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5、学方一法与教学乎段二了解并有效应用学习策略与方法.能根据所提供得教学文本、教学任务进行教学设计,能对教学案例进行评析.了解终结性评价、形成性评价与诊断性评价等不同类型评价得特点与功能。能设计不同类型得中学英语试题,具有评价试题得初步能力。五、参考书目、现行师范类本科英语专业教材。、现行初高中英语教材.、英语课程标准。云南特岗教师考试内容(该部分共有两卷,满分2分,第I卷就是基础知识部分,满分100分第11卷就是教育学、教育心理学部分,满分20分。)题号总分得分第I卷专亚基础知识(满分100分)1 、Voabulryand Stuctre (20%)Directions: Therrteny i

6、nltesentensin ths par、Foreachenenthere are ur hoicemarkedA, B, C and D、Coshe ONE that best pletes the sentee、( )1、 Dn,_for monht fin joas a waitrss, fnalytoo aposionat a lcadvertisingae、A、 trugglng 、sggldC、 hvin tuggled D、 t struggle)2、 Weal areedtht he cotagewould_erfec hoidamfo te famly、A、 makB、 t

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10、ff)13、ack el offte bik, u e s iht now、Whata lcky dog! _hmsf badly、 houdhav ijurd、 mgh injure、 shuld nje D、culd have ijed)14、Biyclisgood tohelh;_,it does no pollue theair、A、 evertheleB、 besidesC、 Oheise、 herefore)1、Neer befre_sen anboy wh calenis sell sRihrd、A、 hadsheB、he had、 has s、 she ha)16、 The o

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12、, Phil aid he ount vry ntestingandrading、A、 askng B、sedC、haing se D、t easked()0、Tr t to or yourelf too hard、ake it easy、Tank、_A、 So wat?B、 No wy、 、 at for?、 You、 to、Redipreension(30%)Directios: Thereare threepassages n this par、 Thfrst twpasae re fllowd by five quesonsor ufinsedstets、 Feac f the thr

13、e aeorcoce mre , , C, ad D、Youshuldcid on the BEST COC、 fo he thirpassag,you arupsed ofindhe ethadg or eh praaph fom AtF、Passae 1 recnt studyof ancientad modern elpan as e up wththe exptecnclusin that theAfianlehan is ivie ntotwodisinct species、Thediscovey ws mae by reearchers atYorknd Harvarunivers

14、ities wenthe wereexain the enic rlationship be-ween th ancient wolly mammothan mastodo tooer le-phnts-the sian lphat, Africanoetlephant adAfrcan savanna elehnt、Once they btaine DN sequcsfrom two oils, mammothandmasodons,he team pared themithDNA omodernele-pants、 Tey fd otheir amaeent thatmoder fores

15、tand savana ephantsae as stintfromeach thr as Asin elepatsan mamts、The entists used etailed geicanlysisto prov that hefan avnnaeepantsa h frian orestelehnts ha beendsinct ecs for eeral milion year、 The ivrgence fth twospeisoo plceaoun th tief e ivergcef Aia le-phatsan olly amoth、 This reslt aazedll

16、e cienit、 hereha g benbate in thescinific mnty tht thetwo miht b separate speie b this i the os convining scinic evdence soar hat the ar indeed differentspecie、Previousy,many nauraliss elieved that Afri saaaele-pntand African ore elephans were to platio f the saspecies dsptth phs sinifant siz difern

17、es、 he savanaelephan as n aveage shouler heght of3、metres whil hefretlepant as a averaeshoulde heht o 2、5metr、 The svaneehaeihsbetwee si ad sen ons, rohly doble heweih of te oretelephant:uthec tht thelookso diferndes notnecessarlymanthere diffrent specis、 Howev, teoofay i te as f the NA、Afred oa, ss

18、sn professr in e artmet f Anil Sc-ences at t Uiestyof Minis,sd,“We ow have to tet thefoet ad aann elehnts as two dffert unis for oervatiorpoe、Sie 1950lAfrc elphans hebee onseved asnscies、 ow hatwe now th oet and savanna eephatsare twvrydistinct anils, he orest elehnt shud bee a iggerrirt fr nrain pu

19、rpos、”)2、n othefossilsstied、byteresaers is thato_、 、heAsian eephnt B、the orstelphant C、tesavanaelhatD、 h astodon lphat)22、he underlind wrd ”ivergecen parrap4eans“_”、A、 voti B、 exhiition 、 sparatonD、 examination)23、Thresearchersconcluio abased on a tu of theArican eephans_、 、 DNA B、 hei C、wig D、 pula

20、ion)24、What were Alrd Rocsordsaily bou? 、 e cnveatio oAfrcanlephnt、 B、 Theppoeostunfra lepts、Te waytodivide fricn lepants into wo unt 、 Th rasonfohe ditincton o African elhants、)25、 Wic ofheollowing anb the best iefor te passage? A、 Naturlists eief aout Elephant、B、 Aming Eperentab Eephns、 、An Unepecedfinding about Elphnts、A Log inticebate buElepants、asae 2 Shayaskd,“Doyouthnk hell let me ly? hsfahrknew hat ost ofh byswoud notwnt ome lie Shonthei team, bttheftr al undestood that ifhis son, menaly aphsicy dibled, wr alwedto p, it wold gi m amuc-needed en fbelongngn soecnfidenc、

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