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1、 粗体汉语参照论文格式范本。行距为1。5倍.4、正文格式:1)文章题目不必出现在正文页。2)各级标题一般要求左对齐打印.标题一律用粗体。一级标题:粗体四号字;二级标题:粗体小四号字;三级标题:粗体小四号字。3)英文一律采用Times New Roman小四号,全文双倍行距;如有汉字(参考文献部分),一律用五号宋体。4)正文中如每一段开头缩进两个汉字(或四个英文)字符的位置,则段与段之间不空行;如每一段开头不缩进,段与段之间必须空一行。5)正文中一级标题间的段落空一行。5、引用:1)文中引用人名应与参考文献保持一致,即参考文献部分为英文的用英文,汉语的则用汉语拼音;2)文中直接引用成段文字时,该

2、段文字用五号,第一行缩进6个字符,其余行两端缩进4个字符。6注释:(1)除了文学类毕业论文可以使用尾注注释方式,其余要求使用夹注注释方式。(2)夹注中所列指的文献,必须在参考文献中列出.如作者及作品为中文,夹注中书写作者姓氏时必须使用拼音。)例如:1) 直接引用 Rees said, “As key aspects of in the process(1986:241)。 The underlying assumption is that language “bound up with culture in multiple and complex ways(Elli, 1968: 3).2

3、) 间接引用- According to Alun Rees (1986)也可位于引语的最后, the writers focus on the unique contribution that each individual learner brings to the learning situation (1986。- It may be true that in the appreciation of medieval art the attitude of the observer is of primary importance ( Robertson,1987)。3 ) 互联网资料

4、:格式:编号例: “A deconstructive reading is a reading which analyses the specificity of a texts critical difference from itself” (Net。 2)。(注:Net。 1, Net。 2, Net。 3,只是为了便于注明文内引语的出处,具体格式见下文参考文献中的相关内容) 7参考文献:1)参考文献须另起一页。2)“References三号粗体,居中.3)英文参考文献在前,中文参考文献在后。英文参考文献按作者首字母顺序排列;同一作者按年排列。中文按照作者姓氏的拼音字母顺序,排到所有英文

5、文献后。4)字体为英文小四号,中文五号。5) 参考文献(即引文出处)的类型以单字母方式标识,具体如下:M专著 C论文集 N-报纸文章 J-期刊文章D-学位论文 R报告 P-专利 A-文章6) 作者姓名采用“姓在前名在后原则,具体格式是: 姓,名字的首字母. 如: Malcolm Richard Cowley 应为:Cowley, M.R。,如果有两位作者,第一位作者方式不变,&之后第二位作者名字的首字母放在前面,姓放在后面,如:Frank Norris 与Irving Gordon应为:Norris, F。 & I. Gordon;7)书名、报刊名使用斜体字,如:Mastering Engli

6、sh Literature,English Weekly。例子:英文参考文献1。专著:1) 基本格式(请严格注意标点符号):作者的姓名(英文作者的姓,名).年份.书名(斜体)。出版地:出版商. 如果同一作者两本以上同年出版的参考书,在年份后用a,b ,c 等标出; 如有第二行,则须缩进4个英文字符。Chomsky, N. 1981a. Lectures on government and bindinM。 Dordrecht: Foris.Chomsky, N. 1981b。 Theory of markedness in generative grammarM。 Pisa, Italy: S

7、cuola Normale Superiore. 2) 书的主编(格式:各项信息的排列顺序基本同上,在主编姓名后加ed。):Hall, David, ed. 1981.The Oxford book of American literary anecdotes。 New York: OUP.3) 机构作者(格式:各项信息的排列顺序基本同上):American library association。 1983. Intellectual freedom manual. 2nd ed。 Chicago: ALA。4) 翻译著作(格式:各项信息的排列顺序基本同上,加xx Trans.):Calvi

8、no, I. 1986。 The uses of literature. P. Creagh Trans。 San Diego: Harcourt。2。 文章:1)期刊文章基本格式(请严格注意标点符号):作者姓名.年份。篇名.刊名(要斜体).刊物的卷号和期号:文章的起止页码。 例:Boling, D. 1965。 The atomization of meaningJ。 Language 41:555573.2)论文集中的文章基本格式(请严格注意标点符号):作者姓名.年份.篇名.论文集作者姓名。eds。 论文集名称(要斜体)。 出版地:出版商。 文章的起止页码. 例:Peters, M T.

9、B。 Stephen。 1986。 Interaction routines as cultural influences upon language acquisition。 In Schieffelin, B。 B。 E。 Ouches, eds. Language Socialization Across CulturesC. Cambridge: CUP, 8096。3。 文字资料:(注意:此部分涉及的文献既可能是中文的,也可能是英语的,请使用相应的中、英文标点符号!1 ) 电脑软件基本格式:制作人姓名,年份,软件名称,型号。2 ) 电影、电视、广播、录像、录音、艺术品等:片名(或节目

10、名),年份或播出日期,导演(或制作者)姓名,出品地(或播出台、地)。(分别置于英文参考文献和中文参考文献之后)基本格式:如果是中文的参考中文参考文献的格式,英文的则参考英文参考文献的格式,例如: 1, Steven Pinker. 2006. Second language acquisition of Spanish and French unaccusative verbs。 http:/www。ecs.soton。。html.2,杨玉,2006,浅谈我国农村初级中学英语时态的教学现状与教学策略.http:/w

11、ww.wwenglish。com/en/elements/4/3255。htm。中文参考文献参考文献中各文献的排列以作者的姓氏拼音为序。1、期刊文献的格式:“作者,发表时间,文章题目名,发表的期刊名,卷号(期数):引文页码。 如有第二行,则须缩进4个英文字符杨扬、王玉、周洲,2000,油田储层非均质性研究,高校地质学报,第3期223230页. 2)图书或硕士、博士文献的格式:“作者,出版时间,著作题目名(硕博论文名)。出版社名称(硕博毕业院校名)。如有第二行,则须缩进4个英文字符例如:徐通锵,1997,语言论.长春:东北师范大学出版社.张三四,2005,论非作格动词的习得路径。江南大学博士论文

12、.3)会议文献的格式:“作者,发表时间,文章题目名。会议名称,卷号(期数): 如有第二行,则须缩进4个英文字符” 例如:孙力等,2000,储层条件下水淹油层测井响应机理实验研究。北京国际学术讨论会,第 1011页.三、参考格式样本:广东岭南职业技术学院毕业论文(设计说明书) (黑体5号靠左)编号:学号(黑体5号靠左)课题名称(宋体3号靠左): 深化高等职业技术教育改革,全面推进素质教育(粗黑体2号居中)系(部):(宋体3号)外语外贸学院(黑体4号居中)专业:(宋体3号)商务英语(黑体4号居中)班级:(宋体3好)07商务英语1班(黑体4号居中)学员姓名:(宋体3号) (黑体4号居中)指导教师:(

13、宋体3号) # #(黑体4号居中)完成时间:(宋体3号)2010年4月30日(黑体4号居中)Title(二号粗体) -Subtitle(小二号粗体)Your NameSupervisorX X XGUANGDONG LINGNAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGYMonth, yearContentsStatement of AuthorshipExcept where reference is made in the text of the thesis, this thesis contains no material published elsewhere or extra

14、cted in whole or part from a thesis presented by me for another degree or diploma.No other persons work has been used without due acknowledgement in the main text of the thesis.This thesis has not been submitted for the award of any other degree or diploma in any tertiary institution。Signed: (拼音)请一定

15、要手写签名Date:AcknowledgmentsThere are a number of people to whom this dissertation and its author owe a great deal over a long period of time。ProfessorXXX, my supervisor, spares no time and energy, out of his heavy load of office work, teaching and research commitments, to provide substantial guidance

16、on my career as well as on this dissertation。 I still feel sorry that he had to read through the first draft on the Spring Festival holiday。 During the preparation of this paper, the detailed advice and constant help from him have been both academically authoritative and generous。 I also wish to tak

17、e this opportunity here to thank him for opening up before me a world of wonders in English literature and a world of surprises in literary criticism.Professor XXX has been giving me continual encouragement for any originality I could have。 To him I own not only the present dissertation but also my

18、first published paper on Lord of the Flies。 His handling of the classroom discussion always inspires me to ask and answer for myself。 I need also to thank him for his patient help on the format of this dissertation。Professor XXX has introduced me to the golden treasure of English poetry。 His rolepla

19、ying explanations of the English poems bring me to a fuller and deeper appreciation。 If the method of analysis in this dissertation is somewhat transplanted from criticism in poetry, it is because I strongly wish to expand my interest in poetry appreciation and criticism, raised by Professor XX, to

20、the other area of literary interpretation.My special thanks should also go to Professor XX, whose lectures on the structure of English drama have created in me a strong interest for the structures of literary work. Without his strenuous efforts at enlightenment, I could not have chosen to write on t

21、he structural aspect of Lord of the Flies。Finally, I wish to thank Professor XX and Professor XXX, whose lectures have made me fully aware that language is not transparent as a system of signs at the first year of my study in literature。 Their lectures have greatly helped me in my search for the aut

22、hor and the audience, and the additional meanings in the form of language itself, and I hope this is reflected here。 Abstract(以下是一位学生论文的一部分仅供格式参考,没作语言修改)This article focuses on the role of ”noticing and ”noticing the gap” in second language acquisition。 It is argued that this notion has gained wide

23、support on the basis of intuition and assumption rather than on the findings of appropriate and exhaustive empirical research. The aim of this paper is twofold: a) to consider the theoretical constructs that underlie the role of noticing, and b) to assess the validity of the assumption that noticing

24、 enhances language acquisition。 This paper concludes that 1) empirical research has yet to validate the role of noticing in language acquisition, 2) an alternative view offered by Truscott (1998), which suggests that noticing is merely tied to the acquisition of metalinguistic knowledge, is worthy o

25、f investigation, and 3) future research into the relationship between training learners to notice linguistic forms and the acquisition of metalinguistic knowledge may enhance our understanding of noticing in second language acquisition。Key words: noticing; metalinguistic knowledge; linguistic forms摘


27、工教育 专业人才(仿宋体5号)1. IntroductionThe significance of the role of conscious and unconscious processes and the notion of interface in second language (L2) development has been the focus of much debate in the general field of cognitive psychology. One proposal is that put forward by Burka (1996), who offe

28、rs a hypothesis related to conscious learning that focuses on what Skehan argues is the crucial concept of noticing (Deleuze, 1986: 48)。 The purpose of this paper is to a) consider the theoretical constructs that underlie the role of noticing, and b) assess the validity of the assumption that notici

29、ng enhances language acquisition. The Theoretical Constructs That Underlie the Role of Noticing1 Consciousness Raising and Noticing The term ”consciousness raising” refers to the drawing of learners attention to the formal properties of language (Fee and Fox., 1988)。 However, a key difference betwee

30、n noticing and consciousness raising is that noticing has supposed implications for language processing and the actual acquisition of linguistic features。2 Noticing and Language Acquisition Geertz (1973) identifies three aspects of consciousness involved in language learning: awareness, intention and knowledge。 Johnstone (1993) states that a) whether a learner deliberately attends to a linguistic form in the input or it is noticed purely unintentionally, if it is noticed it becomes intake。 To help clarify Schmidts hypothesis and

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