伸出脖子上的人头为你担保stuck their neck out to get you this job. 推荐你来工作 你要安分Oh, I recommend sticking your neck out. 多伸伸脖子是好事Its the only nonsurgical way to

13、 prevent champagne chin. 那是唯一不动刀就能预防双下巴的方法- Speaking of which, um. - Oh, here. Let me get - -说起来. -我去吧Oh, no, no, no, You sit. Hes up. 不不不 你坐 让他去You can top me off, too, Duke. 给我也续一杯吧 杜克I am loving this new smoothie kick. 喝这个果蔬奶昔早餐最赞的是I-I feel like Ive had more green vegetables today 我感觉我今天一天摄入的绿色蔬菜

14、than my dads had in a lifetime. 比我爸一辈子摄入得还多What I love about your smoothie kick 我觉得你这新早餐最棒的地方is how much you talk about it. 就是你总念叨个没完Okay, if youre gonna be mean, be funny. 如果你想损我至少想点有趣的梗Aim for the bumps. 把车往凸出的路面上推Cal likes a bit of a bumpy ride 卡尔喜欢偶尔颠一颠on account of I drove a tractor into my fou

15、rth trimester. 因为我直到孕期第四阶段还在开拖拉机Oh, that sound makes me so nervous. 那声音总让我很不安Some poor family is about to have their life turned upside down. 某个可怜的家庭就要天翻地覆了they seem to be turning down our street. 好像拐到咱家那条街去了So, I-I know that theyre-theyre heroes and all, 我知道他们都是救火英雄but a-are they sweeping up or is

16、that on us? 但他们会帮我们打扫吗 还是我们自己来Okay, you know what? Were gonna have to totally rebuild, 你知道吗 我们得一钉一铆down to the studs. 彻底重建了m distraught. 我要抓狂了Are ya? 是吗m not saying Cam definitely set the fire. 我也不是一口咬定这火是小卡放的It could have been anyone whos spent years 犯人可能是任何一个searching for a way to justify the remo

17、del of our kitchen. 多年来一直在找借口重建厨房的家伙Are you actually accusing me of starting this fire 你不是真的在指控我故意放火just so we could rebuild our hideous kitchen? 只为了能重建这个丑得要命的厨房吧Uh, accusing, no. 指控倒不至于but when you say things like hideous kitchen, 不过你说丑得要命的厨房这种话时it does make me wonder. 的确让我有所怀疑This could be the cau

18、se. 可能是这个引起了火灾Most kitchen fires start in the oven. 大多数厨房失火都是烤箱引起的Oh, my God, did-did I leave the oven on? 我的天哪 我走时没关烤箱吗Well, it appears we found our smoking bun. 看来我们找到了热腾腾的罪魁祸包了shes been here all summer, so this could be pretty rough. 她在这住了一夏天 估计是场硬仗Remember last time there was a rat in her room.

19、还记得上次我们在她房间里发现了老鼠吗s a scientist. She said it was part of a study. 她是科学家 她说老鼠是用来做研究的Honey, it was in a cereal box. 亲爱的 老鼠是在麦片盒里发现的Okay, time to be heroes. 来吧 超能英雄登场Change a bed sheet, change the world. 换下脏床单 世界焕然一新Thats right. 没错I completely forgot you guys were coming. 我都忘了你们两个要来Oh, yeah, Im so sorr

20、y. 真不好意思I wasnt expecting you guys, so. sock. 我不知道你们要来 袜子没收好Oh, is that my old bike? 那是我的旧单车吗Yep! 没错- Spruced it up for you. - Thats great. -为你翻新了 -太棒了I actually just bought a new one, though. 不过我刚刚买了辆新的Guess you can use that one for parts. 你可以用那辆当备用零件What do we have here? An electric mitten holder.

21、 瞧瞧这是什么 电动手套架s a rock-paper-scissors robot I just built. 那是我刚建好的猜拳机器人What?! 什么Its sensors anticipate your next move. 它的传感器能判断你要出什么Maybe for civilians. 普通人才会中招ve been trained in the art of sleight of. hand! 但我的敏捷手法是受过多年训练的At last. 终于a worthy opponent. 遇到对手了Honey, I got you some snacks that dont crumb

22、 up quite so easily. 宝贝 我给你买了些不容易掉渣的零食ll just tuck them away in this. 我就给放在这个.fully-stocked snack cabinet. 已经都买好的零食柜里t forget the paper towels, the paper plates, 别忘了纸巾和一次性餐盘and the toilet - Rock! How? 和卫生间的. 石头 不可思议Seems like youre doing really, really well here. 看来你这里一切都井然有序Okay, well, I have to ge

23、t to the robotics lab. 那好 我得去机器人实验室了But, uh, thank you so much for visiting. 不过多谢你们过来看我Oh, honey. 宝贝You seem to be doing so well. 感觉你表现得超棒Shampoo. 洗发水re so proud of you, Alex. 我们真为你骄傲 艾丽克斯And not just because youve built 不只是因为你建了一个a nearly unbeatable robot. Damn it! 几乎无法战胜的机器人 该死- Okay, well, uh. by

24、e, you guys. - Bye! -好吧 回见了 二位 -拜拜- Bye, honey. ?- Bye, honey. -拜拜 宝贝 -拜拜 宝贝She is really coming into her own, huh? 她真的开始能独立了Look what we did. 看我们把她教得多好t know if we can take all the credit. 我不确定这都是我们的功劳She wasnt like that before she got here. 她来这前不是这样子的You know what? We drove her here, honey. 是我们送她来

25、的 亲爱的We drove her here. 是我们送她来的Two mustards. No one needs that. 谁会需要两罐芥末ll just take that one home. 这罐我拿走That is her new dress. 那是她的新裙子She was so excited about getting this. 她买的时候可兴奋了Why would she throw it out? 她为什么要丢掉Do you think somethings going on? 你觉得有什么问题吗Maybe - Maybe all of the cleaning and t

26、he organizing 可能 可能她打扫卫生 整理东西啊is like a - a coping mechanism. 都是遭遇困难时的应对机制Yeah, between that and the muted response to the bike. 对 从打扫整理与对自行车的冷漠回应.t know. You think we should talk to her? 我不知道 你觉得我们该找她谈谈吗t even playing. 我刚都不是在玩Boom! Damn it. 啊哈 可恶Gun to my head, my top three: 被枪抵着 我心中的前三名是cheddar, S

27、wiss, gouda. 切达奶酪 瑞士硬奶酪 高达奶酪As someone who has actually had a gun to her head, 作为一个真被人拿枪抵着头过的人cheese is not what theyre going to ask about. 他们才不会问你喜欢什么奶酪And now crackers. 现在到饼干了What are you doing? 你在干嘛This is awkward. 尴尬了I need a boy cave. 我想改装个爷们天地t get me started about brie. 别和我提布里奶酪Oh, theres no risk of that. 不用担心m not here, okay? 当我没来过 明白吗You put a lock on the closet? 你给壁橱装上锁了吗s where Im gonna put Santa Claus when I catch him. 我打算抓到圣诞老人后 把他关在里面Sleeping pills in his cookies. 给请他吃的饼干里加点安眠药Joe, who are you talking to? 乔 你在和谁说话

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