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生活大爆炸 第一季 16Word下载.docx

1、30,140我们还是结束吧 打成平手 俄罗斯方块你赢了We might as well stop. Its a stalemate. Youre beating me in Tetris,1230,140 -32,770你的上肢力量就跟个同性恋差不多but youve got the upper body strength of a Keebler elf.1333,040 -35,820同性恋? 我现在就干你Keebler elf? Ive got your Keebler elf right here.1440,580 -42,150好 打成平手Okay, its a stalemate.

2、1544,310 -46,080莱纳德 礼拜六我们会So, leonard, will we be seeing you 1646,080 -48,180在这里看到你和你的免费生日奶酪蛋糕吗on saturday for your free birthday cheesecake?1748,180 -49,110他不能吃奶酪蛋糕He cant eat cheesecake.1849,110 -50,550他乳糖过敏的Hes lactose intolerant.1950,550 -51,930好 那可以要胡萝卜蛋糕Okay, he can have carrot cake.2051,930 -

3、53,270那蛋糕上面装饰的奶油奶酪呢What about the cream cheese frosting?2153,270 -54,620他可以掰下来不吃He can scrape it off.2256,380 -57,300不提蛋糕了Forget about the cake.2357,300 -59,240你怎么会知道礼拜六我生日?How do you know that my birthdays saturday?2459,240 -01:00,670我占卜过你的星座 还记得?I did your horoscope, remember?2500,670 -01,820我还想占卜

4、你们每一个的I was going to do everybodys,2601,820 -04,560直到被谢尔顿那典型且神经兮兮的理论所打断Until sheldon went on one of his typical psychotic rants.2705,310 -06,200正式申明下For the record,2806,200 -08,670那神经兮兮的理论是贝尔特拉姆福尔that psychotic rant was a concise summation2908,670 -11,600所做研究的简要概括Of the research of bertram forer, wh

5、o in 1948,3011,600 -14,560他于1948年通过精心设计的实验Proved conclusively through meticulously designed3114,560 -16,260结论性地证明占星术只不过Experiments that astrology is nothing 3216,260 -17,260是伪科学的噱头but pseudo-scientific hokum.3317,260 -19,090叽里呱啦叽里呱啦 典型的金牛座Blah, blah, blah. typical taurus.3420,470 -22,150说真的 我们是不是周六见

6、?So, seriously. are we going to see you saturday?3522,150 -24,150-我想不是吧 -为什么?Uh, I dont inink so. why not?3624,150 -25,440我不庆祝生日的I dont celebrate my birthday.3725,440 -26,980开玩笑 你不会的Shut up. yeah, you do.3827,000 -29,370这没什么大不了 我一直都是这样的s no big deal; its just the way I was raised.3929,380 -31,770我父母

7、只会在我取得成就的时候庆祝My parents focused on celebrating achievements,4031,770 -33,040而被逐出产道And being expelled from a birth canal 4133,050 -35,040显然不算其中一项was not considered one of them.4236,280 -37,640这太可笑了Thats so silly.4337,640 -39,720事实上 这还是一篇有理有据的文章s actually based on very sound theories.4439,720 -41,550他

8、母亲发表在报纸上的His mother published a paper on it.4541,550 -42,670这篇文章什么标题Well, what was it called?4642,670 -45,270我讨厌我儿子 因此他不能吃蛋糕?i hate my son and thats why he cant have cake4746,090 -47,660显然易见 这是正确的It was obviously effective.4847,660 -50,100莱纳德长大后现在是一位实验物理学家Leonard grew up to be an experimental physic

9、ist.4950,100 -51,750也许如果她还不让他过圣诞节 Perhaps if shed also denied him christmas,5051,750 -53,290他还会更出色些hed be a little better at it.5154,740 -55,820谢谢Thank you.5256,560 -57,970我很爱过生日Well, I love birthdays.5357,970 -02:00,870起床后早饭是妈妈特制的法式吐司Waking up to moms special french toast breakfast,5400,870 -02,500

10、戴上生日王冠 Wearing the birthday king crown, 5502,520 -04,500和朋友们玩激光枪捉人playing laser tag with all my friends.5604,500 -05,370是吗 看见不?Yeah, see?5705,370 -06,790那才是孩子们该干的s what kids should have.5806,790 -08,680事实上 这是在去年Actually, that was last year.5912,250 -15,720这么说你真的从来没开过生日派对?So you really never had a bi

11、rthday party?6015,720 -17,400没错 但没问题啊No, but it was okay.6117,440 -18,450我小时候I mean, when I was little,6218,450 -19,960还想父母可能会改变主意Id think maybe my parents would change6319,960 -21,470然后办个派对给我个惊喜Their mind and surprise me with a party.6421,470 -24,000有一次生日 我上完大提琴课回来Like this one birthday I came home

12、 from my cello6524,000 -26,810看见外面停着许多陌生的轿车Lesson and I saw a lot of strange cars parked out front.6626,810 -27,570我走到门外时When I got to the door,6727,570 -28,770听得见里面人在细声细语 I could hear people whispering 6828,870 -30,770还闻到了表兄的巧克力蛋糕and I could smell german chocolate cake,6930,770 -32,260那是我的最爱Which i

13、s my favorite.7033,140 -34,180然后呢?And?7134,180 -36,500结果是我祖父去世了It turns out my grandfather had died.7237,630 -40,240天呐 那太糟糕了Oh, my god. thats terrible.7340,400 -42,490那次倒有点生日派对的意思Well, it was kind of like a birthday party.7443,080 -46,440所有的亲戚都来了 也有蛋糕 所以.I got to see all my cousins, and there was ca

14、ke, so.7547,360 -49,430这是我听过的最可怜的事了s the saddest thing Ive ever heard.7649,430 -50,430是吗?You think?7750,430 -53,100继续 告诉她你高中毕业舞会的事Go ahead, tell her about your senior prom.7803:12,980 -15,880天才也性感 第一季 第16集The Big Bang Theory S01E167920,330 -22,310叫他们千万别忘了.不放花生Make sure they remember- no peanuts.8022

15、,310 -24,300霍华德 城里每家泰国餐馆Howard, every thai restaurant in town 8124,310 -25,670都知道你不能吃花生knows you cant eat peanuts.8229,710他们看到我进去都直接说 不放花生男来了!When they see me coming, they go, ah, no-peanut boy!8341,400 -42,380好 佩妮Hello, penny.8442,380 -43,490莱纳德刚走Leonard just left.8543,490 -45,060我知道 我来跟你说呢I know.

16、I want to talk to you.8645,180 -46,590我们可以说什么?What would we talk about?8747,240 -49,490就我所知我们没有什么共同语言We have no overlapping areas of interest Im aware of.8849,490 -51,300你知道 我对闲谈没兴趣As you know, I dont care for chitchat.8951,890 -53,000你先让我进去好吗Can you just let me in?9053,000 -55,590没问题 但我不认为这是什么有效的努力

17、Well, all right, but I dont see this as a promising endeavor.9157,500 -58,520好 直接说吧Okay, heres the deal.9258,520 -04:00,030我们要在周六给莱纳德We are going to throw leonard a kick-ass9300,030 -01,710办个超级惊喜的生日派对Surprise party for his birthday on saturday.9401,710 -02,970我不赞同I hardly think so.9502,970 -05,160莱纳

18、德说得很清楚他不想要派对Leonard made it very clear he doesnt want a party.9605,160 -有人说.派对Did someone say. party9709,030 -12,050他根本不知道他想要 因为他从来没有过He just doesnt know he wants one cause hes never had one.9812,240 -14,180这倒是可能的 但申明一下I suppose thats possible, but for the record,9914,180 -16,710我从来没玩过3P 但我仍知道我想玩ve

19、never had a threesome and yet I still know I want one.10019,680 -20,250霍华德Howard,10120,250 -22,240区别在这儿.莱纳德享受一次生日派对Heres the difference- the possibility exists that10222,240 -25,290还有可能在地狱毁灭之前发生Leonard could have a birthday party before hell freezes over.10327,640 -30,330好吧 如果我真的玩3P了 我不会叫你的Fine. if

20、I do have a threesome, you cant be part of it.10432,160 -33,640我开个玩笑啦 你可以加入的m just kidding. yes, you can.10535,150 -38,430你可以带个朋友来吗 Can you bring a friend. 10638,450 -41,430生日派对真是个馊主意I think a birthday partys a terrible idea.10741,430 -44,300我真嫉妒莱纳德从小到大能免于这份痛苦I envy leonard for growing up without th

21、at anguish.10844,300 -45,140痛苦?!Anguish?10945,140 -46,570年复一年Year after year,11046,570 -49,500我都得忍受戴滑稽帽子的痛苦I had to endure wearing comical hats while being11149,500 -52,280然后被迫走到那又挤又满是汗臭的快乐城堡里Forced into the crowded, sweaty hell of bouncy castles.11252,280 -55,190更别提要把我眼睛遮住 转几圈走到一个奇怪的熊那里Not to mention being blindfolded and being spun toward a11355,190 -58,870被其他小孩子嘲笑我没有方向感Grotesque illess donkey as the other children mocked my disorientation.11405:00,350 -01,160亲爱的Okay, sweetie,11501,160 -05,420我知道你有一些非专业人士无法治愈的伤疤I understand u

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