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英国文学集天真之歌songs of innocenceWord格式.docx

1、s soul. In the last two lines the speaker identifies the creator: God.Holy Thursday (Songs of Innocence)Holy Thursday is a poem by William Blake, from his book of poems Songs of Innocence. (There is also a Holy Thursday poem in Songs of Experience, which contrasts this song.)The poem depicts a relig

2、ious event carried on on a Holy Thursday, in which rows of clean children dressed in cheerful clothes walk into Saint Paul cathedral in a sort of procession, guided by beadles. Citizens of London town, including the aged man, sit and observe the ceremony while thousands of little boys and girls elev

3、ate their hands and a song is raised to Heaven.The poem is a criticism of the Foundling Hospital. Orphans at the hospital would be cleaned and marched annually to Saint Paul cathedral to sing. This was seen as a treat for the orphans. The bleak reality of their lives is depicted in Holy Thursday (So

4、ngs of Experience).The Chimney Sweeper is the title of two poems by William Blake, published in Songs of Innocence in 1789 and Songs of Experience in 1794.1 In the earlier poem, a young chimney sweeper recounts a dream had by one of his fellows, in which an angel rescues the boys from coffins and ta

5、kes them to a sunny meadow; in the later poem, an apparently adult speaker encounters a child chimney sweeper abandoned in the snow while his parents are at church.The PoemsSongs of InnocenceWhen my mother died I was very young,And my father sold me while yet my tongueCould scarcely cry weep! So you

6、r chimneys I sweep, and in soot I sleep.Theres little Tom Dacre, who cried when his head,That curled like a lambs back, was shaved: so I said,Hush, Tom! never mind it, for when your heads bare,You know that the soot cannot spoil your white hair.And so he was quiet; and that very night,As Tom was a-s

7、leeping, he had such a sight, -That thousands of sweepers, Dick, Joe, Ned, and Jack,Were all of them locked up in coffins of black.And by came an angel who had a bright key,And he opened the coffins and set them all free;Then down a green plain leaping, laughing, they run,And wash in a river, and sh

8、ine in the sun.Then naked and white, all their bags left behind,They rise upon clouds and sport in the wind;And the angel told Tom, if hed be a good boy,Hed have God for his father, and never want joy.And so Tom awoke; and we rose in the dark,And got with our bags and our brushes to work.Though the

9、morning was cold, Tom was happy and warm;So if all do their duty they need not fear harm.经验之歌(Songs of Experience)(1)2010年01月12日 星期二 上午 09:41IntroductionHear the voice of the Bard!Who Present, Past, & Future seesWhose ears have heard,The Holy Word,That walkd among the ancient trees.Calling the lapse

10、d SoulAnd weeping in the evening dew:That might control,The starry pole;And fallen fallen light renew!O Earth O Earth return!Arise from out the dewy grass;Night is worn,And the mornRises from the slumberous mass,Turn away no more:Why wilt thou turn awayThe starry floorThe watry shoreIs givn thee til

11、l the break of day.经验之歌序诗听那行吟诗人的声音! 他看见现在、过去和未来。他的耳朵听得见 那神圣的字眼 漫步在那古老的树林间。呼唤那堕落的灵魂, 并且在夜晚的露珠中流泪;也许可以支配 那灿烂的星座 又重新洒下、洒下光辉!哦,大地!哦,大地醒来!从那露珠沾湿的草地上升;夜晚已消逝, 而黎明 从那困倦的人群中起身。不要再转身离去 你为什么要转身离去 那星光闪闪照射的地面 那湿漉漉的海岸 都给予了你,直至晨曦。Earths AnswerEarth raisd up her head,From the darkness dread & drear.Her light fled:S

12、tony dread!And her locks coverd with grey despair.Prisond on watry shoreStarry jealousy does keep my tentCold and hoarWeeping oerI hear the Father of the ancient menSelfish father of menCruel jealous selfish fearCan delightChaind in nightThe virgins of youth and morning bear.Does spring hide its joy

13、When buds and blossoms grow?Does the sower?Sow by night?Or the plowman in darkness plow?Break this heavy chain,That does freeze my bones aroundSelfish! vain!Eternal bane!That free Love with bondage bound.大地的回答大地抬起她的头, 从那可怕又阴郁的黑暗中抬起, 她的光辉已遁去:僵硬的恐惧!她的鬈发被灰灰的绝望遮蔽。监禁在湿漉漉的海岸 繁星的嫉妒将我的小窝保存 冷酷又灰白 哭泣着走来 我听见古老

14、人类的父亲残酷的嫉妒的自私的胆战心惊 能够使得 在夜里锁着的 青春的处女与晨星欢欣, 春天可曾掩饰它的欢乐 当花苞和花朵都在成长?播种者呢?可在夜里播种?或者庄稼汉也在夜间耕种?打开这沉重的锁链, 它把我的周身骨头冻僵 自私!虚荣!永久的灭亡!将捆绑的爱情解放。The Clod & the PebbleLove seeketh not Itself to please,Nor for itself hath any care;But for another gives its ease,And builds a Heaven in Hells despair.So sang a little

15、Clod of Clay,Trodden with the cattles feet:But a Pebble of the brook,Warbled out these metres meet.Love seeketh only Self to please,To bind another to Its delight:Joys in anothers loss of ease,And builds a Hell in Heavens despite.泥块和小石子爱情并不想讨它的欢欣, 对它自己也丝毫不挂心;只是为了别人才舍弃安宁, 在地狱的绝望中建立一座天庭。一块小泥巴就这样唱着, 它被

16、牛羊群踩来踩去;但是溪流里有一块小石子, 它用颤音唱出了合拍的诗句。爱情只想讨它自己的欢欣, 随心所欲地去束缚别人:他看到别人失去安宁就高兴, 建立一座地狱来对抗天庭。Holy ThursdayIs this a holy thing to see,In a rich and fruitful land,Babes reduced to misery,Fed with cold and usurous hand?Is that trembling cry a song?Can it be a song of joy?And so many children poor?It is a land

17、of poverty!And their sun does never shine.And their fields are bleak & bare.And their ways are filld with thorns.It is eternal winter there.For where-eer the sun does shine,And where-eer the rain does fall:Babe can never hunger there,Nor poverty the mind appall.升天节这难道是件神圣的事情, 在一个富饶的地方, 婴儿干瘦得十分凄惨, 竟让

18、那冰冷的放债的手来喂养?那颤抖的叫声可算是支歌?它难道能是一曲欢快的歌唱?还有那么多的穷苦孩子?那原来是个穷瘠的地方!他们的太阳永远不会发光。他们的田野是光秃秃的一片荒原。他们的道路荆棘丛生, 那里就是永无止境的冬天。因为只要哪里有阳光照耀, 只要哪里会降下甘霖:婴儿就不会在那里挨饿,贫穷也不会威吓心灵。The Little Girl LostIn futurityI prophetic see,That the earth from sleep,(Grave the sentence deep)Shall arise and seekFor her maker meek:And the de

19、sart wildBecome a garden mild.In the southern clime,Where the summers prime,Never fades away;Lovely Lyca lay.Seven summers oldLovely Lyca told,She had wanderd long,Hearing wild birds song.Sweet sleep come to meUnderneath this tree;Do father, mother weep.Where can Lyca sleep.Lost in desart wildIs you

20、r little child. How can Lyca sleep,If her mother weep.If her heart does ake,Then let Lyca wake;If my mother sleep,Lyca shall not weep.Frowning frowning night,Oer this desart bright,Let thy moon arise,While I close my eyes.Sleeping Lyca lay;While the beasts of prey,Come from caverns deep,Viewd the ma

21、id asleepThe kingly lion stoodAnd the virgin viewd,Then he gambold rounder the hallowd ground;小女孩的迷失在未来的时日 我预先看到,宛如先知, 大地从睡眠中苏醒, (把这句话牢牢记在心) 将起身去寻觅 她和善的上帝:那一片荒凉的沙漠 将变成温暖的花园一座。在南方的地区 那里盛夏的时光, 永远不会消逝;可爱的丽嘉躺卧在那方。七个夏天已度过, 可爱的丽嘉说, 她一直在游荡 听着那野鸟歌唱。甜蜜的睡眠来找我吧 就在这棵树下;爸爸妈妈会不会流泪 “丽嘉能在哪儿安睡?” 你们的小孩子 在荒凉的沙漠中迷失。丽嘉怎

22、么能安睡, 若是她妈妈在流泪。若是妈妈在心疼, 那就让丽嘉仍清醒;若是我的妈妈在安睡, 丽嘉也就不会流泪。愁苦的愁苦的黑夜啊 笼罩着这明亮的荒野, 让你的月亮升起, 当我把我的眼睛禁闭。当丽嘉躺卧着安眠 从深深的山洞里面 许多猛兽跑出来 观察着这熟睡的女孩。狮王站在那里 观察着这个童女, 然后他来回跳跃嬉戏 在这块神圣的土地:豹子 豹子、老虎也在玩耍, 就在她身边围绕;这时那只年长的狮子 垂下他那一头金色的鬃毛, 便舔着她的胸膛, 他的眼睛灼灼有光, 流出红宝石般的眼泪, 滴落在她的颈项上;这时母狮也来到身旁, 松开她纤细的衣裳, 它们把这熟睡的女孩 赤裸裸地搬到洞里来。The Little

23、Girl FoundAll the night in woe,Lycas parents go:Over vallies deep,While the desarts weep.Tired and woe-begone,Hoarse with making moan:Arm in arm seven days,They tracd the desart ways.Seven nights they sleep,Among shadows deep:And dream they see their childStarvd in desart wild.Pale thro pathless way

24、sThe fancied image strays,Famishd, weeping, weakWith hollow piteous shriekRising from unrest,The trembling woman prest,With feet of weary woe;She could no further go.In his arms he bore,Her armd with sorrow sore;Till before their way,A couching lion lay.Turning back was vain,Soon his heavy mane,Bore them to the ground;Then he stalkd around,Smelling to his prey.But their fears allay,When he licks their hands;And silent by them stands.They look upon his eyesFilld with deep surprise:And wondering behold,A spirit armd in gold.On his head a crownOn his sh

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