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1、The issue of how environmental protection and economic development interrelate is highly debatable in recent years. Some people hold the view that the development of economy should be put on the first place for the growth of the city. Others maintain that governments should invest more in solving en

2、vironmental issues in the long run. I agree with the latter opinion for the three reasons listed below.To begin with, a government is supposed to take it into account that a citys development should be sustainable. That means environmental protection without which the progress of a city will come to

3、 an end is a crucial part of the citys development. Take a chemical factory near my school for example. In the past, it would release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and pour waste directly into rivers, which contributed to global warming and lead to the contamination of the water source. As ti

4、me went by, the environment near the factory ruined rapidly which completely prevented the factory from developing. As a result, the factory ended up with closing down. This could have been avoided if the factory realized the importance of environmental protection.Secondly, environmental protection

5、which creates an eco-friendly area where residents mental health is well protected promotes the stability of the whole society. Obviously, without some degree of environmental sacrifice economic development can hardly be made. Thus, huge damage to the environment as well as human beings will be done

6、 as a result of the factories and government neglect. To be specific, factories that dump toxic waste into the surrounding regions main water supply will cause disease and other health defects of the citizens living in the area. Furthermore, the local healthcare system is going to be burdened an inc

7、reasing number of patients which results in a large cost of millions of dollars which could have been spent on further developing the economy. On the contrast, adequate environmental protection can make it possible for the whole natural and social system to develop in a more eco-friendly way.Lastly,

8、 by investing more in developing technology which is eco-friendly, governments can not only leave our next generation a better living place but promote the economic growth. Economists all agree that green technology which has been tapped by many developed countries has gained a competitive edge in t

9、he global economy market. Developed countries, such as the U.S.A, Germany have managed to get ahead of the competition and invest before the other developing countries come to their senses. Governments who want to strengthen their countries competitive abilities are supposed not to ignore the import

10、ance of eco-friendly technology.As a rule, it is strongly recommended for governments allocate more funds toward environmental preservation rather than economic development.2. Do you agree or disagree with the statement that it is a waste of money for governments fund to space travel or3. space expl

11、oration?The issue of whether it is a waste of money for governments fund to space travel or space exploration is highly debatable in recent years. Some people hold the view that human should pay attention to the world outside the earth. Others maintain that there is no need to do what is wasting tim

12、e and money. I agree with the latter opinion for the following reasons.To begin with, the money which is planned to be spent on space exploration by government is supposed to be spent on education which is in greater demand. As is known to all, education which is fundamental construction plays an es

13、sential role in the development of a country. This practice not only conforms to the interests of the majorities but also cultivate various talents for the further development of the country. Once the education of a country reaches a high level, the whole nation is on its highway to thrive. So we ca

14、n easily come to the conclusion that education weighs more than studying space.Secondly, economy development which is as significant as education should be paid more attention than space exploration. For one thing, the boom of economy is going to improve the living standard of the public, thus raisi

15、ng the educational level of the public. In other words, the better economy becomes, the better education will be. In that case, the importance of economy is self-evident. For another, the economy is able to raise the political status of a country. When a country manages to improve its economy, there

16、 is no doubt that its military might as well as commercial strength is getting stronger, which makes it possible for the country to gain respect from other countries. Therefore, the growth of economy is definitely more essential than space exploration.Admittedly, there are certain benefits of invest

17、ing money in space exploration, such as developing new energy source and even finding an alternative home for human beings. However, compared with the reason provided for our viewpoint, these advantages seem lackluster. Therefore, I am still convinced that spending money on space exploration is a wa

18、ste of money for government because governmental investment should be devoted to solving more pressing issues such as education and economy.4. The more money people have, the more they should give away for charity.Should those rich people who own more money than others donate part of their money to

19、charity? Opinions vary widely. To some people, they regard the act of rich peoples giving away their money for charity as a kind of responsibility. Others hold the view that whether the wealthy is supposed to donate is decided by their own. Their money is at their own disposal. I agree with the form

20、er opinion for the reasons as follows.First and foremost, those people with greater wealth should give away their money partially in order to narrow the financial disparity between the poor and the rich, which results in the development of the social stability. As is known to all, the uneven distrib

21、ution of wealth is the main factor causing the public to make complaints. Take a city near my hometown for example. There are a lots of luxury cars on the streets in the city which indicates a large number of rich people living here. However, at the same time, plenty of vagrants can be seen everywhe

22、re, which suggests the huge gap between the wealthy and the poor, thus making robbery rate high. Therefore, that the wealthy gives away their money to charity is of great importance.Secondly, the richer people can do a better job in charity, due to their better financial situation as well as their g

23、reater influence. Compared with people with lower income, the wealthier people are able to provide more money for those for those who are in need of help and have a greater effect on calling for the whole society to join in. The more money the wealthy owns, the less worried they will be after they d

24、o the donation. In other words, we can easily come to the conclusion that the better effect on the charity is made by those who have more money.Some people may assert that everyone has the right to distribute their own earnings. Nothing controls the will of those rich people. However, compared with

25、the reasons provided for my standpoint, this view seems lackluster. The whole society needs some help to promote the social stability. Therefore, I am still convinced that people with more money should make more contribution to charity.5. Do you agree or disagree with the statement: Many people thin

26、k that athletes or celebrities that are from the entertainment business can change their careers to be politicians. Do you agree or disagree with this idea of profession change?Could athletes or celebrities who work in the entertainment field change their job to become politicians? Opinions vary wid

27、ely. To some people, it is just fine and what they do is at their disposal. But others hold different view that political stuffs should not be hand over to those who are not professional. I agree with the latter opinion for the following reasons.1.名人不是专门做政治的,他们很难做好。名人既然出身不是做政治的(as a major career),那他

28、们肯定不够专业,那么换了工作肯定做不了。举例自己原来是学文的(students of arts)后来转专业到理科(students of science)发现自己几乎跟不上(unable to keep pace with ),表明转专业是一种违背自己天赋的行为(which violates ones talent),所以名人不应该去做政治。2.名人做政治会对公众产生负面影响,进而影响社会稳定。Public知道名人成为政客后,会觉得government没有take it serious,同时,这些人在社会上的形象总会与他们在之前的领域里的地位产生联系,因此产生不好的影响。3.有些人认为名人会有

29、名人效应(celebrity charm)这对government是好的,但是对于政治里面的一些事名人效应反而会有negative effect instead of benefits所以Therefore, Im still convinced that those who are from the entertainment business should not change their career to become a politician.6. Do you agree or disagree with the statement: Playing computer games

30、is a waste of time. Children should not be allowed to play them. (TPO10)Should children be allowed to play computer games? Opinions vary widely. To some people, children whose healthy growth is of great significance are not supposed to be exposed to those addictive games. Others hold different view

31、that computer games which are creative and recreational can benefit children a lot. Study shows that children learn better and show greater creativity after they play computer games. I agree with the former opinion for the reasons as follows.First and foremost, computer games take up an amount of ti

32、me which should be made full use to live and study by children, resulting in the degeneration eventually. Once one child is allowed to play those games, there is huge possibility that he is going to get addicted to it. When this happens, he is likely to spend hours even days to focus on a single screen. We can easily imagine that a boys life which is nothing but full of killing monsters and upgrading armor will definitely end up with collapse. Take a brother of mine for example

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