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任务解题技巧转换 1Word文档格式.docx

1、3.原文:Dont worry, Ill stay here and keep you company the whole day.Dont worry, Ill stay here and _ you the whole day.很容易看出本题的意图:keep you company= _?_. 答案为:accompany2)从同义、反义入手对所给的短语或单词,在空中用与之相反或相近的词或短语来表达。例如:Why doesnt the media present a positive view of this splendid city? Why does the media present

2、 such a _ view of this splendidcity?抓住关键词positive,由题意知应该将它转换成反义词。答案为negative。2. 原文:Generally, her work has been good, butthis essay is hard to understand.In general her work has been good, but this essay is hard tounderstand.关键是考虑如何转换generally为in _。general。3)从词语释义入手对所给的词语释义,在空中用相应的词或短语来表达。首先要理解头原句的意

3、思,充分发挥合理的想象。Passengers are requested to leave the aircraft by the emergency doors.Passengers are requested to _ from the aircraft by the emergency doors.题目的关键是解决:_ from the aircraft = leave the aircraft。最佳答案为:exit。During certain scenes of the play there isnt any script and the actors just make it up

4、 as they perform it.t any script and theactors just _.题目的关键是解决是:_ = make it up as they perform it。improvise。4)从词性转换入手即将一种词类转换成另一种词类,主要包括动词与名词转换、形容词与副词转换、形容词与名词转换。解题方法很简单,只要在文中找到关键词即可。1. Keep in mind that exposure of the body to strong sunlight can be harmful.转换成:Be careful that it can be harmful whe

5、n your body is _ tostrong sunlight.抓住关键词exposure,将它转换为动词的被动语态。答案为exposed。2. It was not profitable for you within the first couple of years of setting up a company.You dont expect to make much _ within the first couple ofyears of setting up a company.抓住关键词profitable,将此形容词转换为名词,答案为:profit。3. Much of t

6、hebooks humour is no longer effective when translated.Much of the books humour has been lost in _.抓住关键词translate,将此动词转换成名词。translation。5)从归纳概括入手。根据考纲要求,此项能力具体指“根据所读,用恰当的词语补全文章提纲、概括关键内容”。解题关键是根据问题查找定位信息,找共性的东西。归纳词的特征有:概括性,在最大程度上覆盖栏内信息;针对性,量体裁衣,大小适度;醒目性,简洁。常见概括性词有:原因:reason, cause;结果:result, effect;目的

7、:aim, purpose;方法:measure, solution, way, method;观点:opinion, view, attitude;异同:differences, similarities;优劣:advantages, disadvantages;其它:time, purpose, behavior, feeling。 Then how to solve the problems? Thereare numerous ways_ to the problem. (2009,湖南卷)原文中此段的核心句是第一句:Then how to solve the problems?Sol

8、utions。Whatever the task your group is assigned,a few rules need to be followed to ensure a productive and successfulexperienceWhat comes first is to.Secondly,.Thirdly,.转换成表格中的一个词:_.(2008,江苏卷)由first, secondly, thirdly等知这里是讲建议措施。Suggestions。But this system can do a great deal ofgoodthey can cut heat

9、lossgreen roofs can control temperature._.(2008,湖南卷)由do a great deal of good以及后文的they can.等,知此段讲的的系统的好处。Benefits或Advantages。三、解题策略第一步:看表初填词这一步非常重要,不用看文章。而且看表格后能至少解决三题。这是笔者总结很多题发现的规律。第二步:定位细转换这个定位一般都是找比较特别的词;如果找不到,请先根据下一题定位,基本就在这题定位句上面。转换的时候,请务必注意形式。四、实战南京市、盐城市 2015届高三年级第一次模拟考试第四部分任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满

10、分10分)Simon Sinek isnaturally shy and doesnt like speaking to crowds. At parties, he says he hidesalone in the corner or doesnt even show up in the first place. He prefers thelatter. Yet, with some 22 million video views under his belt, the optimisticethnographer also happens to be the third most-wat

11、ched TED Talks presenter ofall time.Sineksunlikely success as both an inspirational speaker and a bestselling authorisnt just dumb luck. Its the result of fears faced and erased, trial anderror and tireless practice, on and off stage. Here are his secrets fordelivering speeches that inspire, inform

12、and entertain.Dont talk rightaway.Sinek says youshould never talk as you walk out on stage. “A lot of people start talkingright away, and its out of nerves,” Sinek says. “That communicates a littlebit of insecurity and fear.”Instead,quietly walk out on stage. Then take a deep breath, find your place

13、, wait a fewseconds and begin. “I know it sounds long and tedious and it feelsexcruciatingly awkward when you do it,” Sinek says, “but it shows the audienceyoure totally confident and in charge of the situation.”Show up to give,not to take.Often peoplegive presentations to sell products or ideas, to

14、 get people to follow them onsocial media, buy their books or even just to like them. Sinek calls thesekinds of speakers “takers,” and he says audiences can see through these peopleright away. And, when they do, they disengage.“We are highlysocial animals,” says Sinek. “Even at a distance on stage,

15、we can tell ifyoure a giver or a taker, and people are more likely to trust a giver aspeaker that gives them value, that teaches them something new, that inspiresthem than a taker.”Speakunusually slowly.When you getnervous, its not just your heart beat that quickens. Your words also tend tospeed up.

16、 Luckily Sinek says audiences are more patient and forgiving than weknow.“They want youto succeed up there, but the more you rush, the more you turn them off,” hesays. “If you just go quiet for a moment and take a long, deep breath, theyllwait for you. Its kind of amazing.”Turnnervousness into excit

17、ement.Sinek learnedthis trick from watching the Olympics. A few years ago he noticed thatreporters interviewing Olympic athletes before and after competing were allasking the same question. “Were you nervous?” And all of the athletes gave thesame answer: “No, I was excited.” These competitors were t

18、aking the bodyssigns of nervousness clammy hands, pounding heart and tense nerves andreinterpreting them as side effects of excitement and exhilaration.When youre upon stage you will likely go through the same thing. Thats when Sinek says youshould say to yourself out loud, “Im not nervous, Im excit

19、ed!”Say thank youwhen youre done.Applause is agift, and when you receive a gift, its only right to express how grateful youare for it. This is why Sinek always closes out his presentations with thesetwo simple yet powerful words: thank you.“They gave youtheir time, and theyre giving you their applau

20、se.” Says Sinek. “Thats a gift,and you have to be grateful.”Passage outlineSupporting details(71) to Simon SinekHe is by (72) shy and dislikes making speeches in public.Through his (73) effort, he enjoys great success in giving speeches.Tips on delivering speechesAvoid talking (74) for it indicates

21、youre nervous.Keep calm and wait a few seconds before talking, which will create an (75) that you are confident.Try to be a giver rather than a taker because in (76) with a taker, a giver can get more popular and accepted.Teach audience something new that they can (77) from.Speak a bit slowly just t

22、o help you stay calm.Never speed up while speaking in case you (78) the audience.Switch nervousness to excitement by (79) example of Olympic athletes.Express your (80) to the audience for their time and applause to conclude your speech.我们至少能填出以下四个空:Teach audience something new that they can (77) Swi

23、tch nervousness to excitement by (79) the example of Olympic athletes.Express your(80) tothe audience for their time and applause to conclude your speech.先说71空:右栏开头He is遇到这类的如果指人,基本就是人物介绍;如果指物,基本就是definition或introduction。77空:翻译一下,他们能_被教授的新知识。加上我们学过的短语:learn from79空:和example搭配的短语很少,除了take, follow就是介词

24、for了,那么结合句意应该是表达“以某人为榜样”。80空:在演讲结束后,向观众表达_,因为他们花了时间来听和鼓掌。根据我们的常识以及express后的常见搭配,肯定是感激之情,故thanks,gratitude, appreciation。定位细核对表格的题目基本上都是遵循段落循序,如下:(标黄色的为关键词,请读者仔细体会为什么选它们为关键词)a) Simon Sinekis naturally shyand doesnt like speaking to crowds.=He is by (72) By nature =naturally,此题必须拿下的。b) Its theresult o

25、f fears faced and erased, trial and error and tireless practiceThrough his(73) effort,he enjoys great success in giving speeches.此题属于送分题,直接原词。c) Dont talk right away. Avoid talking (74) Right away= ?短语转换d) which will create an (75) but it shows the audience youre totally confident and in charge of t

26、he situation.”此题需要思考一会,根据句意:这向观众显示。=给观众产生一种_?_我相信读者能看出来是“印象”。e) Try to be agiver rather than a taker because in (76) with a taker, a giver can get more popular andaccepted.Sinek calls these kinds of speakers “takers,” and he says audiences can see through these people right away. And, when they do,

27、they disengage.此题既要结合短语搭配,还要结合文意。文章明显是将两种人做比较,而还必须有in _ with这个短语。答案很清楚了。f) but themore you rush, the more you turn them offNever speed upwhile speaking in case you (78) the audience.Turn sb. off =_ sb.这个短语相当有挑战性的,意为“让人厌烦”。答案:71. Introduction 72. nature 73.constant / tireless / continuous 74.immediately / instantly 75. impression 76. comparison / contrast 77.benefit / learn 78. bore / disgust 79.following / copying 80. gratitude / thanks/ appreciationEscape from FoMOHeres a testyou migh

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