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Unit4 I used to be afraid of the dark Section A 1a2dWord文件下载.docx

1、是游泳俱乐部一员。总结:on的不同用法:turn on打开(电器、电源等);on TV通过电视;on the swim team在游泳队;on Monday morning在星期一早上 II. While-class 1.导入 问学生一个问题What did you used to like when you were a child?合作探究: 对话练习先叫一组基础较好的学生分角色朗读对话,然后让学生进行Pair work, 利用1a的内容任选一个话题进行对话练习然后写出你小时候还喜欢那些其他的事情 完成1b的内容 听力练习教师先让学生熟读并翻译1c中的四个句子和1d中的表格内容,然后让学生

2、翻译一下1c中的四个句子,在听之前做到胸有成竹,完成1c和1 d的内容 小组练习 把你自己和你的同伴进行比较例如 A:I used to be nervous about tests all the. What about you? B: Yes, me too. And I used to1. 小组为单位总结本课学习内容一般疑问句:did+主语+ use to +动词原形+其他? 反意疑问句:主语+used to+动词原形+其他,didnt /usednt+主语(人称代词)?3. 1)used to do sth.过去常做某事 ,其中used to 是情态动词 Eg.He used to g

3、o to our school.2)be/get used to(doing) sth.习惯于(做)某事,其中used是形容词Eg.I used to getting up early every day. 3)be used to do sth./for (doing) sth.被用来做某事,used是动词use的过去分词 Eg.The knife is used to cut things. The knife is used for cutting things.当堂练习:1)She is afraid at night.(不敢晚上出去)2) she cant come.(恐怕她不能来)

4、3) Be interested in (doing)sth.take/have/show an interest in (doing) sth.He math, but he isnt interested in_English. 他对数学感兴趣,但对说英语不感兴趣。(1) He_ _ _ after school. 放学后他过去常常踢足球。(2) He _ _ _ _. 他过去不吸烟。(3)He used to play football. (改为一般疑问句,再回答)(4)They used to be workers, _?(反意疑问句)(5)他也擅长音乐 He _ _ _music(6

5、)玛丽有时弹钢琴Mary plays the piano_ _ _ _(7)他过去常常戴眼镜吗?_ he _ _ _III. Post-class1背诵及默写本课时单词及短语 Used to be straight hair wear glasses brave enough to ask questionsbe interested in on a swim team from time to timebe like have short hair wear glassesIused to be afraid of the darkTina used to have blonde and c

6、urly hairHe used to be so shy and quiet2收获与反思;Unti4 I used to be afraid of the dark.Section A 3a3c主备人:孔令勤 审稿人:李莉佳 1、 知识目标:Used to do sth 与be used to doing sth的用法,短语:take up deal with hang out with give up make it 根据汉语提示写出下列重点短语。过去常常_ 从事_ 应对,处理_小心_敢于做_ 一直_ 担心_ 不再 知识连接:1. dare 此处用作实义动词,意为“敢于,胆敢”,其第三人称

7、单数形式为dares, 过去式为dared,其后常接带to的动词不定式。 例:He dares to touch the dog. 他敢摸这只狗。 I didnt dare to swim in the river. 我不敢在河里游泳。2. notanymore 意为“不再”,也写作notany more,相当于no more.常 用来修饰非延续性动词,表示今后不再重复以前发生的动作,多指数量上、程度上不再增加。He didnt come anymore. 他不再来了。 The baby didnt cry anymore.= The baby mo more cried. 这个小孩不再哭了。

8、3. require及物动词,意为“需要,要求” 常用搭配为:require sb to do sth,意为“要求某人做某事。The letter requires an immediate answer.这封信需要立即回复。 We required him to keep it secret. 我们要求他对这事保密。1. 导入 投影展示一些学生熟悉的明星和同学自己童年与现在的照片,先展示一张明星照,然后询问:Did Jack Chen use to be heavy? Jack used to be shy, didnt he? 然后描述他们的不同变化,如,Jack Chen used to

9、 be shy now, he is outgoing. He used to be fat, now he is strong. He used to have short hair, but now, he has long hair. 然后,让学生完成任务一:与同桌谈谈童年的自己。并对学生展示自己童年的照片。 2. 合作探究先叫一组基础较好的学生分角色朗读对话,然后让学生进行Pairwork, 利用3a的内容任选一个话题进行对话练习,教师先介绍自己过去的喜恶。如I have changed a lot.I used to like chocolate, but now I like fr

10、uits. Because I think fruits are good for health.Keepng fit is really important.然后询问:What did you use to like eating? And now? 引导学生再次进行口语练习。并完成任务四让学生进行Groupwork 就下面话题对你最好的朋友进行一份调查,并完成一个口头报告。3. 当堂检测根据首字母提示完成单词1) What he said always made us laugh. We all think he is very h_2) How many s_ did your foot

11、ball team get?Three.3) China is an A_country.4) You cant use the car. Its p_. Its owner is Mr. Green.5) My uncle is a reporter. He ofter i_用所给单词的适当形式填空1) Tom used to _(get) up early, but now hes very lazy.2) Be_(silence)! My baby is sleeping!3) I saw Lily_(write) something when I passed by the class

12、room.4) Mary dared_(go)out at night.5) My parent sent me a dictionary as a Christmas present.Its very_(help).单项选择:1.Uncle Wang _a worker and he is seventy now. A. uses toB. used toC. used to beD. was used to2.When I was a child, I used to _chocolate. A. liking B. like C. liked D. likes3. _ work in M

13、icrosoft?A. Did you used to B. Did you use to C. Do you used to D. Do you use to4. Where _ live before you came here? A. did you used to B. did you use to C. use he to D. he used to5.My sister used to have long hair, ?A. used she B. didnt she C. have she? D. did she6. He is afraid of _strangers. A.

14、see B. seeing C. saw D. seen7 Guo Jingjing is _ the national swim team. A. on B. to C. in D. Both A and C8 Li Tie plays _ soccer in England. A. a B. an C. the D. /收获与反思:Unti4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Section A Grammar Focus4c单词:African speech public ant European短语与句子:pop music country music

15、You used to be short,didnt you?Paula used to be really quiet,She didnt use to like tests. 根据汉语提示写出下列句子。1 我妈妈对蛇很恐惧。2 她过去留短发 ,但现在长长了。3 我仍然害怕在大众面前说话。4 我过去是足球队员。5 我把卧室的灯开着睡觉。6 我过去害怕独自一个人呆着。 知识链接:Be afraid of doing sth be afraid to do sth 害怕做某事Pop music country music at least give a speech in public在公共场合

16、做演讲2. 合作探究先叫一组基础较好的学生分角色朗读对话,然后让学生进行Pair work, Grammar focus的内容任选一个话题进行对话练习然后写出你小时候还喜欢那些其他的事情 3. 小组练习2. 小组为单位总结本课学习内容当堂检测6) Tom used to _(get) up early, but now hes very lazy.7) Be_(silence)!8) I saw Lily_(write) something when I passed by the classroom.9) Mary dared_(go)out at night10) My parent se

17、nt me a dictionary as a Christmas present.Its very_(help).按要求完成句子:1 Lucy used to have straight hair.(改为一般疑问句) 2 She used to work very late. (改为否定句) 3 Your uncle used to work in a factory, ? (完成反意疑问句)4 I used to play the piano after school. (画线部分提问) 5 She shows an interest in his speech.(改为同义句)She _

18、_ _his speech. /She his speech.单选 ( ) 1. The little girl _ outside alone at eight now. A. dont dare to go B. dares not go C. dare not to go D. doesnt dare to go ( ) 2. Whats _ number of schools in the city ?- I am not sure, but I know there must be _ number of school in it. A. a,the B. a,a C. the, t

19、he D. the, a ( )3. Although he is only a _ boy, he knows a lot. A. five-year old B. five year old C.five years old D.five-years -old ( )4. What do you think is the best way to _ the pollution problem?A. deal with B. work out C. show off D. come out ( )5. On weekends I like to _ with my friends in th

20、e supermarket. A. hang out B. look out C. hand out D. give out 背诵及默写本课时单词及短语I used to be short. I didnt use to be popular in schoolPaula used to be really quiet. She didnt use to like tests.You used to be short,didnt you?Yes,I did. No, I didnt.I used to be afraid of the dark.My partner used to be af

21、raid of giving a speech in public.Unti4 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B 1a2b单词:ant insectwork hard be absent from talk with in person take pride in 本课的重点单词及短语。同时让学生听懂及描述文中片段。为担忧_ 为骄傲 _作决定_ 为感到自豪_ 送某人去某地_ 亲身,亲自_ 使某人惊讶的是:_走到学校_ 担心考试_ 画画_ 2.写写自己小时侯的喜欢做的事情。(用used to,不少于4句)(1) (2) (3) (4) 知识超市1

22、. seldom:副词 意为“很少,不常”,相当于not often. 常置于行为动词之前,助动词或be动词之后She seldom goes home. 她很少回家。 He is seldom late for school. 他上学很少迟到。2. proud : 形容词 意为“自豪的,骄傲的”,在句中可作表语或定语。be proud of 意为“为.骄傲,感到自豪”。We are proud of our motherland. 我们为我们的祖国感到自豪。 Theyre proud of their success. 我们为自己的成功感到骄傲。3.absent:此处为形容词,意为“缺席,不

23、在”常用短语:be absent from 意为“缺席.”例:How many students are absent today? 今天又所烧学生缺课? He was absent from the meeting because of illness. 他由于生病缺席了会议。4alone: 独自,单独,指形式上的单一 be alone , live alone lonely: 孤独的,荒凉的,指情感上的孤独 feel lonely , a lonely island一个荒岛 5.walk to school 步行去学校 walk home ( here /there) 步行回家,此处(ho

24、me,here, there 为地点副词,前省略介词) walk to my home 步行回我家里 此处 home 为名词 1. 导入Li Went is a 15-year-old boy whose parents are working in another city. Look at the title of the following passage and predict the problems he might have. 2. Learning the new knowledge: a. 根据朗读技巧,大声阅读课文,理解大意,画出不理解的地方。 b. 快速略读文章,根据提示找出每段的段落大意。 c. 根据答题技巧详读文章,完成2c内容 d. 通过小组合作学习,完成填空内容2e,同时检测对本文的理解。3. 总结 以组为单位,总结本节课所学的内容。4. 当堂检测根据课文内容完成下列句子11) 作为一个小孩,他很少给他父母惹麻烦,他们为他感到自豪。_ a small child, he _gave his parents any problems, and they were_ _him12) 他不再对学习感兴趣。He was_ _

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