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1、 break1.I am sorry that I _ my promise. 违背、违反(_ ones word / promise; _ the law; _ the rule)2.He _ _ _ all his old friends. 断绝来往,脱离3.I should _ _ _ such habits. 改掉(习惯等)4.All our plans _ _. (计划,谈判等)失败5.The peace talks have _ _. 6.Her health _ _ under the pressure of work. 垮掉7.Chemicals in the body _ _

2、 our food into useful substances. 分解8.The telephone system has _ _. (机器或车辆)出故障;坏掉9.The Second World War _ _ in September 1939. 爆发10.I _ _ the candy and gave each child a small piece. 分开11.Their marriage is _ _. (指婚姻或关系)结束12._ English 蹩脚英语13.Our troops had little difficulty in _ _ the lines of the po

3、lice. 突破(1)News reports say peace talks between the two countries have _ _ with no agreement reached. (2)Fire broke _ last night. (3)Sentences can be broken _ into clauses. (4)Youve been working so hard for nearly a month. Relax yourself, or you will break _ sooner or later. (5)While we were watchin

4、g TV, a voice broke _ the programme to announce the election results. 4 bring1.He _ _ a quarrel between his parents. 引起,造成2.She made every effort to _ _ a peaceful solution to the problem. 带来,实现3.Electricity lines were _ _ by falling trees or branches. 使倒下4._ _ the price 降低价格5.The sale _ _ over $200

5、. 赚得6.Can you make a sentence to _ _ the meaning of the phrase? 解释清楚7.Joe was born in Texas but _ _ in Oklahoma. 抚养8.He was so ill that he _ _ everything. 呕吐9.This _ me _ touch with various kinds of workers. 使进入某种状态10.Please _ _ the matter at the next meeting. 提出11.They have _ the meeting _ to next

6、Monday. 提前,提早(1)Her parents died when she was a baby and she was _ _ by her aunt. (2)A huge amount of environmental damage has been _ _ by the destruction of the rainforests. (3)The sale of the house only _ about $45,000. 5 call1.The trouble _ _ quick action by the government. 要求2.I will _ _ you at

7、five oclock. 按约定来找某人3.We _ _ the packages at the post office. 来取某物4.I formed the habit of _ _ him / _ _ his office in the afternoon. 顺便拜访5.Your father is ill. You should _ _ a doctor at once. 找来,请来6.The army was _ _ to cut through fallen trees and to help clear the roads and paths. 召集7.People dont l

8、ike being _ _. 骂人8.Theyve _ _ the game because of the thick fog. 取消9.He _ _ me to speak immediately after him. 请某人做某事10.I _ _ the people of this country to work hard for national unity. 号召11.A notice displayed in the shop window _ _ _ the recent increase in prices. 引起对的关注12._ _ sb give sb a call mak

9、e a call(1)The situation calls _ immediate action. (2)The sound of happy laughter called _ memories of his childhood. (3)Could you call _ Mum on your way home?6 carry1.He had learned enough German to _ _ a conversation. 进行2.One person should _ _ where the other had left off. 继续下去3.I was chosen to _

10、_ our experiment. 执行,展开4.He did not _ _ his promise to us. 履行5.After destroying the village, the enemy _ _ all the cattle. 抢走6.The work is tough, but weve determined to _ it _. 顺利完成(1)They are trying to carry _ a new policy. (2)What a pity! The should have carried _ the good business. (3)-Its a good

11、 idea. But whos going to carry _ the plan?-I think Tom and Greg will. 7 come1._ _ _ you didnt get here in time? 是怎么回事2.He _ _ realize that he was mistaken. 渐渐地(表逐渐变化的过程)3.My dream has _ _. 变成现实4.He talked about his _ trip to the United States. 即将到来的5.How did the accident _ _? 发生,造成6.I _ _ this book

12、in an old bookstore on the Fourth Avenue. 偶遇7.He _ _ an idea suddenly. (无意中)想到8.He just asked me to _ _ for supper. 到这儿来9._ _! Arthur, we cant wait all day! 快点(表催促)10._ _! Someone must know the answer to my question. 快点(表鼓励)11.This paper _ _ every Friday. 出版12.I think the roses will _ _ next week. 发

13、芽,开花13.I _ _ first in the examination. 结果是14.The bill comes to $5. 总计15.When it _ v mathematics, I know nothing about it. 谈到,涉及16.The robbery did not _ _ _ until the next day. 被发现,被大家知道17.The question hasnt _ _ yet. 被提出18.He _ _ _ an idea. 提出19.Could you _ _ and join us? 过来e to _ 苏醒过来 恢复 / come to _

14、 _ 结束come into _ 生效 / come to _ _ 作出结论come into _ 开始存在,建立 / come into _ 执政、掌权(1) Im as good a cook as she is except when it _ _ (make) pastry. (2) The shock made her hesitate for a moment but she quickly _ _ _ again. (3) Can you tell me how the accident _ _? 8 care1.I dont _ _ what they say. I shall

15、 go on just the same. 介意,在乎2.The professor said that he was interested only in research; he didnt _ _ his students. 关心3.Albert Einstein _ little _ money. He was seen using a cheque for $1,500 as a bookmark. 喜欢4.Would you _ _ a cup of coffee? 想要吗?5.The mother _ _ the sick child day and night. 照顾,照料6.

16、In this way we could give them timely _ _. 医疗护理9 catch1._ _ 着火2._ _ _ 缓过气来3.That car _ _ _. 引起注意4.The police _ _ _ a car. 撞见,突然发现5.That style has never _ _ in China. 流行6.He _ _ _ the rain. 被困住7.Her skirt _ _ _ the door. 被钩住8.I suddenly _ _ _ him in the crowd. 看见10 clear 1.She _ _ _ that she would su

17、pport Australia. 弄清楚,明确2.After the storm, the sky _ _. 放晴3.The weather has _ _; we can go out. 晴朗起来4.The waitress will _ _ these dishes in a moment. 收拾走5.How can we _ _ these doubts?(1)He gave us a very _ explanation. (2)He speaks loud and _. (3)Youd better use a _ piece of paper. (4)He was consider

18、ed a candidate with a _ record.(5)We could see fish in the _ water. (6)We had a _ view of the mountains. (7)The room is spotlessly _. (8)She was a lady with a _ mind. (9)There is a lack of _ water to drink in that area. (10)The road is _ of snow now. (11)She _ the leftovers from the table. 11 compar

19、e1.Car production rose by 25%, _ _ the first 3 months of this year. 与相比2._ this _ that, and you will see which is better. 把和相比3.Shakespeare _ the world _ a stage. 把比作4.When _ the mortgage rates, be careful about the 10 things you probably didnt think of. 12 cover1.They _ 12 miles yesterday. 走完2.How

20、many pages have you _? 看完(书)3.The city _ ten square miles. 占据(面积)4.The professors talk _ the subject. 谈到,涉及到5.The mountain _ _ _ snow all the year round. 覆盖着6.The best reporters were sent to _ the 27th Olympic Games. 采访,报道13 cut1.The power to the whole region _ _ _ because of the storm. 切断(电源、水源、物资供

21、应等)2.Its impolite for children to _ _ when their seniors are talking. 插嘴3.I _ _ the meat for making meat ball. 切碎4.a _ _ 捷径5.They want to _ _ a large forest in this area. 砍倒6.George is trying to _ his weight _. 削减,减少7.The army was called in to _ _ the fallen trees on the road. 洞穿14 deal1.Id rather _

22、 _ a man than a woman. Women are sharp. 和打交道2.Im used to _ _ matters of this sort. 处理3.This book _ _ questions on politics. 论述,谈及4.What shop do you _ _? 和做买卖15 die1._ _ 死于(情感、饥寒、年老等原因)die of old age/ cold and hunger/ sadness2._ _ 死于(车祸、污染、吸烟)Die from an accident/ the polluted air/ a bad habit3.Ronny

23、s steps had _ _/ _, and there was a moment of silence. (风、声、光)消逝4.It is thought that between the years 1550 and 1950 an average of one kind of living thing _ _ each year. 灭绝5.Im _ _ something to eat. 渴望(1)The wild population of koalas is in danger of _ _. (2)-Do you fancy a cup of tea? - Im _ _ thir

24、st. (3)I am _ _ a cup of coffee. 16 do 1. I have some difficulty in pronouncing some of the words in English. - No, you re _ _. (学习、工作、生活等)情况很好2. Will it _ if we let you have an answer by Friday? 行,够用,合适,可以,凑合3. They tried to _ _ _ slavery. 4. Mary has _ _ _ for the party. 打扮5. Lets _ _ this room first. 整理,

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