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大学英语3 阶段作业2Word格式.docx

1、 C by bike on foot by train by bus on up to with has have there was A; A but and so or stands standing stood stand dont have have no didnt have had know didnt know think thought 试题分值:50.0得分:5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5提示:1D.考查代词one的用法。“one”可以替代前面提到过的一个单数可数名词。本句中“one”替代的就是前面的“job”。本句大意是“Jack上周丢掉了自己的工

2、作。他很难找到另外一份工作。” 2B.考查上下文理解。根据第一段的第三句我们知道Jack到了那个200公里外的小城找工作,所以本句大意应该是“有人告诉他说,在200公里外的一个小城或许能找到一份新工作”。这里选择“somebody”表示“有人”。 3C.考查句意理解。一般来说,“数字+away”表示“有多远的距离”。此处意思是“那个小城在200公里以外”。 4C.考查上下文理解。根据本段第四句话我们知道Jack去了火车站,所以他肯定是准备坐火车。因此此处选择C。 5B.考查固定搭配。“get on”是个固定词组,意思是“上车”。“get off”意思是“下来,出发,动身”,“get up”意思

3、是“起床”,“get to”意思是“到达”。 6A.考查习惯用法。“拿着枪”可以用“with a gun”来表达。本句已经有谓语动词“came in”了,所以不需要再用别的动词了,这样B和C都被排除。而D的这种“there be”结构也不能用在动词(came in)的后面,所以也不对。 7D.考查句意理解。本句意思是“你是要钱还是要命?”我们选择“or”表示选择关系。 8B.考查介词用法。我们知道介词后面的动词要变成动名词“doing”的形式,这样一来此题就要选择“standing”。 9A.考查动词的否定。“没有钱”的正确表达形式是“dont have any money”或者“have n

4、o money”。据此可知A是正确的。 10D.考查上下文理解。上句说“那个持枪男子愤怒地问道,那你为什么这么怕我?”本句大意是“Jack回答道,因为,我开始以为你是个列车员,而且我没有买车票。”据此,可知这里选择“thought”表示“本来认为”。这里要用think的过去时表达一种过去的想法。其实本句的“were”已经提醒我们要用过去时态了 二、单项选择题(共10道小题,共50.0分) He _ that half an hour would be enough for him to get to thestation, but he simply forgot that it was th

5、e rush hour.realized assumed admitted acknowledge 知识点: Choice3 B; 标准答案:得分: 5 试题分值: 5.0 提示: 解析:该题选B,题目大意是“他主观认为,半小时足够他赶到火车站,但他忘了当时是在交通高峰期”。 assume:take as a fact or as true without proof;suppose假定,设想,主观认为 1. I assume that the misunderstanding will be cleared up.我认定这误会会消除。 2. It is a misconception to

6、assume that the two continents are similar.关于这两块大陆相似的假设是一种误解。 3. If the package is wrapped well, we assume the contents are also wonderful.如果包装精美,我们就会认为里面装的也是好东西。 4. If mistakes occurred, they were assumed to be the fault of the commander on the spot.如果出现了错误,就会认为是现场指挥官的失误。Mr. Tyler used to eat with

7、a napkin _ under his chin.tighten slip issued tucked D;该题选D,题目大意是“泰勒先生过去吃饭时,总是在下巴处曳上一块餐巾”。 tuck vt. 塞(进,在) 1. She tucked her shirt into her skirt.她把自己的衬衫塞进裙子里。 2. He tried to tuck his flapping shirt inside his trousers.他设法把飘起的衬衫塞到裤子里。 3. She found a rose tucked under the windscreen wiper of her car

8、one morning. 一天清晨,她发现自己汽车的挡风玻璃雨刷下插着一支玫瑰。The children _ in their fathers shop when things are to help on help away help out 该题选D,题目大意是“当人手紧张的时候,孩子们就到父亲的商店去帮忙”。 help out:help sb., esp. in a difficult situation or a crisis 帮助(摆脱困境) 1. Is there anything I can do to help out?有什么我能帮忙做的事吗? 2. We

9、are glad to do what we can do to help out.我们乐意尽力帮你摆脱困境。 3. A good dictionary will help out in ones reading.一部好词典对阅读是有帮助的。 4. Whenever she heard that someone had trouble she would go to help out.每当听到某人有困难,她就去帮助解决。All our supply of food has _.pass out out run run out run up C;该题选C,题目大意是“我们所有的食品补充都用完了”

10、。 run out: come to an end; be used up 到期;用完,耗尽 1. My passport has run out.我的护照到期了。 2. Youd better hurry up. We are running out of time.你最好快一点,我们的时间不多了。 3. The contract had run out before Mr. Lin was able to find a new job.合同到期之后,林先生就找不到新工作了。Youll _ to the job after you have been here a week or two.c

11、atch up catch to catch on catch with 该题选C,题目大意是“你在这里呆上一两个星期就明白这工作怎么做了。 catch on to:(informal) understand, learn about (often used with to) 理解,明白,学会,懂得 1. I didnt catch on to this joke. 我没明白这个笑话。 2. Mirian couldnt catch on to what Paul said. 密里安不理解保罗说的话的意思。 3. Mothers catch on to what their children

12、think about.妈妈最理解她们的孩子们在想些什么。 4. You will catch on to the new job after youve been here a couple of weeks.在这里呆上几周之后,就明白这工作怎么做了。She felt _ and did nothing but sleep the whole day.slack the slack slacking Choice4 A;该题选A,题目大意是“她感到很懒散,什么事都没做,只是睡了一整天”。 slack:not tense;relaxed松弛的,放松的,懈怠的 1. Dont get slack

13、 at your work.不要懈怠你的工作。 2. The boss told the slack worker to take fewer coffee breaks.老板要求懒散的工人少喝几次咖啡。 3. She was shocked at the slack discipline in the school.对于学校松弛的纪律她感到震惊。Paul followed the doctors _ as to when to give his son medicines.consideration conclusion regulation instruction 该题选D,题目大意是“什

14、么时候给儿子服药,保罗完全是按照医生嘱咐行事的”。 instruction:advice on how to do sth.;order用法,说明;指示(常用复数形式), 操作指南 1. Read the instruction carefully before using it.使用前必须认真阅读说明书。 2. Always read the instructions before you start taking the medicine.在服药之前,一 定要先阅读说明书。 3. The mechanic gave us instructions on how to fix our car

15、s brakes.那名机械师给我们讲解了如何修理汽车的刹车。 4. Read the attached book carefully and follow the instructions when you set the washing machine to work.在你启动洗衣机之前,要仔细阅读随机手册,按照说明来做。Mrs. Smith went on a diet and in three months _ her weight to 100 pounds.brought back brought up brought down brought about 该题选C,题目大意是“史密

16、斯太太限制饮食,四个月下来就把体重降到一百磅”。 bring down:reduce;cause to fall 减少,降低 1. bring down the temperature降低温度 2. bring down the income taxes降低所得税 3. Zhang li went on a diet and in three months brought down her weight to 50 kilos.张莉节制饮食,三个月把体重减到了五十公斤。 4. The nurse gave him an injection to bring down the temperatu

17、re.护士给他注射了一针,以降低体温。He was so _ from things around him that I wondered whether he didlisten to what I said just now.separated detached dispatched touched 该题选B,题目大意是“他对周围的事物漠不关心,以至于我怀疑他刚才是否在听我对他说的那一席话”。 be detached from:show no interest in, be indifferent to 对漠然置之 1. be detached from the flying saucer

18、 program对飞碟计划漠不关心 2. She has been detached from anything around her since her husband died. 自从她丈夫去世后,她就对周围所有的事情漠然处之。The medicine is _ in dealing with cancer.little of use of little use of useful for little use 该题选B,题目大意是“这种药对癌症治疗没有什么作用”。 be of great( little,some,any,no,not,much) + 抽象名词表示:(属性)具有,有。这个

19、结构相当于“be + 形容词”,其中名词常用value,importance, use,significance等抽象意义的名词。 1. The meeting is of great importance.(is very important) 这次会议很重要。 2. There is no doubt that her advice is of great value to us. (valuable) 毫无疑问,她的建议对我们来说很有价值。 3. The dictionary is of little use to beginners of English. (useful) 这部字典对英语初学者用处不大。

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