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MINDFREE 语法总结文档格式.docx

1、 动名词,分词和不定式(动名词表示结果和正在发生的动作等,如果描述过去的动作,用动名词错;不定式一般表目的,偶尔才表结果); such as和like; unlike, in contrary to, despite, although;逗号; 4.状语所在的位置和被修饰动词的关系; 修饰词与被修饰词的位置和关系P120-24 P121-27, 5.代词的对应关系; it, this, that, these, those等必须有相对应的名词 P111 7-8, 如果划线部分有代词, 一定要找到所指代的名词, 如没有或不对应, 必错; it同which不能表示前面的整句; this不做指代P1

2、21-276.OG-43; OG50; OG-55(within; A instead of B前后也要一致); OG-59; OG-60; OG-70; OG-74; OG-80(those做代词前面应有复数名词相对应); OG-83 (it的用法); OG-84; OG-91; OG-100; OG-105; OG-109 (require ofthat (not to); of的用法jobs of skill);OG-111(give credit to sb. for doing sth); OG-124; OG126! OG-132(equal and equivalent的用法);

3、OG-133(平行结构is done和do不平行); OG-134(should and will); OG-135(use of comma平行的有独自主谓结构的句子之间必须有逗号!); OG-137(of and for); OG-146(if从句中不用will将来时); OG-155; OG-158(as is not idiomatic); OG-161(would和will); OG-171; OG-176; OG-183(代词的重要性); OG-188(that和who的比较); OG-190(并列项的逻辑关系); OG-195(多对一的逻辑关系错); OG-197(and和as

4、well as的区别); OG-198(过去某时前发生的动作必须用过去完成时); OG-205(although); OG-214(it); OG-216(and also=not onlybut also); OG-229(for the process can mean); OG-230(in reference to and referring to); OG-237(interaction of); OG-255(passive tense; they; it);7.句子结构简洁: 分词结构优先于从句; being一般省略; 但比较时than后的主谓要全:避免歧义8.分词结构做状语等句

5、子成分时,其逻辑主语一定要和主句主语一致 P120-259.主动优先于被动10.such as代替like; rather than代替instead of; increased优先于increasing; 两者之间的比较用compare with而不用compare to;用whether不if引导从句;11.In that不出现在句首12.admit to something, e.g. He admits to his lack in computer skills.13.seem to be为正确结构. 不用seem + adjective or noun14.介宾短语(如on the

6、 basis of)在句首不要求逻辑主语15.现在分词表示主动,伴随,结果,和正在进行的动作, 过去分词表示被动和完成的动作,不定式表示将来发生或目的,不定式做修饰成分与主语不分开 P16.常用词: attempt to; bothand; not onlybut also; suggest A as B; defineas; useas; consider sth. sth. (而不是consider sth. as sth.); regard as; legend has it that; choose from, contribute to; according to; conclude

7、 that; not so much as; neither nor; modeled after; a result of; to result in; a debate over; a responsibility to, responsible for; different from; a consequence of; soas to be; sothat; depicted as; as great as; as good as; better than; attribute to; credited with; agree with; appear to; because of;

8、depend on; due to; in order to; subject to; insofar as (在范围内,相当于as far as); alter sth. to do sth.; mold sth. to do sth.;17.unlike, opposite to和in contrast to在句首时,其逻辑主语应与主句主语一致;contrary to无须如此P119-2218.不能改变句意和正确结构, 主从关系不能改变! P120-2519.only的位置要与句意相符armed only with a map不能用only armed with a map20.注意并列结

9、构如:thatand that21.同位语从句只能用that引导(that无实际意义,e.g. The news that he is gay proves)22.在GMAT中,复数名词可以拥有单数事物, e.g. Three out of four own a bicycle. Some have a preferred status over and poor等同于the rich and the poor24.type和kind不能等同于事物,要加of P135 8-1125.While(whereas)一般不引导时间状语从句,而是表示前后的强烈对比,并且要

10、注意前后的搭配(一致),包括单复数和时态. P136 8-12 P144-22; while + 动词现在分词, 与主句动作做强烈对比26.Despite后不跟动名词短语,只跟简单名词27.that和whom所引导的成分为宾语时可省略,e.g. the guy he talked to, the pain it causes, etc.28.that在其它情况下不能省略! The doctor suggests that29.WHAT的用法: A1 is to B1 what A2 is to B2; WHAT的另一种用法what is now P138 8-1530.当引导从句时, 介词+w

11、hich优于where, 因为前者更明确31.理解句意, 注意歧义! P140-2 avoid duplication of facilities而不是avoid duplicated facilities 避免建设中的重复而不是避免建设; 注意动词和受动词的关系, 注意比较事物之间的关系(什么与什么的比较); P142-13 a sizeable wolf population有歧义,可能是大型的狼,也可能是大群的狼!32.当短语或从句中的主语被省略时,一定要看是否和主句的主语相符,录e.g. When sleeping, the hormone is secreted. WRONG!33.

12、Where once = because P141-534.there being错 P141-735.after when错 P141-736.on condition that后用虚拟语气 P142-1237.whether引导的宾语从句带有否定或是不确定的意思, 所以从句中可加or not. 如果主句是肯定则不能用whether引导宾语从句38.P146-27 C选项中没有歧义,可以接受; P144-19 B选项中也不存在歧义, 因为whose不可能修饰blood pressure.39.There be只能表示在某处存在某事物.40.在比较中要注意被比较的事物, e.g. P156 9

13、-6中,被比较的是回收纸的数量而不是纸本身,more paper的用法不如the amount o paper准确41.the morethe more可以省略系动词,但前后要一致: The great the nation wealth, the greater the amount of meat consumed. 42.(至少)等于,或大于的表示: at least asas; asas, if not more so; asas or 比较级 than43.Goods是复数形式, e.g. Half of his goods were lost in the storm44.情态动词

14、作用特殊,一般不用其它结构或动词(如be动词)代替.45.Not any不如直接用no46.结构上的对称在GMAT中很重要, 尤其在比较中: asas, morethan47.Worth prep. 价值 a book worth $20; He is worth $1 million48.No less an authority than Mr. XXX 象Mr. XXX这样权威的人49.noun + of + less than是固定用法: investment of less than $1 million; vehicles of less than 8000 pounds; popu

15、lation of less than 100 people50.比较中如果前后的主语相同, 后面的主语可省略. P168-1351.P170-28 No less remarkable than the development of CD has been the use习惯用法52.So修饰形容词, such修饰名词, e.g. such an extraordinary fee或fee are so extraordinary that so extraordinary fees错!53.As much as表肯定, so much as用于否定; so much that或as muc

16、h that错!54.More (less) of + noun (可数或不可数) 更大(更少)程度上的 P-172-35, less/more为名词 55.Compare to指比喻,比作, e.g. Life is often compared to a voyage; 比较同类事物时用compare with, e.g. compare the brain of human with that of elephant56.During一般不与将来时段连用, during the next 50 years少用, 多用其它词如over (over the next 50 year), wi

17、thin (within the foreseeable future)等替换 E5-56, E9-5557.再次强调, 看到代词一定要看是否指代为唯一, 是否会产生歧义! P177-5758.比较要看事物的可比性, 结构的对称, 59.表示原因一般用because, 较少用due to或since60.A do (does) sth., just as B do (does) sth.; Just as A do (does) sth., so B do (does) sth.; As A do (does) sth., so too do (does) A (or so tooA do (

18、does)正如也 As Tom isso too are we61.The nations three military academics have seen a dramatic rise in applications, one fueled by a resurgence of patriotism, increasing tuition costs at private college, and improved recruiting by the academics.62.一定要注意主语和谓语的搭配, e.g. Out of Americas fascination with al

19、l things antique have grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixtures that are bringing back the chaise lounge, the overstuffed sofa, and the claw-footed bathtub.B. things antique has grown a market for bygone styles of furniture and fixtures that is bringingE. antique things has grown a

20、market for bygone styles of furniture and fixtures that bring63.修饰thing一类的词时,形容词放在后面. Things interesting, things antique, 见上例.64.12. Affording strategic proximity to the Strait of Gibraltar, Morocco was also of interest to the French throughout the first half of the twentieth century because they as

21、sumed that if they did not hold it, their grip on Algeria was always insecure.(A) if they did not hold it, their grip in Algeria was always insecure(B) without it their grip on Algeria would never be secure(C) their grip on Algeria was not ever secure if they did not hold it(D) without that, they co

22、uld never be secure about their grip on Algeria(E) never would their grip on Algeria be secure if they did not hold it这里的角度是French在first half of the century.在那时French did hold it! 虽然与现在的事实相反,如果你改成过去完成时,就改变了原句意思,变成了在first half of the century French没有hold Morocco.理解一下.65.4.Analysts blamed Mays sluggis

23、h retail sales on unexciting merchandise as well as the weather, colder and wetter than was usual in some regions, which slowed sales of barbeque grills and lawn furniture.(A)colder and wetter than was usual in some regions, which slowed(B)which was colder and wetter than usual in some regions, slow

24、ing(C)since it was colder and wetter than usually in some regions, which slowed(D)being colder and wetter than was usually in some regions, slowing(E)having been colder and wetter than was usual in some regions and slowed66.Developing nations in various parts of the world have amassed $700 billion i

25、n debts; at stake, should a significant number of these debts be repudiated, is the solvency of some of the worlds largest multinational banks.(A) should a significant number of these debts be repudiated, is (B) should a significant number of these debts be repudiated, are(C) should they repudiate a

26、 significant number of these debts, are(D) if there is a repudiation of a significant number of these debts, would be(E) if a significant number of these debts will be repudiated, is67.As if在GMAT中多为错.68.Sothat中的倒装结构1.So poorly designed and built are many of its new cars that the Zenith Car Company h

27、as decided to overhaul its entire production process. ASo poorly designed and built are many of its new cars that BMany of its new cars which are so poorly designed and built demonstrates why CBecause of many new cars that are poorly designed and built thatDAs poorly designed and built as many of it

28、s new cars are, EThat many of its new cars are poorly designed and built is why69.GMAT考试语法改错题方法小结转自:作者:新东方CORRECTIVENESSI. Logical Fallacies (logical perfection is superior to grammaticalimperfection, the first and foremost issue of GMAT grammar is logic)(i)Shanghai is bigger than any cities in Chin

29、a. is mistaken becauseShanghai cannot be larger than any cities that inclusive of itself. So itshould be Shanghai is bigger than any other cities in China.(ii)Blind eyesight; visible wavelength are logically flawedarrangement; it should be blind people, visible radiation instead.(iii)Price cannot cause inflation but Price Increase can.(iv)前后转折关系(by transitional words asbut etc.)是否成立要看前后的分类 标 (v)准是否统一:big measurementsmall measurementIII.主谓搭配和代词指代(七大类型)

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