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1、replicated this effect with other stimuli, _9_ the sound of fingernails onachalkboard and photographs of disgusting insects.The drive to _10_ is deeply ingrained in humans, much the same as thebasic drives for _11_ or shelter, says Christopher Hsee of the UniversityofChicago, a co-author of the pape

2、r. Curiosity is often considered a good instinct itcan _12_ new scientific advances, for instancebut sometimes such _13_can backfire. The insightthat curiosity can drive you to do _14_ things is aprofound one.Unhealthy curiosityis possible to _15_, however. In a final experiment,participants who wer

3、e encouraged to _16_ how they would feel after viewing anunpleasant picture were less likely to _17_ to see such an image. These resultssuggest that imagining the _18_ of following through on ones curiosity ahead oftime can help determine _19_ it is worth the endeavor. “ Thinking aboutlong-term _20_

4、 is key to mitigating the possible negative effects of curiosity,e” Hsays. In other words, dont read online comments.1.A resolveB. protectC. discussD. ignore2.A refuseB. waitC. seekD .regret3.A .riseB. lastC. misleadD. hurt4.A. alertB. tieC. exposeD. treat5.A. messageB. trialC. reviewD. concept6.A.

5、removeB. weakenC. deliverD. interrupt7.A. UnlessB. IfC. ThoughD. When8.A. happenB. continueC. disappearD. change9.A rather thanB. such asC. regardlessD .owing to10.A. disagreeB. forgiveC. forgetD. discover11.A. payB. marriageC. foodD. school12.A. begin withB. rest onC. learn fromD. lead to13.A. with

6、drawalB. inquiryC. persistenceD. diligence14.A. self-destructiveB. self-reliantC. self-evidentD. self-deceptive15.A. resistB. defineC. replaceD. trace16.A. predictB. overlookC. designD. conceal17.A. rememberB. chooseC. promiseD. pretend18.A. reliefB. planC. outcomeD. duty19.A. whetherB. whyC. whereD

7、. how20 .A. limitationsB. InvestmentsC. strategiesD. consequences【答案】8. A happenA resistC seek9. B such asA predictD hurtD discover17.B chooseC exposeC foodC outcomeB trialD lead toA whetherC deliverB inquiry20.D consequencesD whenA self-destructiveSection II Reading ComprehensionPart A Read the fol

8、lowing four passages. Answer the questions below each passage by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1It is curious that Stephen Koziatek feels almost as though he has to justify his efforts to give his students a better future.Mr. Koziatek is part of something

9、pioneering. He is a teacher at a New Hampshire high school where learning is not something of books and tests and rote memorization, but practical, reports staff writer Stacy Teicher Khadaroo in this week cover story. When did it become accepted wisdom that students should be able to name the 13th p

10、resident of the United States but be utterly bamboozled by a busted bike chain?As Koziatek knows, there is learning in just about everything. Nothing is necessarily gained by forcing students to learn geometry at a graffiti desk stuck withgenerations of discarded chewing gum. They can also learn geo

11、metry by assembling a bicycle.But healso found a kind of insidious prejudice. Working with your hands isseen as almost a mark of inferiority. Schools in the family of vocational education“ have that stereotype . that it s for kids who can t make it academically,On one hand, that viewpoint is a logic

12、al product of Americasevolution.Manufacturing is not the economic engine that it once was. The job security that theUS economy once offered to high school graduates has largely evaporated. More education is the new mantra. We want more for our kids, and rightfully so.But the headlong push into bache

13、lor s degreesllandforathe subtle devaluingof anything less misses an important point: That s not the only thing the Americaneconomy needs. Yes, a bachelor s degree opens more doors. But even now, 54 percentof the jobs in the country are middle-skill jobs, such as construction and high-skillmanufactu

14、ring, according to the National Skills Coalition, a nonprofit advocacy group.But only 44 percent of workers are adequately trained.In other words, at a time when the working class has turned the country on its political head, frustrated that the opportunity that once defined America is vanishing, on

15、e obvious solution is staring us in the face. There is a gap in working-class jobs, but the workers who need those jobs most aren equippedt to do them. Koziatek s Manchester School of Technology High School is trying to fill that gap.Koziatek s school is a wake-upcall. When education becomes one-siz

16、e-fits-all, itrisks overlooking a nation s diversity of gifts.21. A brokan bike chain is mentioned to show students_lack ofA.mechanical memorizationB.academic trainingC.practical abilityD.pioneering spirit22.There exists the prejudice that vocational education is for kids who _A. are financially dis

17、advantagedB. are not academically successful C. have a stereotyped mindD. have no career motivation23.We can infer from Paragraph 5 that high school graduates _B.are reluctant to work in manufacturingC.used to have more job opportunitiesD.used to have big financial concerns24.The headlong push intob

18、achelor s degrees for all _A. helps create a lot of middle-skill jobsB. may narrow the gap in working-class jobsC. is expected to yield a better-trained workforceD. indicates the overvaluing of higher education25. The author s attitude toward Koziateschool cansbe described as _A.supportiveB.disappoi

19、ntedC.tolerantD.cautiousTest 2While fossil fuels coal, oil, gas still generate roughly 85 percent of the world senergy supply, it s clearer than ever that the future belongs to renewable sourcesh sucas wind and solar. The move to renewable is picking up momentum around the world:They now account for

20、 more than half of new power sources going on line.Some growthstems froma commitmentby governments and farsightedbusinessesto fund cleaner energy sources. Butincreasingly the story is about theplummeting prices of renewable, especially wind and solar. The cost of solar panelshas dropped by 80 percen

21、t and the cost of wind turbines by close to one-third in thepast eight years.In many parts of the world renewable energy is already a principal energy source.In Scotland, for example, windturbines provide enough electricity to power 95percent of homes. While the rest of the worldtakes the lead, nota

22、bly China andEurope, the United States is also seeing a remarkable shift. In March, for the first time,wind and solar power accounted for more than 10 percent of the power generated inthe US, reported the US Energy Information Administration.President Trump has underlined fossil fuels especially coa

23、l as the path toeconomic growth. In a recent speech in Iowa,a state he won easily in 2016, hedismissed wind power as an unreliable energy source. But that message did not playwell with many in Iowa, where wind turbines dot the fields and provide 36 percent ofthe state s electricity generationand whe

24、re tech giants such as Facebook, Microsoft,and Google are being attracted by the availability of clean energy to power their datacenters.The question “ whathappens when the wind doesnblowt or the sun doesn tshine? ”has provided a quick put-down for skeptics. But a boost in the storagecapacity of bat

25、teries, and a dramatic drop in their cost, is making their ability to keeppower flowing around the clock more likely.The advance is driven in part by vehicle manufacturers, who are placing big betson battery-powered electric vehicles. Although electric cars are still a rarity on roadsin 2017, this massive investment could change the picture rapidly in coming years.While there s a long way to go, the trend lines forrenewable are spiking. Thepace

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