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1、热膜 hotting mask海藻面膜 seaweed mask颈霜restructuring compound for the neck特效营养霜 rich nourishing cream眼袋霜 eyelid cream 眼部嗜喱 eye gel日霜 day cream晚霜 night cream眼霜 eye cream精华素 Ampoule中性 normal油性 oily干性 dry敏感性 sensitive紧肤 refirming补水 moisturizing补氧 oxygenating补充骨胶原 collagen hyalronic倒膜 pour mask植物 plant色素 pig

2、ment酸性 acidity碱性 alkaline矿物质 mineral substance蛋白质 protein 活性细胞素 energetic cell维生素 vitamin化妆品 cosmetic氧化剂 oxidant胭脂 rouge口红 lip stick粉饼 powder睫毛膏 mascara粉底霜 foundation眼线笔eye liner pencil眉笔eyebrow pencil唇线笔lip pencil唇膏lip stick润唇膏 lip protector颜色 colour红色 red桔红色(橙色) orange玫瑰红 rose棕色(咖啡色) brown黄色 yello

3、w蓝色 blue肉色 yellowish pink黑色 black白色 white紫色 purple绿色 green灰色 gray粉红色 pink洗甲水 cleaner指甲油 nail polish擦光剂 polish酒精 alcohol液体 liquid眼 eye耳 ear口 mouth鼻 nose手 hand脚 foot(feet 复数)头部 head发 hair面 face皮肤 skin手碗 wrist胸部 bust唇 lip眉 eyebrow腹部 abdomen大腿 thighs小腿 calves颈部 neck奥桑蒸气机Ao Sang steam engine皮肤测试仪skinanal

4、ysis apparatus消毒箱 disinfect box健胸仪breast strengthening apparatus减肥仪 weight reducing apparatus高震按摩仪high frequency massage扫斑机fleck removal apparatus导电极棒 conduct stick电极electrode磨砂刷(磨刷帚)ground brush文眉机 eyebrow-tattooing apparatus 美容仪器 beauty apparatus电流 electric current电压 voltage高压 high pressure照射 shin

5、e温度 humidity力度 dynamics高温 high temperature电疗棒 electrotherapy stick紫外线 ultraviolet ray手柄 hand handler握 hold摘 pick防敏 anti-anaphylaxis距离 distance洞、孔 hole晚宴装 evening make up for party文眉 tattoo eyeline文睫毛线 upper eyeline文唇线xlip深层皮肤护理 deep lifting胸部护理 bust treatment电眼睫毛 electronic eyelash修指甲manicure剪指甲trim

6、x手部护理 hand care减肥护理diet care腹部减肥 reduce abdomen打耳孔 pierce ears腿部脱毛remove leg hours新娘妆 bridal make up晚妆 evening make up日妆 day make up皮肤护理skin care结构 composition摇动、抖动 shake震荡 frequency针 needle金属metal增加increase可触摸 tangible微波 microwave液态 liquid超声波 ultrasonic wave红外线infrared ray大 max小min开 turn on关 turn o

7、f蒸馏 distillation冷冻 freeze热量的 thermal温和的 gentle操作 operate电磁 electromagnetism稳定的 stable调节 regulate去除 removing,get rid of协调 harmonize选择 choose粗 thick细 thin简单 easy整体 whole尖形 point椭圆形 ellipse抬起 raise部位、位置 position机器 machine冻结 freezing减少 reduce旋转 revolve美容 facial美容室Le salon美容院 beauty salon美容师beautician美容:

8、hairdressing美容品业者: cosmetician、cosmetologist 美容师:beautician、 hairdresser 美容术:beauty culture/ cosmetology 美容院: beauty parlor 美容专家: beauty-specialist 化妆盒: dressing case/ powder box 化妆墨: kohl 化妆师: dresser/ makeup girl 化妆品: cosmetic、 makeup、 toiletry 化妆室:powder room/ tiring room/ toilet room 化妆水:astring

9、ent (止血剂;收敛剂)化妆台:dresser 化妆箱:cosmetics case 化妆椅:dressing stool 化妆纸:facial tissue (面巾纸)面霜,雪花膏:facial cream 美容,面部 按摩: facial皮肤的:cutaneous/ dermal 皮肤学/皮肤病学:dermatology 皮肤变白症:albinism 皮肤病:dermatosis/ skin disease皮疹:tetter 皮肤寄生虫:dermatozoon 皮肤干燥症:xeroderma/ xerodermia 皮肤画纹现象:dermatographia/ dermographia

10、皮肤炎: dermatitis 皮肤移植:dermatoplasty/ skin grafting 按摩:knead/ massage/ rub down/ rubdown 按摩师:massagist/ rubber 杏仁:almond/apricot杜松子:juniper熏衣草:lavender迷迭香:rosemary百里香:thyme木贼:equisetum西洋蓍草:yarrow 啤酒花:hops茴香: fennel樟脑:camphor桉油精: eucalyptol薄荷醇:menthol细胞再生素:cell-renewal蜂窝织炎:cellulitis妊娠纹:stretch mark干性皮

11、肤:dry skin中性皮肤:normal skin油性皮肤:oily skin精油:essential oil蜂胶:propolis芦荟:aloe深层洗擦:deep scrub胶原蛋白:collagen按摩院:massage parlor 眼睑:eyelid 睫毛:eyelash/eyewinker 睫毛膏: eye black 眉毛: brow/ eyebrow/ valla 眉毛粗的:beetle-browed 眉形:camber粉底: foundation make-up 粉底霜: foundation cream 粉盒: puff box 眉笔: eyebrow pencil 唇膏:

12、 lipstick 眼罩: blinder/ eyepatch/ patch/ winker 下颚: chin 过敏性测验: scratch test 对过敏/患过敏症的: allergic过敏症/过敏反应:hypersensitivity涂抹: daub/ lay on endermic: 通过直接用于皮肤而起作用的、(用于)皮下的, 经皮的。皮下疗法: the endermic method发胶:fixature洗发水: shampoo 皱纹: furrow/ wrinkle 皱纹多的: creasy 眼袋: pouch 眼底: eyeground 眼点: eyespot 眼眶: eye

13、socket/ eyepit 眼眶下的: suborbital 鼻翼: nosewing 鼻孔: nares/ naris/ nostril 耳垢: cerumen/ earwax 耳垂: earlap/ earlobe理发用语打薄剪刀:THINNING乱发: SHOCK修剪: TRIM平顶头: CROP分发:PART HAIR做发型: CUTTING& STYLING 电烫: PERMANENT WAVE点烫药水; SETTING LOTION女子做发: HAIRDO点烫发机: ELECTRIC HAIR CURLER压发: HAIR FIXER束发结: SNOOD发网: HAIRNET假辫

14、子: CORONET BRAID SWITCH前流海: BANG护肤和化妆品中英文对照表Makeup粉底Mask面膜Mascara睫毛膏Milk乳Moisturisor保湿面霜Mult-多元 Nail color指甲油Nail enamel指甲油Nail polish指甲油Nail saver保甲液Normal中性皮肤Nutritious滋养 Oil-control抑制油脂Oily油性皮肤Pack剥撕式面膜Peeling敷面剥落式面膜 cosmetician、cosmetologist?beautician、 hairdresser?beauty culture/ cosmetology? b

15、eauty parlor? beauty-specialist? dressing case/ powder box? kohl? dresser/ makeup girl? cosmetic、 makeup、 toiletry?powder room/ tiring room/ toilet room?dresser?cosmetics case?dressing stool?facial cream?cutaneous/ dermal?dermatology?albinism?tetter?dermatozoon?xeroderma/ xerodermia?dermatographia/

16、dermographia? dermatitis?dermatoplasty/ skin grafting?knead/ massage/ rub down/ rubdown?massagist/ rubber?yarrow?massage parlor?eyelid?eyelash/eyewinker? eye black? brow/ eyebrow/ valla?beetle-browed? foundation make-up? foundation cream? puff box? eyebrow pencil? lipstick? blinder/ eyepatch/ patcSh

17、ould you apply primer on top of freshly cleansed skin or on top of moisturiser?应该先涂隔离霜还是在保湿霜上面再涂隔离霜?Primer is a protective layer that seals in moisturiser and provides a smooth surface for foundation。隔离霜主要是在上粉底之前起一个保护性作用。If you have an oily complexion, you may feel that the primer without moisturise

18、r is enough。如果你是油性皮肤,也许直接涂隔离霜感觉比较好。My routine is more about colour- correcting, treating and highlighting the skin. A product that gives you an immaculate canvas is a pore minimiser, which would be my equivalent to a primer。我的做法更注重脸部的色调,也就是调整、修复、强调肤色。能让面部肌肤平滑无暇的护肤产品能起到收缩毛孔的作用,我会用它来代替隔离霜。Whats the be

19、st way to apply foundation to get a smooth, even coverage?如何上粉底才能让皮肤看上去最光洁?Fingers for a cream foundation, a sponge for liquids and a brush for mineral powder。粉底霜就用手指涂抹,如果是液体粉底,用海绵块,粉状的话最好用小刷子。How can you get a lovely, healthy glow using bronzer without looking unnatural?如何用古铜色腮红让自己看上去可爱又健康,但又不至于显得很

20、不自然?Never overload your brush, and match texture to texture. A cream or gel is perfect over liquid foundation, for example。不要施之过重,而且注意要和其他化妆品协调。比如说,如果用的是液体粉底,就要用腮红膏或者腮红啫喱。How can you break out of a colour rut with eye shadow?如何用眼影来造成醒目的颜色对比?Go for a eye make-up palette that combines a few of your sa

21、fer, familiar tones with a range of new colours。眼影调色板中应该有你最常用也最适合的色调一致,在此基础上选择新的色调。Can you define your mouth and get long-lasting colour that doesnt look too fake?如何画唇线,并且让唇线颜色持久不变,同时看上去又不觉得做作?Apply lipstick by dabbing with your finger to create the shape. The colour will look far more natural。用手指蘸着

22、唇膏画出唇线,这样唇线看上去更自然。primer:隔离霜moisturizer:保湿霜foundation:粉底bronzer:古铜色腮红护肤: skin care:洗面奶: facial cleanser/face wash Foaming,milky,cream,Gel爽肤水: toner/astringent紧肤水 firming lotion,柔肤水 toner/smoothing toner facial mist/facial spray/complexion mist护肤霜: moisturizers and creams保湿 moisturizer,隔离霜,防晒 sun scr

23、een/sun block,美白whitening,露 lotion,霜 cream,日霜 day cream,晚霜 night cream眼霜: eye gel面膜: facial mask/masque眼膜: eye mask磨砂膏: facial scrub去黑头: deep pore cleanser/striper pore refining剥落死皮: Exfoliating Scrub润肤露身体: body lotion/moisturizer护手霜: hand lotion/moisturizer沐浴露: body wash彩妆: cosmetics:遮瑕膏: concealer

24、 foundation compact,stick粉饼: pressed powder散粉 loose powder,闪粉 shimmering powder/glitter眉粉: brow powder, 眉笔brow pencil眼线液:眼线笔liquid eye liner, eye liner眼影: eye shadow mascara唇线笔: lip liner lip color/lipstick笔状 lip pencil,膏状 lip lip stick,盒装 lip color/lip gloss唇彩: lip gloss/lip color腮红: blush卸装水: make

25、up remover卸装乳: makeup removing lotion帖在身上的小亮片: body art指甲: manicure/pedicure:指甲油-去甲油: nail polish, nail polish remover发: hair products/accessories: shampoo护发素: hair conditioner锔油膏: conditioning hairdressing/hairdressing gel /treatment摩丝: mousse发胶: styling gel染发: hair color冷烫水: perm/perming formula卷发器: rollers/perm rollers工具: cosmetic applicators/accessories:粉刷: cosmetic brush, face brush粉扑: powder puffs海绵扑: sponge puffs眉刷: brow brush睫毛夹: lash curler眼影刷: eye shadow brush/shadow applicator口红刷: lip brush胭脂扫: blush brush转笔刀: pen

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