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1、伤害 【经典例句】 In the crash he suffered severe injuries to the head and arms. 【考点聚焦】 1)injure也可表示“损害名誉;伤害感情等”。2)同根词injured adj. 受伤的,受委屈的 3)辨析injure,hurt与wound:injure一般指由于意外或事故而受伤;hurt多用于精神上的伤害。hurt是受伤的一般用语,也可指精神上的伤害;wound指外伤,如枪伤、刀伤、剑伤,尤指在战争中、战斗中受伤;hurt也可用作不及物动词,意为“疼痛,惹起痛苦”。bleedbli:d v. 出血,流血bleed(流血)blo

2、od(血) His nose was bleeding. 【考点聚焦】 1)bleed常引申为“为国家、正义等流血、牺牲”。2)固定搭配:bleed for 为而流血,悲痛 bleed sb.white 榨干血汗,榨完钱财 bleed to death 出血过多而导致死亡burn b:n v. (被)烧毁;(被)烧伤;(被)烫伤 n. 烧伤或灼伤(的痕迹)【经典例句】 v. She burnt all his letters to her. 她把所有他寄给她的信都烧了。 n. There are some burns on her hand.她手上有烧伤的疤痕。organn n . 器官 Th

3、e eyes are the organs of sight. 【考点聚焦】 1)organ常引申为“机关”,如:state organs国家机构;a government organ一个政府机关 2)同根词:organic adj. 有机物的,有机体的;organism n.C生物,有机体;机体,有机组织;organize/ise vt.组织;organization n.C团体,机构;U组织treatment ri:tmnt n. 治疗;处理;对待 His treatment of the animal was cruel. 【考点聚焦】 1)意为“对待”时,用作不可数名词(如上例);当意

4、为“治疗(法)”时,既可以用作可数名词也可以用作不可数名词。如:There are various treatments available for this condition. treat v. 对待;招待;treaty n. 条约mildmaild adj. 轻微的;温和的;温柔的【巧记提示】 一句话记单词: She is actually mild not wild.事实上她很温和一点也不粗野。【经典例句】 He has too mild a nature to get angry, even if he has good cause. 【考点聚焦】 1)同义词:gentle;easy

5、;calm;反义词:severe;unkind;stormy Damage vt. & n. 损害;毁坏【经典例句】 v. Smoking can damage your health.抽烟会损害你的健康。 n. Frost caused heavy damage to the crops.霜冻对农作物造成了重大损害。【考点聚焦】 1)辨析damage和destroy:程度:destroy指彻底地破坏,而damage指不完全破坏;后果:destroy表示不能修复使用,而damage指不能发挥正常作用;对象:destroy可指人或事物,而damage不能指人;原因:destroy强调外界力量,而

6、damage侧重人为过失。2)damage 可用作不可数名词,常和介词 to连用,表示“对的损害”。present przent v. 给;介绍;赠送;呈现 The mayor presented the prizes in person. 1)present还可以用作形容词,意为“在场的,出席的”;用作名词时意为“礼物”。presence n. 在场;出席 3)固定搭配: at present 现在的;马上的 for the present 暂时的;目前的ceremony erimni n. 典礼;礼仪;礼节 【考点聚焦】 1)作“典礼;仪式”讲时,为可数名词;作“礼节;客套”讲时,为不可数

7、名词 stand on ceremony拘泥礼节;讲究客套 with ceremony 正式;隆重 without ceremony不拘礼节地;随便地短语巧记典句考点 first aid 急救【经典例句】 First aid is of great help in our daily life. give/offer aid 援助come to sb.s aid 帮助某人 cut off aid 突然终止援助a hearing aid 助听器 teaching aids 教具 medical aid 医疗救护 with the aid of 借助于,通过的帮助 in aid of 为了帮助fa

8、ll ill 生病 Hearing the bad news,he fell ill. 【考点聚焦】 fall在这里是连系动词,在短语中意为“变得,变成”,类似短语还有:fall asleep 入睡;fall silent 沉默electric shock 触电;电休克【经典例句】 The electric shock deprived him of his life.触电夺走了他的生命。【考点聚焦】 同根词:electrical adj. 用电的;与电有关的;electricity n. 电流;电;electronic adj. 电子的其他与electric相关的搭配 electric co

9、rd 电线electric fan电扇 electric light 电灯electric current 电流 electric train 电动火车electric stove 电炉 electric power 电力squeeze out 榨出;挤出【经典例句】 The boss squeezed out the last drop of blood of the worker. 【考点聚焦】 相关词组:squeeze.out of 压出,挤出;榨取,如:to squeeze the juice out of a lemon 榨出柠檬汁over and over again 反复;多次【

10、经典例句】 He mentioned that rumor over and over again.【考点聚焦】 同义短语:time and again; again and againin place 在适当的位置;适当 I like everything to be in place. 【考点聚焦】 1)in place 还有“就绪”之意,如:With everything in place,she started the slide show. 2)其他与place相关的短语:give place to 为取代;让位于in place of 代替 out of place 在错误的位置;

11、在不适当的位置take place 发生;举行 take the place of 代替,替代a number of 若干,许多【经典例句】 Ive seen the movie a number of times. 【考点聚焦】 辨析a number of和the number of:a number of意为“许多,大量”,后接可数名词;the number of 意为“的数目”,谓语动词用单数。在number前添加形容词所构成的搭配 a great number of tourists 许多观光者 a large number of students 许多学生 a good number

12、 of books 许多书 a small number of errors 少数的错误 a certain number of young women 一些年轻的女性句子剖析拓展 Take clothing off the burned area unless it is stuck to the burn. 【剖析】 1)全句是一个复合句结构。 2)主句是一个以动词“take”开头的祈使句。3)unless引导了一个条件状语从句。【拓展】 1)unless是连词,意为“如果不,除非”。在真实条件句中,unless引导的肯定条件状语从句可以和if.not.引导的否定状语从句互换。 Unles

13、s you change your mind,I wont be able to help you. =If you dont change your mind,I wont be able to help you. 2)unless 不可用于假想的事情,因此当if.not引导非真实条件状语从句时,一般不可改用unless。It was Johns quick action and knowledge of first aid that saved Ms Slades life. 【剖析】 1)整个句子是一个简单句。2)本句使用了强调句型,强调句子的主语“Johns quick action

14、and knowledge of first aid”。【拓展】 强调句结构是英语中最常使用的句型之一,用来强调谓语以外的任何成分。其构 成形式是:It is/was+被强调部分+that/who+剩余部分。在本结构中,it无意义,只是改变一个句子的结构,使某一成分得到强调;若原句属于现在或将来时态范畴,be用is的形式,若原句属于过去时态范畴,be用was的形式。There is no doubt that Johns quick thinking and the first aid skills he learned at school saved Ms Slade【剖析】 1)整个句子是

15、一个复合句,that引导的是同位语从句。2)同位语从句属于名词性从句,大多由从属连词that引导,常常跟在fact,idea, opinion,news,hope,belief等名词后面。同位语从句一般用来解释或说明这些名词的具体含义或内容,在逻辑上表现为同位关系。They were delighted at the news that their team had won. 语法剖析 什么是省略 1.省略是一种避免重复、保持简洁的语法手段。2.凡是缺少一个或一个以上的必要语言成分,但在一定语境中能够独立存在,意义明确,并且能发挥交际功能的句子就是省略句。省略的分类 1.语篇省略和情景省略 有

16、的省略句可以从上下文找到被省略的成分,这种省略叫做语篇省略。Shanghai is one of the largest cities in the world,if not the largest (city). 上海即使不是世界上最大的城市也堪称世界最大的城市之一。2.情景省略 有的省略句虽然从上下文中找不到被省略的成分,但是可以从语言情景中推断出被省略的成分。(I am) Glad to see you.见到你真高兴。简单句、并列句和复合句的省略 分类说明举例简单句的省略不定式的省略A:Will you join us?你要同我们一道去吗?B:I should love to (join

17、 you).我愿意。介词的省略We have lived here (for) ten years. 但是在否定句中,此类for不能省略。I havent seen you for three months. Its no use (in) crying.哭也没用。在并列句中一般说来,在后一并列然中凡是与上文相同的成分通常都要省略。My room is on the fifth floor,and hers (is) on the eighth (floor). I came at right but Henry (came) at nine. 复合句的省略状语从当状语从的主语和主句的主语一致

18、,且状语从句中含有be动词时,省略状语从句中的主语和be 动词。When (the novel is) published,the novel will become one of the best sellers of the year. Although (he was) hard-working,he couldnt earn enough to support himself. When (the grapes are) ripe,the grapes will be delicious. 定如果关系代词在定语从句中作宾语时,这个关系代词可以省略。Here is the man (wh

19、om) youve been lookingfor. Hes the man (who/that) you can safely depend on. There are many plays (that) Id like to see. 宾引导宾语从句的that 之后接的从句不长时,可以省略。如果that 后面的宾语从句较长时,that 不能省略。I hope (that) youll be fine soon. Now scientists warn that if not under control,the unseen energy waves,“electric smog”, may

20、 be hazardous to our health. 主有时整个主句都可省略,只剩下一个从句。这种省略现象通常出现在简短答语中。You all like the story?你们都喜欢这个故事?Yes,except that the conclusion is too long. 针对性练习1Was it from the lake_he often went fishing_he saved the drowning girl?Athat;that Bwhere;whereCwhere;that Dthat;2Its a good habit to keep everything_in

21、your study.Ain the way Bin placeCin hand Din case3She knows how to make full use of her time and her parents never put_on her to work hard.Aforce BpressureCburden Dweight4The famous actress became_,and couldnt say a word when asked about her father,who passed away only last month.Achoked Bfrightened

22、Cswelled Dsqueezed5As a child,he was so fond of reading that he read every book he could put his_on.Ahands BarmsCmind Dheart6The number of college graduates _ surprisingly large and a large number of them _ unable to find a proper job.Ais;is Bare;areCare;is Dis;7You have to be accurate in this job,b

23、ecause a small mistake can make a big _.Adifference BdifficultyCtrouble Dchange8I thought you_be employed by that company because you had_knowledge of French.Awill;the Bwould;aCcan;/ Dcould;/9I had just stepped out of the bathroom and was busy drying myself with a towel _ I heard the steps.Awhile Bw

24、henCsince Dafter10. (2011年浙江十二校联考)Hurry up! Alice and Sue are waiting for you at the school gate. Oh! I thought they_ without me. Awent Bare goingChave gone Dhad gone11I won the first prize and you can imagine how excited I was when the Mayor _ me with the reward.Aprovided BsuppliedCpresented Dcharg

25、ed12An earthquake hit the southeast of the country,causing 6 deaths and hundreds of _.Ainjuries BwoundsCdamage Dhurt13Fever is a _of many illnesses.So I suggest you take it seriously and see a doctor as soon as possible.Amessage BsymptomClabel Dclue14We should never forget those who_the success of t

26、he revolution.Abled for Bbleeded forCfighting for Dbled to15I want to have a short talk with you.Could you spare a few minutes_?Aif necessary Bif possibleCif so Deven if so16Once the new rules are made,what matters much next is how they will be _ to all the members of the club.Adevoted Breferred Cap

27、plied Ddirected17They have earned lots of money,so I _ believe that the business is a success.Amildly Bfirmly Cactively Dtightly18 Eye contact is important because wrong contact may create a communication _.Atragedy Bvacuum Cquestion Dbarrier19He had the good _ to withdraw from the election contest.Asense Bmatter Ccase Dopinion20. It sounds like something is wrong with the cars engine._ , wed better take it to the garage immediately. A. Otherwise B. If not C. But for th

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