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1、TICCIH is the world organisation representing industrial heritage and is special adviser to ICOMOS on industrial heritage. This charter was originated by TICCIH and will be presented to ICOMOS for ratification and for eventual approval by UNESCO.TICCIH是代表工业遗产保护的国际组织,是ICOMOS在工业遗产保护方面的专业咨询团。该宪章由TICCIH

2、起草,提交ICOMOS批示,并最终由UNESCO正式批准。Preamble The earliest periods of human history are defined by the archaeological evidence for fundamental changes in the ways in which people made objects, and the importance of conserving and studying the evidence of these changes is universally accepted. From the Middl

3、e Ages, innovations in Europe in the use of energy and in trade and commerce led to a change towards the end of the 18 th century just as profound as that between the Neolithic and Bronze Ages, with developments in the social, technical and economic circumstances of manufacturing sufficiently rapid

4、and profound to be called a revolution. The Industrial Revolution was the beginning of a historical phenomenon that has affected an ever-greater part of the human population, as well as all the other forms of life on our planet, and that continues to the present day. The material evidence of these p

5、rofound changes is of universal human value, and the importance of the study and conservation of this evidence must be recognised. The delegates assembled for the 2003 TICCIH Congress in Russia wish therefore to assert that the buildings and structures built for industrial activities, the processes

6、and tools used within them and the towns and landscapes in which they are located, along with all their other tangible and intangible manifestations, are of fundamental importance. They should be studied, their history should be taught, their meaning and significance should be probed and made clear

7、for everyone, and the most significant and characteristic examples should be identified, protected and maintained, in accordance with the spirit of the Venice Charter 1, for the use and benefit of today and of the future. 该会议的代表一致认为,为工业活动建造的建筑和构筑物、工业生产过程与使用的工具,工业生存所在的城镇以及形成的景观,以及其它物质和非物质载体,都具有同等的重要性

8、。应该研究、讲授它们的历史,探索和界定它们的价值,认定最具代表性和特色的案例,以威尼斯宪章为指导来实施保护和维护。1. Definition of industrial heritage 工业遗产的定义Industrial heritage consists of the remains of industrial culture which are of historical, technological, social, architectural or scientific value. These remains consist of buildings and machinery,

9、workshops, mills and factories, mines and sites for processing and refining, warehouses and stores, places where energy is generated, transmitted and used, transport and all its infrastructure, as well as places used for social activities related to industry such as housing, religious worship or edu

10、cation. 工业遗产是具有历史价值、技术价值、社会意义、建筑或科研价值的工业文化遗存。包括建筑物和机械、车间、磨坊、工厂、矿山以及相关的加工提炼场地、仓库和店铺、生产、传输和使用能源的场所、交通基础设施,除此之外,还有与工业生产相关的其它社会活动场所,如住房供给、宗教崇拜或者教育。Industrial archaeology is an interdisciplinary method of studying all the evidence, material and immaterial, of documents, artefacts, stratigraphy and struct

11、ures, human settlements and natural and urban landscapes 2, created for or by industrial processes. It makes use of those methods of investigation that are most suitable to increase understanding of the industrial past and present. The historical period of principal interest extends forward from the

12、 beginning of the Industrial Revolution in the second half of the eighteenth century up to and including the present day, while also examining its earlier pre-industrial and proto-industrial roots. In addition it draws on the study of work and working techniques encompassed by the history of technol

13、ogy. 研究关注的主要历史时期是自18世纪后半叶工业革命以来至今,但不排出前工业时期和工业萌芽期的活动。2. Values of industrial heritage 工业遗产的价值I. The industrial heritage is the evidence of activities which had and continue to have profound historical consequences. The motives for protecting the industrial heritage are based on the universal value o

14、f this evidence, rather than on the singularity of unique sites. 保护工业遗产的宗旨是基于这个群体的普遍价值,而非个别遗址的独特性。 II. The industrial heritage is of social value as part of the record of the lives of ordinary men and women, and as such it provides an important sense of identity. It is of technological and scientifi

15、c value in the history of manufacturing, engineering, construction, and it may have considerable aesthetic value for the quality of its architecture, design or planning. 工业遗产的社会价值在于它记载了芸芸众生的生活,是认同感的基础;它们在机械工程方面具有技术和科研价值,同时它们的设计和建造工艺也是美的源泉。III. These values are intrinsic to the site itself, its fabri

16、c, components, machinery and setting, in the industrial landscape, in written documentation, and also in the intangible records of industry contained in human memories and customs. 上述的价值是内在的,由工业遗产的肌理、要素、机械和装置等等决定,不管它们是屹立在大地上还是存留在卷宗里,甚至人们的记忆中。IV. Rarity, in terms of the survival of particular process

17、es, site typologies or landscapes, adds particular value and should be carefully assessed. Early or pioneering examples are of especial value. 稀缺性使工业遗产价值锦上添花,那些早期建设的具有开创性的工业景观更是如此。3. The importance of identification, recording and research 认定、登录与研究遗产的重要性I. Every territory should identify, record and

18、 protect the industrial remains that it wants to preserve for future generations. 所有的地区都有认定、登陆和保护工业遗迹的义务。II. Surveys of areas and of different industrial typologies should identify the extent of the industrial heritage. Using this information, inventories should be created of all the sites that have

19、 been identified. They should be devised to be easily searchable and should be freely accessible to the public. Computerisation and on-line access are valuable objectives. 必须决定工业遗产的范围,据此建立遗产清单,便于公众查询。III. Recording is a fundamental part of the study of industrial heritage. A full record of the physi

20、cal features and condition of a site should be made and placed in a public archive before any interventions are made. Much information can be gained if recording is carried out before a process or site has ceased operation. Records should include descriptions, drawings, photographs and video film of

21、 moving objects, with references to supporting documentation. Peoples memories are a unique and irreplaceable resource which should also be recorded when they are available. 遗产登陆是研究工作最基础的部分,针对场地空间特性和现状进行完整的报告,在进行任何干预活动之前提交公共档案馆备案。登陆内容包括描述性文字、草图、照片和短片,当地人们的记忆也是重要的信息来源。IV. Archaeological investigation

22、 of historic industrial sites is a fundamental technique for their study. It should be carried out to the same high standards as that of sites from other historical or cultural periods. 对工业遗址开展考古学研究也是重要的手段,对工业革命以来时期的考古研究与其它时期同等重要。V. Programmes of historical research are needed to support policies fo

23、r the protection of the industrial heritage. Because of the interdependency of many industrial activities, international studies can help identify sites and types of sites of world importance. 研究为政策的制定提供参考依据。由于工业活动之间的互相依赖型,对于有世界意义的工业遗产,可以组织国际性的研究来认定遗产及其类型。VI. The criteria for assessing industrial bu

24、ildings should be defined and published so as to achieve general public acceptance of rational and consistent standards. On the basis of appropriate research, these criteria should be used to identify the most important surviving landscapes, settlements, sites, typologies, buildings, structures, mac

25、hines and processes. 评估工业建筑的标准应公开透明,被大众广泛接受。在充分研究基础上形成的标准用以认定存留的景观、居民点、遗迹、类型、建筑、构造、机械以及其它过程。VII. Those sites and structures that are identified as important should be protected by legal measures that are sufficiently strong to ensure the conservation of their significance. The World Heritage List of

26、 UNESCO should give due recognition to the tremendous impact that industrialisation has had on human culture. 经认定具有重要意义的遗址和构造应采取法律手段予以强有力的保护。联合国教科文组织的世界遗产清单应充分重视工业化对人类文化的巨大影响。VIII. The value of significant sites should be defined and guidelines for future interventions established. Any legal, admini

27、strative and financial measures that are necessary to maintain their value should be put in place. 重要一直的价值应给与清晰表述并针对未来发展制定行动导则。任何必须的法律、政策和财政手段都必须及时落实。IX. Sites that are at risk should be identified so that appropriate measures can be taken to reduce that risk and facilitate suitable schemes for repa

28、iring or re-using them. 受到威胁的遗址应及时甄别出来以便采取合适的措施降低风险,并制定合适的修复与再利用计划。X. International co-operation is a particularly appropriate approach to the conservation of the industrial heritage through co-ordinated initiatives and sharing resources. Compatible criteria should be developed to compile internatio

29、nal inventories and databases. 国际合作可以形成连贯的动力并实现资源共享,使一种比较适宜的方式。各地的标准之间应具有兼容性,以便综合整理成国际清单于数据库。4. Legal protection 法律保护I. The industrial heritage should be seen as an integral part of the cultural heritage in general. Nevertheless, its legal protection should take into account the special nature of th

30、e industrial heritage. It should be capable of protecting plant and machinery, below-ground elements, standing structures, complexes and ensembles of buildings, and industrial landscapes. Areas of industrial waste should be considered for their potential archaeological as well as ecological value. 工

31、业遗产应被视为一般意义上文化不可分割的部分,然而工业遗产的立法保护也存在其特殊性。保护的对象包括工厂与机械、地下设施、地面构造、建筑群以及工业景观整体。必须工业废墟前在的考古和生态学价值。II. Programmes for the conservation of the industrial heritage should be integrated into policies for economic development and into regional and national planning. 保护工业遗产的计划应整合到经济发展政策和区域乃至国土规划中。III. The most important sites should be fully protected and no interventions allowed that compromise their historical integrity or the authenticity of their fabric. Sympathetic adaptation and re-use may be an appropriate and a cost-effective way of ensuring the survival of industrial buildings, and should b

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