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1、_桑树光秃秃的。田野也是一片荒凉。_prizefighter_职业拳击手(成指古时赤手拳击手)_Because of this,they were were known asprizefighters._因此,他们被称作“博奖拳击手”。_crude_粗野的_However,boxing was very coude,for there were to rules and a prizefighter could be seriously injured or even killed during a match._不过,拳击是十分野蛮的,因为当时没有任何比赛规则,职业拳击手有可能在比赛中受重伤

2、,甚至丧命。_Johnnys way of dealing with hooligans was very crude but highly effective._约翰尼对付流氓的办法很粗野,但却十分有效。_Harry began to reveal himself as more than merely crude._哈里开始暴露出他的本相不仅仅是粗暴而已。_marquis_侯爵_The use of gloves was not introduced until 1860,when the Marquis of Wueensberry drew up the first set of ru

3、les._1860年昆斯伯里侯爵第一次为拳击比赛制定了规则,拳击比赛这才用上了手套。_Marquis is a European title of nobility,ranking immediately below a duke and above a count._亿爵是欧洲的一种贵族头衔,在公爵之下,伯爵之上。_The marquis is a great patron of art._这位侯爵是艺术的大恩主。_technically_严格根据法律意义地_Though he was technically a prizefighter,Mendoza did much to change

4、 prizefighting to a sprort,for he brought science to the game._虽然门多萨严格来讲不过是个职业拳击手,但在他为拳击提升成为一种体育运动作出了重大的贡献。是他把科学引进了拳击。_I wonder whether he is a political prisoner.he isnt,technically,Yet he is._“我不知道他是不是政治犯。”“从法律上来说,他不是,可实际上是。_Technically you could be prosecuted for this but I dont suppose the defen

5、se xounsel would do that._严格按法律办事的话,辩护律师可以起诉你,可是我想他不会那么做。_science_科学_She computer is one of the marvels of modern science._计算机是现代科学的奇迹之一。_The great tragedy of science - the slayign of a beautiful theory by an ugly fact._科学的大悲剧是 - 美国的理论被丑恶的事实扼杀。_popularity_名望_In his day,Mendoza enjoyed tremendous pop

6、ularity._门多萨在他的全盛暑期深受大家欢迎。_He was some fifty years of age,and his popularity was at its height._他年纪五十上下,名望也达到了顶点。_The driveling song seemed to have kept in popularity._看起来那支絮絮叨叨的歌倒是盛行不衰。_adore_崇拜_He was adored by rich and poor alike._穷人富人都对他崇拜备至。_He will make this girl his wife,passionately adore he

7、r for six weeks,and then suddenly become fascinated by someone else._他会娶这个女孩子,对她顶礼膜拜六个星期,然后突然迷上别人。_My friend adores the life of the Canadian University with its happy freedom and its jolly companionships._我朋友对加拿大大学的生活非常喜欢,认为那儿的生活自由自在,人际交往也非常愉快。_alike_一样地_Men and women alike screamed with rage,fear a

8、nd desperation ,all mixed into one emotional spasm._男男女女都一样,又气,又怕,又绝望,齐声叫了起来,大家都情绪激愤。_The sun shines all alike._太阳照耀万物。_fame_名声_Mendoza rose to fame swiftly after a boxing match when he was only fourteen years old_门多萨在14岁参加了一场拳击赛后一拳成名。_Vera was in no way moved by either his wealth or fame._他的财富才好,名声

9、也罢,都不会让维拉动心。_A few poems,some stories;these are Edgar Allen Poes claim to fame as a writer._几首诗,几个短篇小说,就是爱伦坡驰誉文坛的本钱。_eminent_著名的_This attracted the attention of Richard Humphries who was then the most eminent boxers in England._这引起了当英国拳坛名将理查德汉弗莱的注意。_He was an eminent pickpocket._他以前是个出名的扒手。_Watson w

10、as eminent among his contemporaries._华生在同代人里很出名。_bitterly_厉害地_The two men quarreled bitterly and it was clear that the argument could only be settled by a fight._两个人吵得很凶,显而易见,只有较量一番才能解决问题。_The Ministry was attacked bitterly by not cappying out a more radical policy._内阁因为没有衽激进的政策遭到猛烈的抨击。_Hal was bitt

11、erly unhappy and proved it forcefully._哈尔非常不开心并且以一种强烈的方式表现了出来。_bet_打赌_The public bet a great deal of moneyon Mendoza,but he was defeated._公众把大笔赌注下到门多萨身上,可他却输了。_If he would bet on horse-races in spite of you warnings,he deserves to lose his money._他不听你的劝非要去赌马,输钱活该。_You can bet your boots that he will

12、 come._没错儿,他准会来。_Academy_专业学校_Meanwhile,he founded a highly sucessful Academy and even Lord Byron became one of his pupils._同时,他建立了一所拳击学校,办得很成功。这拜伦也成了他学生。_Pabo Picasso graduated fromthe royal Academy of Fine Arts in Madrid._毕加索毕业于皇家马德里美术学院。_Perhaps to discipline him,his father sent him to a faraway

13、Admiral Academy._也许是为了磨炼他,他父亲把他送到一所很远的海军学校。_extravagant_浪费的,奢侈的_Despite this,he was so extravagant that he was always in debt._尽管收入很高,但他挥霍无度,经常债台高筑。_His description of Gatsbys extravagant parties are closer to satire than eulogy._他对盖茨比豪宴的描述与其说是赞颂不如说是讽刺。_It is difficult for him to part with his extra

14、vagant habits._要他戒除那些奢侈的习惯可真不容易。_poverty_穷困_He was sent ot prison for failing to pay his debts and died in poverty in 1836._他因无力还债而被捕入狱,最后于1836 年在贫困中死去。_As last from great wealth he fell into the direct prverty._他终于由巨富也沦为赤贫。_I had forgotten the taste of poverty during the years I had been earning my

15、 living by writing and lecturing._我多年以写作和讲课为生,已经忘记了贫困的滋味。_Lesson 22_run_(戏剧,电影等)连演,连映_Some plays are os successful that they run for years on end._有些剧目十分成功,连续上演好几年。_Jims was a one-man show and he ran it brilliantly._吉姆演的是独角戏,并且演得很出色。_The play ran for two consecutive years in Broadway._这出戏在百老汇连续上演了两年

16、。_lines_(剧本中的)台词_In many ways,this is unfortunate for the poor actors who are required to go on repeating the lines night after night._从很多方面来看,这对那些可怜的演员并非幸事,因为他们得一夜连一夜地重复同样的台词。_Perhaps the most famous line in Shakespeare is to be or not to be_也许“生存还是毁灭”是莎士比亚戏剧里最著名的台词了。_Actors are likely to freeze on

17、 the stage when they forget their lines._演员忘词的时候很可能僵在台上。_part_剧中的角色,台词_One would expect them to know thier parts by heart and never have cause to falter._人们以人,这些演员一定会把台词背得烂熟。决不会临场结巴的,但情况却不总是这样。_Have you learned your parts yet?_你把你的台词背熟了没有?_Susch parts are often considered to be thankless,unrewarding

18、._这种角色通常被变为是吃力不讨好的。_falter_支吾,结巴说_Trembling with shock,she managed to falter out a few words of thanks._她惊恐得发抖,结结巴巴地说了几句表示感谢的话。_He is not likely to falter to such an occasion._在这种场合下他是不大可能结结巴巴的。_cast_选派扮演角色_A famous actor in a highly successful play was once cast in the role of an aristocrat who had

19、 beenimprisoned in the Basille for twenty years._有一位名演员曾在一出极为成功的剧目中扮演一个贵族角色,这个贵族已在巴士底狱被关押了20年。_The director cast me as a mad scientist._导演分派我扮演一个发疯的科学家。_An unknown boy was cast in the leading role。_一个默默无闻的男孩子被挑选扮演主角。_role_角色_He prefers to play comic roles_他更喜欢扮演喜剧角色。_Once more ,she was aware that th

20、e role of scapegoat had fallen ot her_她意识到,替罪羊的角色又一次落到她身上。_aristocrat_贵族_Anna Christie was a born aristocrat._安娜克里斯蒂是个天生的贵族_Cant you see he just wants to play the aristocrat?_你看不出他就是想份出一副贵族派头吗_imprison_关押_Another picture shows Danae in the brazen tower in which her father had imprisoned her._另一幅画画的是

21、达那厄被她父亲关在一座铜塔里的情景。_Gatsby was overwhelmingly aware of the youth and mystery that wealth imprisons and preserves._盖茨比深切地体会到财富是怎样禁锢和保存着青春和神秘的。_Bastille_巴士底狱_gaoler_狱卒_In the last act ,a gaoler would always come on to the stage with a letter which he would hand to the prisoner._在最后一幕中,狱卒手持一封信上场,然后将信交给那

22、位被囚的贵族。_The gaoler,though insignificant,was generally agreed to be the most successful part in the play._狱卒虽不重要,但却被公变为是剧中最成功的一个角色。_The kind gaoler agreed to post the letter for the prisoner._好心的看守答应帮犯人寄信。_colleague_同事,同僚_One night ,the gaoler decided to play a joke on his colleague to find out if,af

23、ter so many performances he had managed to learn the contents of the letter by heart._一天晚上,狱卒决定跟他的同事开个玩笑,看看他反复演出这么多场后,究竟是否把信的内容记熟了。_My colleagues read the communique with astonishment rather than excitement._我的同事读了公报,感到惊奇而不是欣喜。_Candid advice ot the President by his colleagues is inhibited._总统的同僚向他进言

24、的渠道被阻塞了。_curtain_(舞台上的)幕布_The curtain went up on the final act of the play and revealed the aristocrat sitting alone behind bars in his dark cell._大幕拉开,最后一幕开始,贵族独自一人坐在铁窗后昏暗的牢房里。_The curtain is up when the audience enters the theatre._观众进入剧场时,大幕已经拉开。_As the curtain rises ,a garden is seen on the stag

25、e._幕布拉开时,一个花园呈现的舞台上。_reveal_使显露_The curtain was rised,to reveal a darkened stage._大幕拉开,露出一个灯光打暗的舞台。_The porter held the lantern and revealed the face of Dr.Rubber._看门人举起灯照了照,发现是拉伯大夫。_cell_单人监房,监号_The policeman threatened to lock him up in the dark cell if he dinnt come out with the information._警察威胁

26、他,要是不说,就把他关在黑牢里去。_He was first confined to a cell._他开始被在单人牢房里。_blank_空白的_It was simply a blank sheet of paper._那只是一张白纸。_My mind dwent blank._我脑子里一片空白。_His face is quite blank._他脸上毫无表情。_squint_眯着(眼)看,瞄_Then,squinting his eyes,he said,The light is dim,Read the letter to me._然后,他眯缝起眼睛,说道:“光线太暗了。你读给我听。_

27、The sun was so bright that I had to squint._太阳光太强,我只好眯着眼看。_He took careful aim,squinting down the rifle barrel._他顺着枪筒眯着眼睛,认真瞄准靶子。_dim_昏暗的_The second picture contained for foreground only the dim peak of a hill,will grass and leaves slanting as by a breeze._第二张画,前景是一座蒙胧的小山,草和叶子倾斜着,仿佛被风吹动似的。_Instead o

28、f a dim glow we now see countless stars._我们现在看到的不一片幽暗的余光,而是数不清的星星。_sire_(古用法)陛下_Finding that he could not remember a word of the letter either,the gaoler replied:The light is indeed dim,sire.I must get my glasses._狱卒发现自己也是一个字也记不起,于是便说:“光线的确太暗,陛下,我得去把眼镜拿。_Sire,do I have your permission to withdraw?_陛下,我是否可以告退了?_The people await you,sire._臣民在等候您,陛下。_proced_继续进行_Much to the aristocrats amusement,the gaoler returned a few moments

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