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1、伯顿的办事处设在神户,但他常常到横滨来。有一次,我正好因为等船, 要在那里呆几天,在英国俱乐部经人介绍与他相识。我们在一起玩桥牌。他打 得不错,牌风也好。无论在玩牌的时候,还是在后来一起喝酒的时候,他的话 都不多,但说的话却都合情合理。他沉静幽默。他在俱乐部里似乎人缘不错, 后来,在他走了以后,人家都说他是个顶呱呱的人。事有凑巧,我们俩都住在 格兰德大酒店。第二天他请我吃饭。我见到了他的太太 一一一位肥肥胖胖、满 面笑容的半老妇人 和他的两个女儿。这显然是和睦恩爱的一家人。我想, 伯顿当时给我印象最深的主要还是他这个人和善。他那双温和的蓝眼睛有种令 人愉快的神情。他说话的声音轻柔;你无法想象他

2、会提高嗓门大发雷霆;他的 笑容和蔼可亲。这个人吸引你,是因为你从他身上感到他对别人的真正的爱。 同时他也喜欢玩牌,喝鸡尾酒,他能绘声绘色地讲个来劲儿的段子什么的,他 年轻时多少还是个运动员呢。他是个阔佬,但他的每一个便士都是自己挣来 的。我想,人们喜欢他还有一个原因,那就是他非常瘦小、脆弱,容易引起人 们的恻隐之心。你觉得他甚至连只蚂蚁都不忍伤害。4One afternoon I was sitting in the lounge of the Grand Hotel when Burton came in and seated himself in the chairnext to mine

3、.5What do you say to a little drink?6Heclappedhishandsforaboyandorderedtwogin fizzes.Astheboybroughtthema manpassedalongthestreet outside and seeing me waved his hand.7Do you know Turner? said Burton as I nodded a greeting.8Ive met him at the club. Im told hes a remittance man.9Yes, I believe he is.

4、 We have a good many here.10He plays bridge well.一天下午,我正坐在格兰德大酒店的大堂里,伯顿走了进来,在我旁边的 椅子上坐下。“喝一点,怎么样? ”他拍了拍手招呼侍者过来,要了两杯杜松子汽酒。侍者端来酒的时候,有 个人从外面街上走过,见到我招了下手。“你认识特纳吗? ”在我点头致意的时候,伯顿问道。“我是在俱乐部里认识他的。听说他是个靠国内寄钱过日子的人。“是呀,我想是的。在这儿这种人可不少。“他桥牌打得不错。11They generally do. There was a fellow here last year, oddly enough

5、 a namesake of mine, who was the best bridgeplayerIevermet.I supposeyounevercameacrosshiminLondon.LennyBurtonhe calledhimself.Ibelievehedbelonged to some very good clubs.“这种人一般都玩得不错。去年这里有一个人,凑巧还和我同姓,我从来没 有遇到过一个桥牌打得那么好的高手。我想你在伦敦没有碰见过他。他说他叫 伦尼伯顿。我相信,他加入过一些相当高级的俱乐部呢。 ”12 No, I donbelieveI rember the na

6、me.13He was quite a remarkable player. He seemed to have an instinct about the cards. It was uncanny. I used to playwith him a lot. He was in Kobe for some time.14Burton sipped his gin fizz.“嗯,我实在不记得这个名字。“他称得上是桥牌高手。好像对牌有一种本能似的,简直神了。我那会儿常 和他一起玩牌。他在神户住了一段时间。伯顿抿了一口杜松子汽酒。15Itsratherafunnystory,hesaid.He

7、wasntabadchap.Ilikedhim.Hewasalwayswe ll-dressedand“说来也是件有趣的事, ”他说。 “他人不坏。我挺喜欢他。他总是衣冠楚 楚,穿着时髦。长得也算英俊,蜷曲的头发,两颊白里透红。女人都对他着 迷。你知道,他没有什么害人之处,就是放荡了点。自然,他酒喝得太凶了。 这种人总是这样。他每个季度收到一小笔钱,靠打牌再赚一点。他赢了我不少 钱,这我可知道。 ”16 Burton gave a kindly chuckle. I knew from my own experience that he could lose money at bridge w

8、ith a goodgrace. He stroked his shaven chin with his thin hand; the veins stood out on it and it was almost transparent. 伯顿和善地咯咯一笑。我的处世经验告诉我,他打桥牌输起钱来时一定是 大大方方的。他用瘦小的手摸了摸剃得光光的下巴;手上青筋鼓起,手白得几 乎透明。“大概就是因为这个,当他落得一文不名的时候,就来找我了,再说他和我 同姓。有一天,他到我办事处来见我,要我给他个差使。当时我颇为惊讶。他 告诉我说家里不再给他寄钱了,他要干活儿了。我问他多大年纪。18 Thirty

9、-five, he said.19And what have you been doing hitherto? I asked him.20Well, nothing very much,21I couldnt help laughing.22m afraid I cant do anything for you just yet, I said. Come back and see me in another thirty-five years, andIll see what I can do.3,5 ”他说。 你一直都干什么来着? ”我问道。 嗯,没怎么干过事。 ”他说。 我禁不住笑了。

10、“他没有动弹,脸色变得相当苍白。他犹豫了一会儿,然后对我说,这一阵 子他牌运一直不好。原来他不甘心老打桥牌,便赌起扑克来,结果输了个精 光。他一个子儿也没有,所有的东西都拿去当了。他连酒店的账都付不出,人 家也不肯再赊账给他。他已经山穷水尽。要是找不到点事干,他只好自杀。24 I looked at him for a bit. I could see now that he was all to pieces. Hed been drinking more than usual and helooked fifty. The girls wouldnt have thought so muc

11、h of him if theyd seen him then.“我瞧了他一会儿。我能看出他已经完全垮了。这一阵子他酒喝得比以前更 凶,看上去足有 50 岁。姑娘们当时要是瞧见他,准不会对他那么着迷了。25 Well isnt there anything you can do except play cards?26I can swim,27Swim!28I could hardly believe my ears; it seemed such an insane answer to give.29I swam for my university.嗯,你除了打牌以外,难道什么也不会干吗?

12、”我问他我会游泳, ”他说“游泳!”“我几乎以为自己听错了呢;这种回答听起来简直是牛头不对马嘴。“我读大学时曾经代表学校参加游泳比赛。30I got some glimmering of what he was driving at. Ive known too many men who werelittle tin gods at theiruniversity to be impressed by it.31I was a pretty good swimmer myself when I was a young man, I said.32Suddenly I had an idea.3

13、3Pausing in his story, Burton turned to me.“我听出了一点他话里的意思。上大学时自以为了不起的人我见得多了,我 才不吃这套呢。“本人年轻时也是个游泳好手, ”我说。“突然,我有了个想法。伯顿停了下来,看着我。34 Do you know Kobe? he asked.35No, I said, I passed through it once, but I only spent a night there.36Thenyoudontknowthe ShioyaClub.WhenI wasayoungmanIswamfromtheroundthebeac

14、onandlanded at the creek of Tarumi. Its over three miles and its rather difficult on account of the currents round the beacon.Well, I told my young namesake about it and I said to him that if hed do it Id give him a job.“你对神户熟悉吗? ”他问。“不熟悉, ”我说, “从前有一次路过那里,只呆了一个晚上。“那么,你不会知道盐谷俱乐部吧。我年轻的时候,曾经从那里出发,游过 灯塔

15、直到垂水小溪上岸。一共 3 英里多路,灯塔一带有激流,游起来挺费劲。 于是,我把这事告诉了那位与我同姓的年轻人,并对他说,要是他能游过去, 我就给他一个差使。37 I could see he was rather taken aback.38You say youre a swimmer,39m not in very good condition, he answered.40I didnt say anything. I shrugged my shoulders. He looked at me for a moment and then he nodded.41All right,

16、he said. When do you want me to do it?“我看得出,他吓了一跳。“你不是说你是游泳好手吗? ”我说。“我现在身体状况不太好, ”他回答说。“我什么也没说,只是耸了耸肩。他望了我一会儿,然后点了点头。“好吧, ”他说了, ,你要我什么时候游呢?42I looked at my watch. It was just after ten.43The swim shouldnt take you much over an hour and a quarter. Ill drive round to the creek at half past twelveand m

17、eet you. Ill take you back to the club to dress and then well have lunch together.44Done,我看了看表。刚过十点“你游这段距离大概要花一个钟头零一刻多一些。我到 12 点半开车到小溪 那里去接你,带你到俱乐部换衣服,然后一起吃午饭。“就这样吧, ”他说。45 We shook hands. I wished him good luck and he left me. I had a lot of work to do that morning and I only justmanaged to get to

18、the creek at Tarumi at half past twelve. But I neednt have hurried; he never turned up.46Did hefunk it at the last moment? I asked.“我们握了握手。我祝他好运,他就走了。那天上午我有好些事要办,到 12点半总算勉强赶到了垂水小溪。其实我根本用不着这么赶,他压根儿就没露面。“他临阵脱逃了? ”我问。47 No, he didnt funk it. He started all right. But of course hed ruined his constituti

19、on by drink and dissipation. Thecurrents round the beacon were more than he could manage. We didnt get the body for about three days. “没有,他没有临阵脱逃。他确实出发了。当然喽,他喝酒作乐早把身体搞 垮了。灯塔周围的激流他对付不了。大约有三天,我们都没找到尸体。48 I didnt say anything for a moment or two. I was a trifle shocked. Then I asked Burton a question.4

20、9When you made him that offer of a job, did you know hed be drowned?50He gave a little mild chuckle and he looked at me with those kind and candid blue eyes of his. He rubbed hischin with his hand.51Well, I hadnt got a vacancy in my office at the moment.我好一会儿什么话也没说。我感到有些震惊。然后我问了伯顿一个问题。“你提出给他差使的时候,是不

21、是知道他准会淹死? ” 他轻轻地咯咯一笑,用那双和善又坦率的蓝眼睛望着我。他用手摩挲着下巴。“哦,那时我的办事处可没有空缺呀。1.(all) of a piecethe same in all parts; the same as sth. else军然一体的; 一致的e.g. The style of the book is all of a piece, in both illustrations and text.2.abackad. by surprise猝不及防地be take n aback be shocked or surprisec吃一惊e.g. She was taken aback when a man answered the phone.3.accordancen. 致;符合in accordanee with in agreement or harmony with 与 一致; 按照,依据e.g. Students will be criticized or punished if their behavior is not in accordancewith school r

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