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1、311) A. circuit breakerB. amplifierC. diodeD. capacitor5、When fighting a spreading fire resulting from a broken fuel line, you should FIRST . (174157:第 4 章 船舶轮机管理业务:179) A. look for a CO2 extinguisherB. use a soda acid extinguisherC. shut off the fuel supplyD. smother the fire with rags6、Which of th

2、e following should always be checked prior to starting a diesel engine?(172084:第 1 章 船舶主推进装置:1318) A. Air filtersB. Fuel oil strainersC. Crankcase oil levelD. Pyrometer readings7、Which of the following can be used in hydraulic transmission system? . (173224:第 2 章 船舶辅助机械:1055)A. Hydraulic oilB. Anima

3、l oilC. Light oilD. Fuel oil8、The compound wound generator has _ sets of field coils. A.oneB.two C.three D.four9、UMS stands for( ). (173961:第 3 章 船舶电气和自动化(04 规则不考):494)A. ultra much spaceB. universal medium systemC. unit mac, ned spaceD. unattended machinery space10、Which kind of the following contr

4、ollers is the most sophisticated controller? A.Proportional controllerB.Integral controller C.Derivative controller D.PID controller11、Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships is of MARPOL 73/78 conventionA.Annex I B.Annex III C.Annex VI D.Annex V12、 _ device is provided to prevent starting air from b

5、eing admitted to thecylinders before the reversing is completed. (171957: 第 1 章 船舶主推进装置:1191)A. An automatic B. An interlocking C. A transmissionD. A self-regulation13、Diesel engine are remarkably simple in principle and require little in way of , although what little is required is essential to a l

6、ong the lubricating oil filters and seeing that their strainer inserts are free from defects.B.the routine maintenance to the diesel engineC.the running hours of the diesel engine at full speedD.the use of heavy fuel oils containing asphalt14、In China, the administration for implemen

7、ting SOLAS convention is_ A.the harbor bureauB.the government of the flag state MSA C.the ship classification societyD.ship company15、The Abbreviation “ERM” in the Manila Amendments to the STCW Convention stands for _ _. (174621:643)A. Engine Room ManagementB. Engine Resources ManagementC. Engineer

8、Resources ManagementD. Engine-room Resources Management16、are used to limit the pressure in any particular portion and mainly control the pressure after the valve. (173258:1089)A. Relief valves B. Check valves C. Safety valvesD. Reducing valve17、Power is supplied through to larger auxiliaries at the

9、 voltageA.circuit breakers, low B.circuit breakers, high C.exciters,lowD.exciters,high18、The electronic governor actuator is a device which moves the fuel linkage in response to a signal from the digital controller.A.mechanical B.hydraulic C.electric D.pneumatic19、 fuel oils _ lubricating oils requi

10、re treatment before passing to theengine. A.Both/and B.Neither/nor C.Either/or D.Both/or20、The primary function of an electric motor is to . (173685:第 3 章 船舶电气和自动化:218)A. develop torqueB. generate high voltagesC. produce a magnetic fieldD. generate high electrical resistance21、 means a plan develope

11、d to ensure the application of measures designed to protect the port facility and ships, persons, cargo, cargo transport units and ships stores within the port facility from the risks of a security incident. (174854:第 5 章国际公约、规则:224) A. Ship security planB. Company security planC. Port facility secu

12、rity planD. National security plan22、A properly honed diesel engine cylinder liner will _. (171285:第 1 章 船舶主 推进装置:519)A. prevent piston ring wearB. shorten the ring break-in periodC. prevent cylinder liner gazingD. appear slick and glazed23、The block has spaces to accomodate _ drive arrangement(chai

13、n or gear), a housing for the camshaft and doors allowing access to the _.A.camshaft/crankcase B.crankcase/camshaft C.crankshaft/crankcase D.crankcase/crankshaft24、Reduced capacity accompanied by vibration and noise at the suction of aC. Item C; Disposal of O il Residues (sludge) D. Item H; Bunkerin

14、g of Fuel O ils28、When securing a flash-type evaporator for an extended period of time,youshould A.fill the unit with saltwaterB.fill the unit with descaling compoundC.completely drain the unitD.tightly seal the unit to exclude aircentrifugal pump results from the action of vapor pockets in the flui

15、d being pumped caused by _. (172701:532)A. Fluid friction B. Steam knock C. CavitationD. Water hammer25、 _ should not undertake any task which will interfere with the supervision29 、 Synchroscope and synchro indicating lights are located on switchboard. A.load panelB.emergency generator control pane

16、l C.battery charging and discharging panel D.paralleling panelof mainduties relating to the main machinery and associated equipment. (174649:19)A. The watch keeping personnel B. The person on a bunker barge C. The chief engineerD. Any of the above26、Particulate matter(PM)is a complex mixture of inor

17、ganic and organic compounds resulting from , partly unburned lube oil, thermal splitting of HC from the fueland lube oil,ash in the fuel and lube oil,sulphate and water. A.incomplete combustionB.over combustion C.purification D.contamination27、The core item in the O il Record Book Part I is _ _,and

18、its main content is _.(174549:571)A. Item A; Ballast or Cleaning of Fuel O il TanksB. Item B; Discharge of Dirty Ballast or Cleaning Water from Fuel O il. Tanks Referred to Under Section (A)30、Rudder position is shown on the bridge by the _ _. (173380:第 2 章 船舶辅 助机械(04 规则不考):1211)A. rudder angle indi

19、catorB. follow-up gearC. telemotor positionD. Rapson slide indicator31、When using a handheld hacksaw, you should apply pressure only on the forward stroke _A.only when cutting thin wall tubing B.only when cutting carbon steel C.only when cutting all times32、The officer in charge of the e

20、ngineering watch shall ensure that all machinery involved with the maneuvering of the ship can be immediately be placed in themanual mode of operation when notified that the ship is _ . (174658:第 5 章 国 际公约、规则:28)A. at anchorB. At unsheltered anchorageC. in congested watersD. in an open road-stead33、

21、In an auxiliary diesel engine bypass type lubricating oil system, the main lube oil pump forces _ .A. all of the oil used by the engine through a filterB. some of the oil used by the engine through a filterC. some of the oil used by the engine through a centrifugeD. all of the oil used by the engine

22、 through a centrifuge34、The lowest temperature at which fuel combustion becomes self-sustaining in the presence of a source of ignition, is defined as the A.autoignition pointB.flash pointC.burning point35、The gear and screw pumps are classified as_ _ _. (172516:第 2 章 船 舶辅助机械:347)A

23、. variable stroke pumpsB. multistage pumpsC. positive displacement pumpsD. triple-ported pumps36、The correct statement about the generators paralleling off operation is A. push the paralleling off button directlyB. transfer the load and then perform the paralleling off operationC. push the paralleli

24、ng off button when the power is nearly zeroD. do noting but just wait for parallelling off37、Motor vessels usually have independent lube oil systems for main engine and reduction gears because _ . (171737:971)A. coolers are not needed for the gear systemB. contaminants produced by the engine could h

25、arm the reduction gearsC. non-additive oils axe used in the main engine systemD. different type centrifuges are required for the main engine and reduction gear lube systems38、The diesel engine is similar to the gasoline engine in that _. (170810:44)A. both of them are ignited by compressed airB. bot

26、h of them are the forms of external combustion enginesC. both of them have spark plugsD. the power is developed by the piston in the cylinder39、During the watch keeping at sea, where situations occur in the machine space which may affect the speed, maneuverability, power supply or other essentials f

27、or the safe operation of the ship, _ should be informed as soon as possible.(174039:61)A. the chief engineerB. the masterC. the bridgeD. the company superintendent40、In order to reduce the chance of detentions ships should routinely verify the following except for:A.all O il Record Book entries completed according to Marpol. B.operation of the oily water separator able to be demonstrated. C.operation of the oily water separator monitor able to be demonstrated. all associated monitor, alarm and stopping device.41、When received the order “Finished W ith Engine”, which o

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