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1、1 整合教材,提高教学效率 P26 广州市东圃中学 张虹2教学感悟两则 P29 广州市十七中学 张晓燕 3新课程理念下的教材使用 P37 广州市天秀中学 刘莉4新教材的挑战,我们的迎战!P35 广大附中 秦维平与你切磋 广州市教育局教研室中英科词汇教学篇牛津版初一英语词汇教学心得 增城市增城中学初一英语科组牛津版教材内容丰富,课文知识内容较广、相对较难,词汇量很大,重点培养学生听、说、读、写等综合能力。对于那些小学英语知识不扎实的学生来说,根据牛津版新教材,教师不容易开展英语教学。所以教师在教学思路和方法上求实、求新、求变;同时注意学生在学习方法上的突破,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略


3、后再跟说。为直观的单词配以图片、体态语帮助学生理解,顺利完成音形义的逐步过度。2重方法。众多中小学的单词都是词根,是学好日后单词的基础。我们要做到以旧引新,注重单词之间的联想和迁移。例如:light night tonight fight。合成法与派生法是中学词汇一大规律。ballbasketball/ football/ baseball;singsinger/ singing/ singer等等。还有让学生懂得分类记忆、卡片记忆、同义记忆、反义记忆、图表记忆、歌曲记忆以及绕口令、串词记忆等方法。我们觉得最重要的方法还是音标记忆法,这是学习英语的根本。只有做到了这一步,学生会学英语,而且改变


5、是词汇的生命线。学生懂得了词性,慢慢就懂得词汇在句子中的运用,让词汇获得存在的意义。为此,字词句的教学是英语学习的关键之一。因为两周的复习是不充分的,平时教学中词汇的渗透也是很重要。第一单元可以渗透家谱的词汇,第二单元可以渗透季节天气的词汇等等。可见,单词的记忆是必要的,用不同的方法拓展词汇量有益于学生听、说、读、写等综合能力的提高。平时,指导学生要注意单词之间的联系,要不断地结合语境边学边练,通过多渠道多纬度掌握词汇,最终达到运用语言的目的。附: 相 对 开 音 节结构发音单 词 实 例a_e/ei/face name grade base female cave shake space m

6、ale escape cage fakee_e/i:/Chinese Japanese Cantonese eve complete these i_e/ai/ice rice five nine time twice arrive divide size decide shine hide countryside o_e/u/nose note those hope coke smoke alone phone telephone tone u_e/ju:huge cure cute fuse tube相 对 闭 音 节a_/_ _/at fat cat can add grab flash

7、 graph sand bamboo patch land damage e_/_ _/e/bed egg dress address collect attend spent theft press invent set sell i_/_ _/i/it hit fit quiz hit discuss ring lift discover trip invent divide wing o_/_ _/box fox dog cross cost robot pocketu_/_ _/ /us bus cut luck discuss club brush rush button paint

8、brush trust gun R 音 节ar/a:far farther farthest arm farm farming mark smart dark harmless harmful barer/:partner Superman wonder paper newspaper discover robber poster her term tern, lantern, German, Germanyirfirst third bird shirtor/:form fortnight afford information born exporturpurse hurt burn tur

9、n/ear hear here/where there wear bear care fare their air/sure poor gourds/a/fire tire tired hire组 合 音 节oi/oy/i/coin choice point boyeaeat tea beat steal peace beam speakeree/eikeen steel freedom Halloween see need weekday/ receive foreignighlight fright night fight sighowsnow show own know followoo

10、/u:food stool cartoon noodles afternoon kangaroo/u/cook book foot good goose mushroomth/thin thank third north truth birthday theft thief/that then these mother brother with booth绕口令句子实例:The rain in Spain mainly stays in the plain.I see these green litchis on the trees between the streets.Mike likes

11、 to write by the bright light at night.I hope those people put those little bottles on their noses.We use huge tubes to deliver fuels.说明:在广州版和牛津版教科书中是没有将单词按照音标发音规律和字母组合的关系这一页,要是能将所有的相对开音节、相对闭音节、R音节以及组合音总结出来,学生学习会更加方便,而且有助于教师的教学。 语法教学篇A Teaching Plan for Oxford English(Shanghai)Unit 3 LanguageTeacher

12、: 林李华 (广州市荔湾区花地中学)Teaching School: 广州市萝岗区第91中学Teaching Class: Class 8, Junior 1Date: October 18, 2007Teaching time: 40minutesTeaching type: Language and ConsolidationTeaching aims:1. Knowledge* Summarize and consolidate the usage of the simple past tense.* Summarize and consolidate the verb forms of

13、 the simple past tense.* Summarize the time expressions for the past.3. Skills* Develop the students skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.4. Strategies* Develop the students abilities of observation and summary. * Develop the students abilities of cooperation and communication.Teaching

14、 difficulties:1. To guide the students to find out the usage and the rules of verbs forms of the simple past tense.2. To finish the interview and report, using the correct verb tense.Teaching methods: task-based and communicative methodsTeaching aids: multi-media , photos and blackboardTeaching proc

15、edure: 教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图I. Warming-up(Leading-in)1. Play a short video about a basketball match.2. Ask some questions about their school basketball match. Ss talk about their basketball match. 从学生生活入手,激发兴趣,调动学生的原认知,引入课题。II. Presentation- Talk Bar1. Show some detail files of the past and present about

16、 Yao Ming for Ss to talk about.2. Help the Ss use the correct verb tense.Ss talk about Yao Mings past and present.通过描述姚明的过去与现在,帮助学生感知、对比一般现在时态与一般过去时态的用法。III. Summary引导学生观察并发现语言规律。1.归纳一般过去时态的用法及动词形式;2. 归纳一般过去时态的基本句式结构与常用时间状语。发展学生善于发现、归纳的学习能力。IV . Revision and shorten the passage1. Ask some questions

17、about the picture and the story in Reading A. 2. 引导学生对Reading A 进行缩写。根据提示词缩写Reading A。复习主阅读,通过大量的语言输入,让学生感知动词的一般过去时态的用法。Summary学生归纳行为动词过去式的构成规律。. Practice指导学生运用正确的动词形式填空。Ss fill in the blanks: Police catch pizza gang (P 40).通过练习加深学生对一般过去时态的认识。.Guessing game1.Show some pictures and help the Ss to gue

18、ss and answer. 2.解释游戏规则,帮助、指导学生。S1: Did he/she?Ss: Yes, he/she / No, he/she didnt . 通过听说练习,巩固一般过去时态的三种基本句型。通过游戏教学,进行语言的机械性操练, 并激发学生学习的兴趣。. Interview and report(一)1. Show a photo of the teacher. Encourage the Ss to ask some questions about the photo.2. Answer the questions.1.Ss ask questions about th

19、e photoand make notes. 2. According to the notes, Ss write a short passage. 激发学习兴趣,设置真实情景帮助学生运用语言知识。(听、说、写).Interview and report(二)1. Encourage the Ss to interview their friends about their photos.2. Help them to write down the report.1. Ss interview their friends about their photos and make some no

20、tes.2. Ss write down the report according to the notes.设置信息沟,在较真实的情景中,鼓励学生运用英语交流,进一步巩固一般过去时态的运用。通过笔头练习,落实到语言的精确度上。.Self-assessment帮助学生进行反思与自我评价。学生进行反思与自我评价。培养学生善于自我反思的学习能力。. Homework1. Finish the report,then check and correct in pairs.2. Finish the exercises in Book B, P34-36。The Exercise Sheet for

21、Unit 3 LanguageClass:_ Name:_一. Later Sun Fei wrote a report to the City Newspaper. Could you help him to finish it? Yesterday an exciting thing happened to us. _.One woman told my father that three men stole her purse. Two of the men ran away, but the woman and her friend followed this man onto the ferry._. _.二. Interview the teacher and report:Your notes:_Your report: _三. Interview your friend and report:

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