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1、1.Everyday English2.Show the learning aims.3.Look and say.(教师利用多媒体课件出示学过的人物职业图片,让学生读。4.Lets chant.(教师利用多媒体课件出示人物职业图片,学生操练What is he /she? 句型。Step 2:Pre-task stageUsing the pictures to lead out the key words and sentences pattern of this lesson.(借助实物、拼读规则、录音和熟知的句子,师生以问答的方式引出本节课的生词)factory worker,busi

2、nessman,postman和police officerStep 3: While-task stage1.Lets learn(1)look and listen(2)Listen and repeat(3)Follow the teacher (4)Read in groups(5) Read with your partner and recite the words 2.Play a game.Whats missing? 3. GuessStep 4: Post-task stage1Lisen ,match and say教师播放Listen, match and say部分的

3、录音,让学生匹配相应信息,题目如下:Jiao Jies mother police officerGe Nans father postmanZhou Jias mother factory workerLiu Qians father businesswoman学生做好练习,教师核对答案。然后教师和一名学生示范对话,最后学生间就此部分信息展开对话练习,鼓励学生运用所学语言自由发挥,如:T: Is Jiao Jies mother a police officer?S: No, she isnt. What does Jiao Jies mother do? Shes a businesswo

4、man.2.Write and say Step5: Sum up 1.这节课我学会了-。 2.我会用的句型-。Step6: Homework(任选其一)1.If you recite the words,you only write one time ,if you cant recite,you must write three times.(会背的单词,只写一遍,不会的写三遍)2.Can you think of any other jobs? Write them on your exercise books.Ask and answer with your classmates.(你

5、能想出一些其他职业吗?在练习本上写下来,并和你的同学问一问答一答)板 书 设 计Unit 5 What does he do?factory worker postmanbusinessman police officerIs your father a postman?No, he isnt.Hes a businessman.第 2 课时对话课Part A Lets talk & Lets trya. 我能在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意,并回答读后问题。b.我能按照正确的语音语调及意群朗读对话,并能够进行角色表演。c.我能听、说、读、写,并在情景中运用以下句型:What does he

6、/she do.?He is a/an 提问并回答他人的职业。 (难点)Step1 Warm-up 1.Greeting.2.Everyday English: Doing is better than saying! ( 说 到 不 如 做 到 ! )3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system.4. Show the learning aims.5. Lets show the new dialogue.(学生两人一组表演上节课的作业。)Step 2: Pre-task StageLets tryListen ana circleS

7、tep 3 While-task Stage 1. Read the conversation by yourself. If you cant read or understand the words or sentences ,circle it,then ask. 2.Listen and answer:(1)What does Olivers father do?(2) What does Olivers mother do?3. Listen and repeat.4. Read after the teacher.5. Role play. (多种方式的练读。6Practice t

8、he conversation with your partner .奖励提示:如果你能和同伴一起把对话熟练地读下来,你们可以为小组赢得两颗星,如果你能和同伴一起把对话表演出来,你们可以为小组赢得四颗星。7.Show time. Post- task Stage1. Test:Fill in the blanks with the right sentences 2. What does your father /mother do?Write the conversation on the exercise-book and show.(P48)Step 5:Sum up这节课我学会的句型有

9、: .Step 6:HomeworkIf you can write the conversation in your memory, you can get 2 stars. If you can make a new conversation, you can get 4 stars. If you can act the new conversation next class, you can get 6 stars. Unit 5 What does he do Part A Lets talk & Lets try Country head teacherA: What does y

10、our father/mother do ? B: He is a doctor.第 3 课时Part B Lets learn & Write and discuss1.我能借助拼读规则、图片,听、说、读、写fisherman,scientist,pilot ,coach四个职业单词和university地点名词 。2.我能借助图片,会运用What does he/she do? He is a/an What does he/she work? He works at/in (难点)1. Greeting. 2. Everyday English .3. Introduce every g

11、roup name and evaluation system(介绍组名和评价机制) 5. Show “Lets talk”(学生两人一组表演)fisherman,scientist,pilot ,coach 2. Lets chant 3. Play a game:Choose your luck number.1.fill in the blank according to Lets talk.2Write and discuss What does Lee do? Were does he work? He works in a pet hospital. fisherman scien

12、tist pilotcoach university-What does he/she do?- He/She is a doctor.- Were does he /she work?-He /She works in /at.第 4 课时Part B Lets talk &1. 我能在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意,并回答读后问题。2.我能按照正确的语音语调及意群朗读对话,并能够进行角色表演。3.我能听、说、读、写,并在情景中运用句型:Where does he /she work?He works How does he /she go to work? He goes to work询

13、问并回答他人的工作地点和乘坐的交通工具。Listen and circle1. Read the conversation by yourself. If you cant read or understand the words or sentences ,circle it,then ask.Life,stay, healthy, work hard ,should,study hard(1)What does Mikes uncle do?(2) Where does he work?(3)How does he go to work? 1. Fill in the blanks wit

14、h the right sentences 2. Write the conversation on the exercise-book and show.(P50) Where does your father /mother work? -How does he /she go to work?Unit 5 What does he do Part B Lets talk &sea, stay, healthy, work hard ,study hard-Where does he /she work?-He/she works -How does he /she go to work?

15、-He/She goes to work第 5 课时读写课Part B Read and write Tips for pronunciation1、我能通过读前活动的引导回忆与话题相关的背景知识及话题词汇,并能在语篇中捕捉不同类型的信息回答表格中的问题。2、我能根据例句在文中找到更多句中停顿现象,并能正确朗读句子。(难点)2. Everyday EnglishList five jobs.Compare with your partner.How many different jobs are there in both lists?1. Read the passage and choos

16、e a title for the text. ( )People and their jobs ( )Hobbies and jobs 2. Listen and fill in the table.(P53).3. Read after the table.4. At the Real World Camp,children can try to do different jobs.Do you want to go to the camp? Fill in this form.(P53)5Show in class.6.Tips for pronunciation(1)Listen.(2

17、)Repeat.Look at the text on Page 53. Find and say more sentences like these.反馈检测(Test) Discribe your hobbies and dreams like Page 52.Tip 1: 大胆地展示出来吧,相信你是最棒的!Tip 2: 语音语调正确,表情自然。Step 5: This class I have learned .Step 6:If you can write your hobbies and dream, you can get 2 stars. If you can write you

18、 and your friends hobbies and dreams, you can get 6 stars. Part B Read and write My hobbies: My dreams:第 6 课时综合技能活动课Lets check / Story timea. 通过阅读趣味故事,复习巩固本单元所学语言,做到发音清楚,语调达意。达成率100%。b.我能从图片信息中推测考查点,做到有目的地听录音,并完成连线任务。达成率95%。Step1: Warm-up 2. Everyday English.Ask and answer with teacher. A: What does

19、 your father do?B: Hes a . And what does your mother do? She is a . Where does he/she work? She works at/in/on . How does he/she go to work? He/She goes to work . While-task Stage 1. Watch the cartoon and answer:What does Zip want to be?2. Listen and repeat.3. Role play. 如果你能和同伴一起把故事熟练地读下来,你们可以前进两步。4.Show time. 1.反馈检测(Test) (1)Retell the story.(2)Listen and match.(P54)(3)Listen again and fill in the blanks.(P54)2. Lets wrap it.(1)Fill in the blanks.(2)Play the game“I didnt hear you”.

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