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1、 How would you like to join us?How about / What about + Ving ( going to see a film this evening/ going shopping on this weekend.) Are you doing anything special on Friday, Mr. Smith? Would it be alright if I ? That would be fine / super. Yeah. Why not?ll be delighted to go. (e.g. How about? Its very

2、 kind of you to invite me. Thank you for your invitation / for inviting me. d like / love to, thank you. How nice of you! Many thanks. That sounds fine, but Im afraid I cant because but I dont think I can manage it.m sorry I cant , but thank you all the same. Could you make it another time, perhaps

3、next Sunday. Teaching Procedure 本单元重点是用英语进行口头邀请、同意或拒绝邀请等,训练是主要形式。朗读、对话及情景表演为主要教学方法,借助多媒体教学手段培养学生用英语进行口头邀请及回复等的基本应用能力。 1. Get ready for the task. 2. Sentence patterns about invitations : a. Conclude the sentence patterns about invitations and lead a reading.b. The Ss read the patterns ( read together

4、 or group work ) and try to learn them by heart . 3. Learn the dialogues on P2. a. Play the dialogues for the Ss to read and try to find the answers to the questions given;b. Play the tape again and conclude the patterns appeared in the dialogues bydoing some related exercises .c. The difficulties o

5、f the dialogues. d. The Ss listen to the tape again and try to follow it.4. Oral practice. ( Practice orally according to the contents given.) 5. Exercises (P4. Ex.1; Ex.3) 6. Conclusion ( words and expressions learnt today ) 7. AssignmentTeaching materialsI.Get ready for the dialogues:In our work o

6、r daily life , we usually need to invite people to all kinds of parties. So we have to know how to invite people in western countries and the western custom about invitation. The custom of inviting friends vary from country to country . Generally speaking, on formal occasions, the written invitation

7、 is usually made in advance. But as for some informal cases, the invitation is usually made orally. To either of these two invitations, the person being invited should give a clear reply whether the invitation is accepted or not. Then how to invite people face to face? What sentence patterns do we u

8、sually use ? Thats what we have to learn today.II. Sentence patterns about invitations:Id like to invite you to dinner / have dinner. to our party / my birthday party/ the conference.How about / What about + V-ing Thank you for your invitation / for inviting me. d like / love to , thank you . How ni

9、ce of you ! Could you make it another time, perhaps next Sunday?III. Dialogues (P2 )A. Questions about the dialogues (P2 )Dialogue 1:Q1: Who is the person invited, Mr. Wang or Mr. William? Mr. WilliamQ2: Why does Mr. Wang invite him to dinner party? to celebrate his daughters birthday.Q3: When will

10、the party begin? about eight oclock, tomorrow evening.Dialogue 2: Who is the inviter and who is the person invited? Mr. Chang is the inviter And Mr. Smith is the person invited Where does Mr. Chang invite Mr. Smith to go? to the Great Wall . Why does Mr. Smith decline the invitation? because Mr. Joh

11、nson has promised to call on some friends at the embassy . . B. Listening to the tape again and fill in the blanks according to the dialogues: 1. Are you doing anything special tomorrow?d like to invite you to have a dinner party.2. How would you like to join us ? (= Why dont you come and join us ?)

12、3. Would it be alright if I brought somebody with me?4. Thank you very much for inviting me. Ill be along (到达= arrive ) at eight. 5. That would be super. (= That would be fine.)6. What did you have in mind? (= What did you think of? / whats your idea?7. I have promised to call on some friends at the

13、 embassy. 8. Ill be delighted to go. 9. I wonder if you could make it some other time if it is convenient? 10. I do like , but I dont think I can.C. The difficulties of the dialogues (P2 )1. drag away . 把拉开/拖走e.g. The broken car was dragged away. The policemen dragged the thief away.Drag yourself aw

14、ay from television for a change . = Lets do some other things instead of watching TV.= Will you join us for dinner? = Why dont you come and join us? join ( sb./ organization ) join the Party / Army / the League join in ( activities )e.g. Ill persuade him to join our club. He never joined in the spor

15、ts of the boys. The two houses join each other. Where do the two rivers join (会合;相遇)? 3. brought bring (v)e.g. Its raining. Take an umbrella with you. Bring my book here when you come next time Would you please fetch the letter for me? They are carrying the desks and chairs into the new classroom.4.

16、 decline vt.婉拒;谢绝+to-v vi/ n .下降;减少e.g. She declined their invitation. She declined to have lunch with her friend, saying that she wasnt feeling well. Unemployment declined to 4 percent last month. There is a decline in real wages. 5. anything special anything 是不定代词, 修饰不定代词的形容词必须后置。类似的词还有: something

17、, nothing, somebody, anybody, nobody e.g. Theres nothing interesting in the film. ve something important to tell you.We smelt something strange. 6. call on (sb.)/ call at (place) = visit7. I need to alert you that = I must remind you of 我得提醒你的是8. supposee.g. I suppose (= guess) he is still in town.

18、我想他还在城里。Youre not supposed to take the books out of the room. 这些书不能拿出屋去.D. Oral Practice:( 对话中所出现的有关邀请及回复的句子,要求用下列句子和前面所学的常见表达进行情景训练。1. Make dialogues according to the contents given 情景:情景:D. Exercises : ( P4. Ex. 1, 3 )IV. Conclusion: Today we have learnt how to invite people in English orally and

19、how to give responses to an invitation. The following expressions 、words and phrases are important for us . You must try to learn them by heart. * Words and Phrases : nothing special,drag away , look forward to , be along , call on / at , bring / take / fetch / carry , coach , be supposed to do , em

20、bassy (大使馆) * Expressions about invitation V. Assignment:1. Writing practice: P4. Ex. 2 2. Review what we have learnt today and try to learn some words and expressions by heart. 3. Prepare for the writing : How to write an invitation card / letter. Unit1-2 Practical Writing Invitation Cards and Invi

21、tation LettersTeaching Objective: Task 1: Make clear the format of an invitation card or an invitation letter.Task 2: Use the correct format and useful expressions to write invitation cards or letters. Task 3: To be able to read invitation letters and the related information. 2-3 periods 在学习了怎样用英语进行

22、口头邀请的基础上,通过书上的两个范例(P1)引导学生进行请柬和邀请函的书写,其重点应放在格式及常见表达上。1. Revision :a. Let the Ss read the dialogues together. b. The teacher gives the Ss some Chinese and the Ss put them into English orally.II. Learn how to write an invitation card / letter. 1). Get ready for the task. 2). How to write invitation ca

23、rds: a. Let the Ss read the first sample on page one and check the studentsunderstanding by asking the related questions.b. The Ss conclude the format and characters of the invitation card according to Sample1. c. practical writing. d. Patterns of accepting or declining an invitation.3) How to write

24、 invitation Letters : a. Tell the students that an invitation can also be sent by a letter besides the card. b. The format and the general expressions. c. The Ss read Sample2 and try to put them into Chinese. d. Give the Ss some useful expressions about invitation letters. e. Rewrite the invitation

25、card above . ( Put it into a invitation letter. ) f. Practical writing. 4) Do some related exercises: P15. Ex.2: a. Give the Ss some related words to learn. b. The teacher asks the Ss some questions to check their understanding about the letter. c. The Ss put the letter into Chinese. P16. Ex.4.III.

26、Assignments: 1) P15. Ex. 3 2) Handiwork Make an English invitation I. Revision: Put the following Chinese into English: 捷克,明晚有什么特别的事吗? Jack, Are you doing anything special tomorrow evening? 没有什么特别的事,你想干吗? Nothing special. What do you have in mind ? / What are you thinking of ? 我想邀请你参加我的生日宴会。d like t

27、o invite you to (attend ) my birthday dinner party. 哦,我很愿意来。Oh, Id love /like to. 明晚七点钟来好吗? How about coming at 7:00 ( tomorrow evening )? / Will you come at 7:00 ? 我会七点钟到。要我带点什么喝的吗?红酒还是桔子汁? Well, Ill be along at seven. Do you want me to bring something to drink? Red wine or orange juice ? 桔子汁吧,如果要带的话,其实没有必要。 Orange juice if you feel you must bring something. But its not necessary. 我会带的,谢谢你的邀请。ll do that. Thank you for inviting me / your invitation.II. How to write an invit

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