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Ticketsplease《请买票》 赏析Word下载.docx

1、再一次登上历险的旅程。它又是不顾一切地向山下俯冲,在弯弯曲曲的山谷间上下颠簸;又是山顶集市那个寒冷的小站;又是教堂脚下那令人心悸的陡峭的大下坡;又是坏形道口那耐心等待错车的临时停车;就这样走呵走呵,走了漫长的两个小时,一直走到一个个狭长的工厂扑面而来。这时,它便踏上了这座了不起的县城的污秽街道,再一次怯生生地滑进终点站。在那些红白相间、伟大的市内电车面前,它是那样局促不安;然而,它依旧生气勃勃,充满自信,多少有点象一个敢作敢为的小东西,象是一叶从黑色矿区花园里伸展出来的荷兰芹,绿油油的充满了活力。To ride on these cars is always an adventure. Sin

2、ce we are in war-time, the drivers are men unfit for active service: cripples and hunchbacks. So they have the spirit of the devil in them. The ride becomes a steeple-chase. Hurray! we have leapt in a clear jump over the canal bridgesnow for the four-lane corner. With a shriek and a trail of sparks

3、we are clear again. To be sure, a tram often leaps the railsbut what matter! It sits in a ditch till other trams come to haul it out. It is quite common for a car, packed with one solid mass of living people, to come to a dead halt in the midst of unbroken blackness, the heart of nowhere on a dark n

4、ight, and for the driver and the girl conductor to call, All get offcars on fire! Instead, however, of rushing out in a panic, the passengers stolidly reply: Get onget on! Were not coming out. Were stopping where we are. Push on, George. So till flames actually appear.坐这种车总是一种历险。因为是在战争时期,司机都是些不适于做大活


6、起来。The reason for this reluctance to dismount is that the nights are howlingly cold, black, and windswept, and a car is a haven of refuge. From village to village the miners travel, for a change of cinema, of girl, of pub. The trams are desperately packed. Who is going to risk himself in the black g

7、ulf outside, to wait perhaps an hour for another tram, then to see the forlorn notice Depot Only, because there is something wrong! Or to greet a unit of three bright cars all so tight with people that they sail past with a howl of derision. Trams that pass in the night. 他们之所以不愿下车,是因为在这大风呼号、冰冷漆黑的夜里,

8、一辆车就是一个避风港。矿工们从这个村跑到那个村,就是为了换个电影院,换个姑娘,或是换个酒馆。每辆车都拚命地塞满了人,谁愿意就因为车子出了点毛病而冒险跑到外面幽黑的荒野中去等待?没准还得再等上一个小时才下一趟车,而看到的竟是车上那倒霉的牌子:“到站才停”;谁愿意冒险去迎候那灯光辉煌却也拥挤不堪的三节厢有轨车,而听着它发出一声嘲笑的鸣叫疾驰而过呢?深夜里来往的车呵,你只能听到他的声音。This, the most dangerous tram-service in England, as the authorities themselves declare, with pride, is enti

9、rely conducted by girls, and driven by rash young men, a little crippled, or by delicate young men, who creep forward in terror. The girls are fearless young hussies. In their ugly blue uniform, skirts up to their knees, shapeless old peaked caps on their heads, they have all the sang-froid of an ol

10、d non-commissioned officer. With a tram packed with howling colliers, roaring hymns downstairs and a sort of antiphony of obscenities upstairs, the lasses are perfectly at their ease. They pounce on the youths who try to evade their ticket-machine. They push off the men at the end of their distance.

11、 They are not going to be done in the eyenot they. They fear nobodyand everybody fears them. 正如官方人士骄傲地宣称的那样,这种英格兰最危险的有轨车上的售票员全部由姑娘们担任。司机是些腿脚不便的楞小伙,再不就是些柔弱有病的年轻人,战战兢兢地开着车向前爬行。而女孩子却是些天不怕地不怕的野姑娘。别看她们身着难看的蓝色制服,裙子都遮不住膝盖,头顶没有模样的旧尖顶帽,可身上却都有一种老兵油子式的沉着和自信。虽然车上挤满了吵吵嚷嚷的矿工,下边一层吼着赞美诗,上边一层此起彼伏地哼着淫荡小曲儿,这些小姑娘却都安然自得

12、。她们猛地扑向那些不买票就想混下车的小青年,而对那些到站该下车的男人却是一阵好搡。她们眼里可不揉沙子别想找她们的便宜。她们谁也不怕可人人都怕她们。Hello, Annie! “喂,安妮!”Hello, Ted! “喂,特德!Oh, mind my corn, Miss Stone. Its my belief youve got a heart of stone, for youve trod on it again.“我有鸡眼,斯通小姐!我敢担保你的心准是石头做的,你看你又睬着我了。You should keep it in your pocket, replies Miss Stone,

13、and she goes sturdily upstairs in her high boots.“你该把脚丫子装在兜儿里。”斯通小姐回敬了一句,抬起高筒靴迈着刚健的步伐到上层去了。Tickets, please.“哪位没买票,请买票啦!She is peremptory, suspicious, and ready to hit first. She can hold her own against ten thousand. The step of that tram-car is her Thermopylae.她坚毅专横,疑心很重,时刻准备主动出击。她一个人能抵挡上万人。车上的踏板就是

14、她的塞莫波雷隘口。Therefore, there is a certain wild romance aboard these carsand in the sturdy bosom of Annie herself. The time for soft romance is in the morning, between ten oclock and one, when things are rather slack: that is, except market-day and Saturday. Thus Annie has time to look about her. Then s

15、he often hops off her car and into a shop where she has spied something, while the driver chats in the main road. There is very good feeling between the girls and the drivers. Are they not companions in peril, shipments aboard this careering vessel of a tram-car, for ever rocking on the waves of a s

16、tormy land? 然而,在这些车上,在安妮坚实的胸膛里,有着某种热烈的罗曼蒂克气氛。上午十点到一点之间,工作相当清闲,这也就是轻松浪漫的时刻了;不过,赶集日和星期六除外。这时,安妮便有时间环顾一下四周了。司机们正在大马路上聊天,此刻他通常是跳下车,钻进一家她看好了什么东西的商店。姑娘们和司机关系融洽。他们这只历经艰险的大船有轨车满载货物,无休止地在陆地的风暴波涛中颠簸,那么,他们难道不是同舟共济的伙伴吗?Then, also, during the easy hours, the inspectors are most in evidence. For some reason, ever

17、ybody employed in this tram-service is young: there are no grey heads. It would not do. Therefore the inspectors are of the right age, and one, the chief, is also good-looking. See him stand on a wet, gloomy morning, in his long oil-skin, his peaked cap well down over his eyes, waiting to board a ca

18、r. His face is ruddy, his small brown moustache is weathered, he has a faint impudent smile. Fairly tall and agile, even in his waterproof, he springs aboard a car and greets Annie.而且,检票员也多半在这清闲的时候出现。鉴于某种原因,这条线路上的工作人员都很年轻,没有也不会有鬓发灰白的老翁。因而检票员也都是风华正茂,而且其中有一个,就是那个检票领班,还很漂亮。那是个潮湿阴沉的早晨,只见他身裹一件长长的油布雨衣,尖顶帽

19、低低地压在眼眉上,站在那里等车。他面色红润,棕色小胡子上沾着露水,脸上挂着一丝粗野无礼的微笑。即使是穿着雨衣,他也显得相当高大敏捷。他跳下车和安妮打招呼: Keeping the wet out?没淋湿吧?Trying to.“还好。There are only two people in the car. Inspecting is soon over. Then for a long and impudent chat on the foot-board, a good, easy, twelve-mile chat.车上只有两个人。查票工作很快就结束了。随之而来的便是踏板上毫无顾忌的一路

20、长谈,一场很好、很轻松、长达十二英里的闲聊。The inspectors name is John Thomas Raynoralways called John Thomas, except sometimes, in malice, Coddy. His face sets in fury when he is addressed, from a distance, with this abbreviation. There is considerable scandal about John Thomas in half a dozen villages. He flirts with

21、the girl conductors in the morning, and walks out with them in the dark night, when they leave their tram-car at the depot. Of course, the girls quit the service frequently. Then he flirts and walks out with the newcomer: always providing she is sufficiently attractive, and that she will consent to

22、walk. It is remarkable, however, that most of the girls are quite comely, they are all young, and this roving life aboard the car gives them a sailors dash and recklessness. What matter how they behave when the ship is in port. Tomorrow they will be aboard again.这位检票员名叫约翰托马斯雷诺人们总是叫他约翰托马斯,除非有时出于恶意,叫他

23、科迪。如果有人远远地用这个简称叫他,他就会勃然大怒。有半打村子里都流传着他那为数不算少的丑闻。他早晨和女售票员调情,晚上待她们离开车场后,又缠着要同她们一起去“散步”。当然了,这就不断导致一些姑娘离去。于是他又与新来的姑娘故伎重演;不过也总得这个姑娘相当漂亮,而且她也是同意去“散步”的。值得一提的是,这儿的大部分姑娘都非常年轻标致,这种乘着车子四处飘荡的生活赋予她们水手般大无畏的气魄。船停泊在港口,她们在岸上举止如何又有什么关系呢?明天她们就会又回到甲板上去了。Annie, however, was something of a Tartar, and her sharp tongue had

24、 kept John Thomas at arms length for many months. Perhaps, therefore, she liked him all the more: for he always came up smiling, with impudence. She watched him vanquish one girl, then another. She could tell by the movement of his mouth and eyes, when he flirted with her in the morning, that he had

25、 been walking out with this lass, or the other, the night before. A fine cock-of-the-walk he was. She could sum him up pretty well.然而,安妮颇有点鞑靼人的味道,而且,几个月来,她那条锋利的舌头一直使约翰托马斯不敢近前。不过,她可能为此反倒更加喜欢他了。他走来时总是面带微笑,笑容里有一股厚颜无耻的劲头。她注视着他征服一个又一个姑娘。早上,在他和安妮调情时,安妮可以根据他的嘴角和眼神,说出他在前一天晚上曾和这个或那个姑娘出去过。他真可谓是个唐璜式的人物。安妮算是把他看

26、透了。In this subtle antagonism they knew each other like old friends, they were as shrewd with one another almost as man and wife. But Annie had always kept him sufficiently at arms length. Besides, she had a boy of her own.在这种微妙的对峙气氛中,他们宛若是两个老友,彼此了如指掌,而相互关系中的那种敏感狡黠则几乎象夫妻之间一样。但安妮总是与他保持一段距离。况且,她还有自己的男朋友呢。The Statutes fair, however, came in November, at Bestwood. It happened that Annie had the Monday night off. It was a drizzlin

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