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1、3. I may not say anything, but move the desk away.1.2.21. General functions refer to the particular individual uses of language whilst metafunctions refer to the larger, more general purposes underlying language use.2. No. According to Halliday, every sentence in a text is multifunctional and has th

2、ree metafunctions simultaneously: ideational, interpersonal and textual functions.3. Hallidays functional theory emphasizes the relationship between language structure and the language functions in social life, while the traditional grammar emphasizes the forms of the sentence. 1.3.11. I agree to th

3、e evolutionary theory which tends to believe that man evolved from lower forms of life, and so did language. This is a scientific approach to the origin of language as it is based on a wide range of studies over years by biologists, anthropologists, psychologists, neurologists, primatologists and li

4、nguists. With many significant changes since its early introduction, the evolutionary theory shows us the origin of language from various aspects, such as the organic evolution, environmental factors. 2. 轰隆、乒乓、叽叽嘎嘎、叽里咕噜、汪汪3. Onomatopoetic words are imitations of the sounds of nature, and emotional e

5、jaculations of pain, fear, surprise, pleasure, anger, etc. According to the invention theory, onomatopoetic words form the basis of language, or at least the core of the basic vocabulary.1.3.21. Usually, there are two main ways of classifying languages: the genetic (or genealogical) and the typologi

6、cal. The historical classification is based on the assumption that languages have diverged from a common ancestor. This criteria is to research into the history and relatedness of languages. On the other hand, the typological classification is based on a comparison of the formal similarities which e

7、xist between languages. It is an attempt to group languages into structural types, on the basis of phonology, grammar, or vocabulary, rather than in terms of any real or assumed historical relationship.2. Currently, we cannot say that all languages in the world derived from one common ancestor. It m

8、ight be true that some languages have diverged from one common ancestor, for example, French, Spanish, Italian and other Romance languages were clearly descended from Latin, but no evidence show that all languages in the world have the same origin. As research shows, there are at least 29 language f

9、amilies in the world. However, this problem will be solved when we have enough evidence to show that human beings have one common ancestor.3. The major causes for the language diversity in the world include grammatical structure, historical factors, social factors, intercultural contact, etc.1.4.11.

10、 The two sentences perform the same function of requesting. However, The two sentences have different choices of words and syntax structures. Sentence (a) is structurally an imperative sentence, while Sentence (b) takes the form of a question and the word please is added. So, the effects of the two

11、utterances are different. Sentence (b) would sound more polite. When we are decoding them, we would take into account such factors as choice of words and syntactic structures, the principle of politeness and the context. 2. As a science, linguistics demands a scientific outlook upon language. To con

12、duct a study of language scientifically, we must take an objective view of language and all linguistic phenomena and study language and reflect on it in a detached and unbiased way. Even a local variety with few native speakers may also fall within our investigations. Moreover, we should adopt the g

13、eneral principles of empirical research procedures to observe and analyze data found in natural languages.3. The real object of linguistics is to find out fundamental rules that underlie all the languages in the world. We need to look into the common features of all languages, the range of variation

14、s among languages, the difference of human languages from animal communication, the change and evolution of language, the relation of language to mind and society, and so on.1.4.21. It is very important to study speech in linguistics, because language is primarily vocal. As we know, no community has

15、 a written form only, though many have a spoken language only. Children learn spoken language first and most easily. Earlier in the 20th century certain linguists began to doubt the priority of writing. Bloomfield argued that writing was not language but merely a way of recording language. The conte

16、mporary linguistics maintains that the spoken language is primary and that writing is essentially a means of representing speech in another medium. Linguistics has stressed the priority of speech because it is the natural, or primary, medium in which language is manifest, and written language derive

17、s from the transference of speech to a secondary, visual medium.2. There is no absolute standard of correctness because linguistics is descriptive, not prescriptive. Different groups of people may use different varieties of language. The correctness in language use should not be prescribed grammatic

18、ally.3. In reality, it is impossible to have a standard language. The reason is that linguistics is descriptive, not prescriptive. There is no absolute standard of correctness. Whats more, as we know, with the passage of time, all languages are subject to change. All living languages are there to se

19、rve the different social needs of the communities that use them. As these needs change, languages will tend to change to meet the new situations. Thus, a standard language is not possible.1.5.11. There are many external factors related to language. Cultural factors influence the full meaning of the

20、language conveys. Social factors include the social backgrounds of both the speaker and the addressee (i.e. their age, sex, social class, ethnic background, degree of integration into their neighborhood, etc.), the relationship between speaker and addressee and the context and manner of the interact

21、ion. Psychological factors have effects on peoples behaviors. 2. Though there are many translation softwares in the market, translations done by machines are full of errors and require much post-editing. The key problem is the lack of a good linguistic theory to provide a frame of reference for mach

22、ine translation. It is unlikely that machines will replace human translators. 3. Foreign language learning and teaching involves several interrelated factors. These are: linguistic theories, situational factors, input and interaction, learner differences, learner processes, linguistic output, curric

23、ulum and syllabus design, teaching methodology, learner and teacher roles, textbook writing, language planning, and so on. 1.5.21. Linguistic studies have gone through many changes. Since the 1930s down to the present, the expansion of knowledge in so many directions have led to several attempts to

24、make synthesis and to develop a unified theory of language. Several schools of thought have emerged round a few prominent linguists such as Firth, Halliday, Hjelmslev and Chomsky, major centers of linguistic study like Prague School, Geneva School, Copenhagen School, and leading concepts such as str

25、ucturalism, functionalism, tagmemics, systemic functional grammar, transformational generative grammar, speech act theory.2. I think discourse analysis is a proper way to study language. Traditional linguistic analysis has concentrated on the internal structure of sentences, but discourse analysis i

26、s interested in the analysis of units larger than sentences. Thus, the term discourse or text refers to all linguistic units with a definable communicative function, spoken or written. It stresses the need to see language as a dynamic, social, and interactive phenomenon.3. A corpus is always needed

27、in linguistics. Over the past few years, the study of language in actual use has required a corpus-based research. Scholars need a corpus to analyze patterns of use in natural texts. The importance of corpus to language study is aligned to the importance of empirical data because empirical data enab

28、le the linguist to make objective statements, rather than those based upon the individuals own subjective perception of language. So, corpus linguistics should be seen as a subset of the activity within an empirical approach to linguistics. Charpter 22.1.11. Articulatory phonetics deals with the ide

29、ntification and classification of individual sounds. It attempts to provide a framework of the nature of speech sounds and how they are produced. Acoustic phonetics focuses on the analysis and measurement of sound waves. It studies the physical characteristics of speech sounds as they are determined

30、 and measured by machines, and attempts to deduce the acoustic basis of speech production and perception.2. The speech chain consists of three stages: the production of the message, the transmission of the message and the reception of the message. According to Ball and Rahilly, there are a series of

31、 activities in the speech chain. First, there is physiological activity in the brain of the speaker. Then the brain sends instructions to a variety of muscles of vocal organs. The result is a range of muscle contractions and physical movement of structures such as the rib cage, the larynx, the tongue and so on. In turn, these movements give rise to an aerodynamic phase of the speech chain, whereby air flows through the vocal tract. This airflow interacts with continued movement of structures such as the vocal folds, tongue, lips and soft palate to produce the differe

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