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1、 英语 姓 名: 袁婵媛 学 号: 141211124 指导老师: 董召锋 完成时间: 2013年6月10日 C-E TRANSLATION OF TOURISM TEXT UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF FUNCTIONAL TRANSLATION THEORYByYuan ChanyuanA Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in EnglishUnder the Supervision of Professor Dong

2、ZhaofengHenan University of Urban ConstructionJUNE 2013摘 要出现在20世纪70年代德国功能翻译理论从传统角度上对语言格式的翻译有了重大突破,并把翻译解释为有意行为。作为一个重大突破及对传统翻译理论的补充,德国功能翻译理论在翻译理论领域提供了一个全新的研究视角。随着2008年北京奥运会和2010年上海世博会的成功举办,越来越多的外国朋友想要了解中国。然而,旅游作为一个他国学习和了解中国的重要窗口,在中英文翻译的过程中还依然存在着一些问题。这对中国的国际形象带来了严重且负面的影响,甚至会误导外国友人对中国的误解。此篇论文旨在说明旅游文本翻译的

3、重要性及技巧策略。它不仅为旅游文本翻译提供了理论参考,还丰富了功能翻译理论的实践应用。另外,它也让语言研究者从新的角度进行翻译的研究。关键词:德国功能翻译理论; 旅游文本; 翻译策略AbstractEmerging in 1970s , the German Functional Translation Theory has made a breakthrough in the traditional perspective of the equivalence of linguistic forms and defined translation as a deliberate behavi

4、or. As a great breakthrough and supplement to the traditional equivalence theory, it has offered a new perspective for the research on translation theory.With the successful staging of Beijing Olympics and the Opening of 2010 world Exposition in Shanghai, more and more foreign friends want to know C

5、hina. However, as an important window which other countries can learn about China through the tourism texts, there are still more mistakes on the C-E translation of them. This may harm the international image of China,even lead to a misunderstanding about China from foreigners. This thesis points ou

6、t the importance of translation of tourism texts. It can not only provide a theoretical reference for the translation of tourism texts, but also enrich the practical application of Functional Translation Theory, besides it also provides a new perspective for linguistic researches in translation prac

7、tice.Key words: Functional Translation Theory; Tourism Text; Translation Principles and SkillsContents1.Introduction 12.Translation of Tourism Text under the Guidance of Functional Translation Theory 32.1 An Overview of Functional Translation Theory 32.1.1 Definition 32.1.2 Reiss and Her Text Typolo

8、gy 32.1.3 Vermeer and Skopos Theory 32.1.4 Nord and Her Loyalty Rule 42.1.5 The Possibilities of the Functionalist Approach in Tourism Text Translation 52.2 A Brief Introduction of Tourist Text 52.2.1 The Classification of Tourist Test 52.2.2 The Characteristics of Tourist Text 52.2.3 The Function 6

9、3.Translation Strategies under the Functionalist Approach 73.1 Equivalence 73.2 Addition 83.3 Omission 103.4 Paraphrase 114. Conclusion 13Works Cited 14Acknowledgments 151.IntroductionSince the reform and opening up, Chinas tourism development has been a qualitative leap; the data predict that by 20

10、15, China will become the largest inbound host country and the worlds fourth largest outbound tourist country. The rapid development of tourism has brought opportunities and challenges. In order to better overcome the cultural differences and pass accurately and effectively to the reader the travel

11、information and cultural information, this article tries to analyze the C-E translation strategy of tourism text from the perspective of Functional Translation, so that foreign tourists can truly understand a broad and profound Chinese culture, and create a tourism brand with Chinese characteristics

12、 to attract more tourists and promote the further development of Chinas tourism industry.With the rapid development of tourism industry and communications between people of different countries, tourist materials have become an essential means of the publicity of countries. In his book Brand leadersh

13、ip at state: selling France to British Tourists(Sumberg, 2004: 329-353), Carolyn Sumberg mentions that “For the first time in more than a decade, France has been overtaken by Spain as British tourists preferred holiday destination. The tourist brochure plays an important role in the promotion of a c

14、ountry and as such has become a key factor in an economic activity that generates significant income. There has been a deliberate effort by the Spanish tourist board, well documented by translation scholars, to maximize consideration of the appeal of their tourism materials so far as design, product

15、ion and translation are concerned.”Chen Gang(陈刚)who had been working in foreign affairs and tourism offices for a long time published his Tourism Translation and Tour Guide Interpretation( 旅游翻译与涉外导游). He points out in his book that the key of tourism translation is practice which requires theoretica

16、l guidance. Jin Huikang (金惠康)is one of the most famous scholars who does special research on tourist translation. He wrote so many books such as Translation in Intercultural Communication and its sequel. Jin discusses the differences between Chinese and English languages and introduces and analyses

17、Chinese culture and translation, classic literature, art, religion folk cultures and how to translation them into English. This paper mainly includes three parts: Part One is an overview of functional translation theory, Part Two is the characteristics of tourist text and its function, Part Three is

18、 translation strategies under the functionalist approach. In this article, it analyzes mainly through listing examples and specific illustration in order to make us well understand and puts forward some suggestions to solve the C-E translation problems.2.Translation of Tourism Text under the Guidanc

19、e of Functional Translation Theory2.1 An Overview of Functional Translation Theory2.1.1 DefinitionWhat is Functional Translation Theory? The theory was originated in Germany in the 1970s, the founder was the translation theorist K. Reiss, and other major representative figures such as Vermeer and No

20、rd, etc. Functional Translation Theory stresses that translation is a special social form, involving three types of texts: the original language, the pattern of text and the translation text.2.1.2 Reiss and Her Text TypologyK. Reiss is the founder of the Functional translation theory. She firstly co

21、mbined the language function with translation, and differed the text in different functions, which makes the translator more sensitive to language mark of Communicative functions and the composition of the functional translation unit, at last helping translator have a proper form for a equivalent cr

22、iteria right with the specific translation purpose.In 1971, in her book Translation Criticism: The Potentials and Limitation, Reiss develops a model of translation criticism based on the functional relationship between source and target text(Nord, 1997:9). Reiss insists that the ideal translation sh

23、ould be equivalent between the TL (target language) and SL( source language) text with the conceptual content, linguistic form, and it can serve to realize the communicative function as SL text. Just like many traditional theorists, she obviously still takes equivalence as the basis. Hans J. Vermeer

24、 developed the Skopos Theory, and a more systematic and integrated functionalist approach came into being.2.1.3 Vermeer and Skopos TheoryReiss is a pioneer of Functionalist theory, but Hans J. Vermeer makes the most important theory of the Functional translation theory: Skopos Theory. Since linguist

25、ics alone cannot solve all the translation problems, Hans J. Vermeer considers translation as a type of human action, an intentional, purposeful behavior that takes place in a given situation; it is a part of the situation at the same time as it modifies the situation. Accordingly, he developed the

26、Skopos theory:“Any form of translational action, including therefore translation itself, may be conceived as an action, as the name implies. Any action has an aim, a purpose. The word Skopos, then, is a technical term for the aim or purpose of a translation. Further: An action leads to a result, a n

27、ew situation or event, and possibly a new object.” (Vermeer, 1989:173)In the theory, the receiver, who is the intended receiver of the TT, becomes one of the primary factors that determines the purpose of translation. As a sharp contrast to Reisss belief that the ST is a measure of all things in tra

28、nslation, the ST in Vermeers Skopos theory is only an “offer of information” which may be partially or wholly transferred to the target audience. (Vermeer, 1982:12)2.1.4 Nord and Her Loyalty RuleChristian Nord introduces the “loyalty rule” into functionalism in her effort to defend the functionalist

29、 approach against potential accusations. “Function” here refers to the factors that make a TT work in the intended way in the target situation, and “loyalty” refers to the interpersonal relationship between the translator, the source-text sender, the target-text addresses and the initiator (Nord, 19

30、97:126). By introducing the loyalty principle into the general framework of functional translation theory, Nord manages to find a balance and answer those critics who accuse functionalism of being radical by giving the translator too much freedom to do whatever his or her clients wish to do, because

31、 the loyalty principle takes account of the legitimate interests of the three parties involved: the initiator, the target receivers and the original author. If there is any conflict between the interests of the three partners of the translation, the translator has to mediate, and where necessary, to

32、 seek the understanding of all sides.2.1.5 The Possibilities of the Functionalist Approach in Tourism Text TranslationAs a kind of practical writing, tourism texts have clear purposes and functions, so the functionalist theory is quite suitable and can be applied to it. In order to realize the purposes of tourism texts tr

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