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Unit 6Section B 2a2eWord下载.docx

1、学生要在前一单元的学习基础上继续学习和巩固相关的内容和语言知识;对于学生来说,篮球的话题可能会显得十分熟悉和有趣,但是利用思维导图来引导他们加深对文章的理解和对知识的记忆的学习策略又对他们培养这一英语学习的习惯提出了挑战。本课时话题是谈论篮球这一发明的历史,贴近学生的生活,学生渴望了解其发明和发展的过程,这也降低了学习新知识的难度,提高了学生学习的兴趣。教材分析 教学目标知识目标1.学生需要掌握的重点词汇和短语:词汇:basket, hero, divide, event, professional, popularity;词组:the Olympics, divide into, look

2、up to等;2. 学生能够在语篇中掌握思维导图,并借助思维导图捕捉语篇中的关键信息。能力目标学生在学习完本课时内容后可以合理运用“思维导图”(mind map) 来进行文本的复述。情感目标学生在学习完本课后能够热爱篮球这一发明,并积极地运用篮球运动影响自己和他人! 教学资源1.人教版九年级教材 2.多媒体课件 3. 音频、视频及文档资料 教学重点教学重点是理清、记忆语篇中的相关信息 教学难点教学难点是思维导图的运用对学生主动学习习惯的培养方法解读 教学方法情境教学法、任务型教学法、交际教学法、思维导图策略教学准备1.把握学生跟教材,基于学生学情创设一定情境。2.教师搜集相关资料,制作多媒体课

3、件,准备小组活动。教学过程教学环节教学内容教师活动学生活动导入新课发明与人物:激活篮球背景知识。教师展示古往今来国内外不同领域的发明及其背景。学生观看不同发明及发明者的图片感知、说出其发明者。Step 1.Lead-in:Great inventions Great Minds 1.Share the photos of some great inventions with students and let them say their inventors. (e.g. The printing press (印刷术) was invented by Bi Sheng in the 11th

4、century. / The potato chips were invented by George in 1853.) -Who was basketball invented by ?-James Naismith2. Let students watch a short video about basketball.3. Share some basketball skills with students by photos. Purpose: To arouse students interest in great inventions and give a better under

5、standing of basketball in history.目标语言学习快速阅读,连线确定各段大意。教师展示各段大意,引领学生通过略读明确三个段落的主旨大意。学生在教师的引领下快速阅读,通过连线明确段落大意。Step 2. Read for main ideasRead and match!Go through the passage quickly and do the match!Paragraph 1 IntroductionParagraph 2 GameParagraph 3 Popularity To lead students into a main idea of ea

6、ch paragraph. 阅读策略辅助理清文中关键信息利用思维导图理清文中信息Mind map的阅读策略帮助学生阅读篮球文本 学生阅读文章、完成思维导图学案Step 3 Scanning Complete the Mind Map1.Mind map strategy:A mind map starts with a concept (概念);It shows the relationships among different parts of the concept;Major ideas are connected directly to the central concept, and

7、 other ideas branch out (分支) from those major ideas.2. Go through the passage and finish the mind map3.Facilitate the students to share the key information in the mind mapLets look at the three numbers again and think about the questions:How many people or countries are there in this world?7700 mill

8、ion people / 233 countries in this world. Then compare the numbers with each other, we can know thatBasketball is played almost all around the world!Questions : When was the first basketball game in history ?December 21, 1891.What happened in 1936 in Berlin ?It became an event at the Olympics. ( eve

9、nt /vnt/ 体育项目 )From 1891 to 1936, then to today, we can know that baksetball has a very long history.Questions: Why did James Naismith invent the game?He was asked to think of a game that could be played in the winter.Today, the popularity of basketball has risen around the world. What famous basket

10、ball players do you know ?Curry, Wade, Harden, James, Yao Ming, Yi Jianlian, Lin Shuhao Why do you like him?Talented, hard-working, strong and active. Why do these basketball stars encourage young people to work hard?They look up to these basketball heroes and want to become like them. There is one

11、basketball star called Kobe. Do you know him? What leads to Kobes success?Its the Spirit of Kobe. To facilitate students to read in detail by using a mind map and understand the text better.借助导图学案复述段落文章利用思维导图复述文中段落信息教师引导、小组合作、借助学案复述文中信息学生小组合作,借助手中思维导图学案进一步与同伴尝试复述段落信息!Step 4. Listen and follow. Then

12、retell the passage by using the mind map with your classmates.Students listen and follow the tape first, and retell the passage by working with their group members. Each student can be responsible for one part of it. To lead students to retell the passage by using a mind map with their classmates.策略

13、巩固:小组合作制作思维导图课外阅读与分享: NBA姚明学校 教师引导学生阅读课外文本,完成思维导图绘画小组合作:阅读文本,制作思维导图Step 5 Extra reading: The NBA Yao School Go through the passage Draw the mind map with your groupShare your groups mind map with your classmates To lead students to make the mind map by working with the group and share with the class

14、!作业布置HomeworkMind-mapping: Basketball & Me ;Polish your mind map of The NBA Yao School and share it with other groups after class ! 板书设计Words:Phrases:the Olympics, divide into, look up toSentences: Basketball is a much-loved and active sport. / Basketball was invented by Canadian doctor James Naismi

15、th. / The popularity of basketball has risen around the world.教学效果预测本节为九年级上册Unit 6 B阅读部分,本节阅读课以“篮球发明”为主题,以篮球的历史、发展和普及为主线展开,通过借助思维导图帮助理解、记忆语篇信息,旨在对A部分的内容延伸和深化。本课时通过引导学生合理运用“思维导图”(mind map)。一方面指导学生掌握语篇的内容和细节,利用思维导图记忆、解读语篇信息。另一方面,通过进一步发掘文本信息让学生感知“发明源于生活,更造福于生活!”的情感目标。在利用思维导图学案学习的同时,学生可以培养起主动学习的习惯,由文本到图形、再由图形到文本的过程,并通过课后的作业来巩固、夯实这一策略。

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