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1、Cultural Differences of Chinese and English Color Words and Their Translation独创性声明本人声明所呈交的论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。尽我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包括其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得商洛学院或其他教育机构的学位或证书而使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。学位论文作者签名:_ 日期:_关于论文使用授权的说明本人完全了解商洛学院有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即:学校有权保留送交论文的

2、复印件,允许论文被查阅和借阅;学校可以公布论文的全部或部分内容,可以采用影印、缩印或其他复制手段保存论文。公开 保密(_年_月) (保密的学位论文在解密后应遵守此协议)签名: 导师签名: 日期: Acknowledgments Through this phase of the endeavor, my English paper Cultural Differences of Chinese and English Color Words and Their Translation have been finished. This is not my own efforts, but it

3、can not be separated with the support and care of teachers, classmates and friends. So here I would like to express my gratitude to those people who helped me during writing this thesis.First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, the University lecturer Shi Jie, for

4、her instructive advice and valuable suggestion on my thesis. Without her strict request and careful guidance, I cannot finish the thesis on time. Secondly, I also give my thanks to my friends who gave me help and listened to me and solved the problem when I was writing this thesis. Last but not leas

5、t, I would show my thanks to my parents for their continuous support and encouragement, which make me feel confident to face the difficult in writing the thesis.Cultural Differences of Chinese and English Color Words and Their TranslationAbstract: The relationship between language and culture are cl

6、osely linked. Language is the base of culture and is the constituent of culture. Language as a mirror reflects the culture of a nation, and like a window shows all the contents of the culture. On the other hand, the culture is not only the basis of the languages existence, but also the lifespring of

7、 languages metabolism. So understanding of a culture requires the understanding of the corresponding language and vice versa. In fact, language is an abstract concept. So by what way can we observe the connotation of different culture through language? This thesis analyzes this from a set of special

8、 words-color terms. Because of different customs, environments, religious beliefs, ethnic psychology, politics and economics, the understanding and the feelings of color words are different. The same color often has different meanings in various cultures and it reflects the cultural differences. Thr

9、ough comparing the difference of culture between Chinese and English, we can understand different translation methods so that we can improve our English ability. Furthermore, it can promote the communication between China and western countries.This thesis consists of four chapters. The first part ma

10、inly tells about the significance, literature review and purposes of research on the cultural connotations of color terms between English and Chinese. The second part expounds the reasons of cultural differences between English and Chinese. The third part mainly talks about the ways of translating c

11、olor words. At last a conclusion of the thesis is made naturally.Key Words: Color words; Cultural differences; Translation摘要:语言与文化之间的关系密不可分。语言是文化的基础,是文化的组成部分。它像一面镜子反映着一个民族的全部文化,又像一个窗口揭示着该文化的一切内容。另一方面文化又是语言赖以生存的基础,是语言新陈代谢的生命源泉。所以文化的理解是需要对相应语言的理解,反之亦然。实际上,语言是一种抽象的概念,那我们怎样通过它来了解不同文化之间的差异呢?我们可以从一组特殊的词汇群

12、体-颜色词来分析。由于不同文化之间的习俗,地理环境,宗教信仰,民族心理,政治经济的不同,所以对颜色词的理解和感受也不相同。通过比较中西方的文化差异,我们可以掌握不同的翻译方法,提高我们的英文水平,进而促进中西方的文化交流。本文共分为四章。第一章是对汉语和英语基本颜色词汇的研究意义,研究现状及研究目的做了阐述。第二章是分析了产生汉语和英语基本颜色词文化内涵相同点和不同点的原因。第三章是对汉英颜色词的翻译方法做了简介。第四章总结全文。关键词:颜色词;文化差异;翻译方法Table of ContentsAcknowledgments. iAbstract in English. iiAbstract

13、 in Chinese iii1. Introduction 11.1Significance of the research 11.2 Literature review of the research 11.3 Purposes of the research 22. Cultural Differences of Chinese and English Color words 22.1Different Cultural Connotations 32.1.1 the color of red 32.1.2 the color of white 62.1.3 the color of y

14、ellow 82.2 Causes of Cultural differences 102.2.1 the historical causes 112.2.2 religious beliefs 112.2.3 ways of thinking 122.2.4 geographical environment 123. Translation of Chinese and English Color words 133.1 Literal Translation 133.2 Free Translation 143.3 Conversion Translation 153.4 Cultural

15、 Equivalence Translation 164. Conclusion 16Bibliography 181. Introduction1.1Significance of the researchSince people live in a varied and graceful world, color words are closely linked with human life. In other words, life will be bleak without color words. Although there are many kinds of color, pe

16、oples perceptions of color words are the same. For example, in many languages, there are some basic color words, such as red, white, yellow, black and green, but the connotation of English and Chinese color words are quite different. Their differences in the aspects of religious belief and psycholog

17、y, historical culture, ways of thinking, reflect two different cultures of Eastern and Western countries. Nowadays, with the time passing, color words have become a fundamental part in the language, which can make the language more vivid and lifelike. Meanwhile they are not only the tool of communic

18、ation, but a very important component of the relationship between cultural connotations. So comparing cultural differences between English and Chinese color words and the study on their translation can make the communication more fluent and effective and make people get to know the background knowle

19、dge of English and Chinese culture more clearly so as to know more about the cultural connotation of both countries. It can also promote the English ability as well as the exchange of culture in China and West.1.2 Literature review of the researchThere are many scholars who have done some researches

20、 on the cultural differences between English and Chinese color words from different aspects. For example the teacher Gao Guilian and Li Yanqing have published the paper entitled Cultural Differences in Color Words Between English and Chinese. They mainly compare the cultural differences between Engl

21、ish and Chinese from the reasons of the historical backgrounds, social systems, cultural conventions, religious beliefs, thinking patterns, surroundings, customs, and emotions and so on (Gao 2). From the above thesis people can understanding of the differences between English and Chinese deeply, and

22、 generalized expressions of the two languages. In 2008, there was an essay on the issue of color word, published in the Journal of Guizhou Education Institute, namely Cultural in the Color of language by the teacher Li Wei. He mainly made a study of the emotions and rhetorical roles of the informati

23、on of cultural carried in the terms concerning colors. Meanwhile he suggested teachers should lead students to accumulate and compare culture differences when learning western cultures (Li 11). Another teacher Huang Zhengji has published the paper entitled Chinese and Korean Color Words and Their Cu

24、ltural Connotations Cultural in the Journal of Dongjiang Journal. He expresses the difference of color words in Chinese and Korean from five basic colors: green, red, white, yellow and black (Huang 64). 1.3 Purposes of the researchThrough the analysis and comparison of the cultural differences of Ch

25、inese and English color words, people can get the following conclusions: The color words have a plentiful connotation both in English and Chinese. As a necessary part of the language, color terms can reveal a nations culture. It can provide a typical example for the communication in Chinese and Engl

26、ish daily life. Meanwhile it can strengthen the English learners sensibility to western culture to lessen and avoid pragmatic failure in cross-culture communication, and then enhance the abilities of cross-cultural communication. English learners can use English correctly and promote translation ski

27、lls by knowing the differences between color word in both Chinese and English. So later in life, much more attention should be spent on deeper connotations of color words, for better understanding and memorizing.2. Cultural Differences of Chinese and English Color wordsThe cultural differences of En

28、glish and Chinese can be reflected by the color words, from the aspects like value, expression way, emotional coloring to category used. While in the following thesis, the main reasons leading to their cultural differences such as: the different cultural tradition, national customs, geographical env

29、ironment, religious belief and historical culture and geographical backgrounds, these aspects will be told in detail.2.1 Different Cultural Connotations2.1.1 The Color of RedChina is a country which advocates red, despises black and hates white. Red is a favorite color of Chinese people. Since ancie

30、nt times, red is advocated by Chinese, and pays an important role of essential festival color in our daily life. In Chinese peoples mind, red is the basic color which people respected and is an carrier of Chinese peoples spirit and object. So red has the following meaning in Chinese:Firstly, red sym

31、bolizes happiness, hotness, prosperity and passion. In happy days people would surely use it to decorate everything. It represents not only the festival atmosphere of rejoicing and festivity, but also the lucky. For example, Chinese New Year is one of the most important traditional festivals in China. Many people will wear the red clothes during this time of year. Meanwhile at that time, every household will have many red ornaments traditionally such as windows, which will stick with red paper-cuts and doors, which will be

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