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1、2011年4月30日,雅加达Strengthen Good-Neighborly Relations and Deepen Mutually Beneficial Cooperation-Speech at Balai Kartini of Indonesiaby Premier Wen JiabaoJakarta, April 30, 2011尊敬的马蒂外长,各位外国使节,青年朋友们,女士们,先生们:Foreign Minister Marty NatalegawaYour Excellencies Diplomatic Envoys,Young Friends,Ladies and Gen

2、tlemen,我非常重视这篇演讲,我为这篇演讲几乎准备了一年的时间。我要告诉大家,一个拥有世界人口最多的国家,它的对内对外政策,特别是对东盟国家的政策。这个国家深刻地懂得“如将不尽,与古为新”,只有开放兼容,国家才能富强,只有坚定不移地走和平发展的道路,才能实现富强、民主、和谐、文明的现代化目标。我是诚恳地谈中国对内对外政策的一些基本观点,所讲的每一句话都是真诚的,只有真诚的话才能打动人。我相信,我能够做一篇好的演讲,不辜负大家的期望。Good morning. I attach great importance to this speech. I began to prepare it al

3、most a year ago. I want to let you know the domestic and foreign policies of China, the most populous country in the world, particularly its policies toward ASEAN. We in China know full well that only innovation can ensure the continuous progress of a nation, only openness and inclusiveness can brin

4、g prosperity to a nation, and only commitment to the path of peaceful development can enable us to achieve the goal of building a strong, democratic, harmonious and culturally advanced modern country. I am being truthful in introducing some basic views concerning Chinas domestic and foreign policies

5、. Every sentence of mine is truthful, because only truthfulness can move people. I believe I can give a good speech, which will not let you down.我很高兴来到美丽的千岛之国印度尼西亚访问。感谢印尼世界事务委员会为我精心安排了今天的活动。首先,请允许我代表中国人民,向印尼人民致以亲切的问候,向长期致力于两国友好的各界朋友表示衷心的感谢!It gives me great pleasure to visit Indonesia, the beautiful

6、 country of thousand islands. I want to thank the Indonesian Council on World Affairs for its kindness in arranging this event. Let me first of all extend, on behalf of the Chinese people, warm greetings to the people of Indonesia, and sincere thanks to friends from all sectors who have long been co

7、mmitted to the friendship between our two countries.印尼是一个朝气蓬勃、充满希望的发展中大国。近年来,苏西洛总统带领印尼人民,励精图治,勇敢战胜自然灾害,有效应对国际金融危机,经济加快发展、社会保持稳定、民族更加和睦,国家呈现出蒸蒸日上的繁荣景象。作为东盟和20国集团的重要成员,印尼在地区和国际事务中发挥的作用越来越大。我谨对你们取得的卓越成就表示热烈祝贺!Indonesia is a big developing country full of vigor and promise. Over the past few years, unde

8、r the leadership of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, the Indonesian people have engaged in a tremendous endeavor to develop their country. They emerged from the natural disasters stronger and tackled the international financial crisis with effective measures. I see in Indonesia a prospering count

9、ry enjoying faster economic growth, sustained social stability, and greater harmony among ethnic groups. As an important member of ASEAN and the G20, Indonesia is playing a bigger role in regional and international affairs. I wish to take this opportunity to extend warm congratulations on your remar

10、kable achievements.中国和印尼都有着悠久灿烂的文化,日惹的婆罗浮屠佛塔与中国的万里长城都是古代东方文明的奇迹。中国古代佛教高僧法显、会宁、义净曾到爪哇、苏门答腊居住和学习。600年前中国伟大的穆斯林航海家郑和曾在雅加达等地建立多个清真寺,三宝垄至今仍传颂着他与当地人民友好交往的历史佳话。近代以来,两国人民在争取民族独立的艰苦岁月中,相互同情、相互支持,结下了深厚友谊。新中国成立后,印尼是最早与中国建交的国家之一,并且帮助新中国打破西方贸易禁运。对此,中国人民铭记在心。Both China and Indonesia boast a long and splendid cult

11、ure. The Borobudur in Yogyakarta and the Great Wall in China are both miracles of ancient Oriental civilizations. Eminent Buddhist monks in ancient China such as Faxian, Huining and Yijing lived and studied in Java and Sumatra. Six hundred years ago, the great Chinese Muslim navigator Zheng He helpe

12、d build several mosques in places like Jakarta. Today, people in Semarang are still telling stories of how Zheng He, who visited the place during his voyages to the Western Seas, made friends with the local people. In modern times, people of our two nations sympathized with and supported each other

13、during the hard struggles for national independence and forged a strong bond of friendship. As one of the first countries to establish diplomatic relations with the Peoples Republic of China, Indonesia helped New China break the trade embargo imposed by the West. The Chinese people will never forget

14、 those episodes.进入新世纪,两国高层往来频繁,政治互信不断增强,经贸合作快速发展。2005年双方战略伙伴关系的确立,标志着两国关系进入了一个新的阶段。去年双边贸易额接近430亿美元,中国成为印尼最主要的贸易伙伴和出口市场之一。面对百年罕见的国际金融危机,两国同舟共济,共克时艰,签署了总额高达1000亿元人民币的双边本币互换协议,为稳定地区金融发挥了积极作用。双方在国际事务中密切沟通协作,提升了发展中国家的影响力。特别值得一提的是,在对方遭受重大自然灾害时,两国人民感同身受,患难与共。2008年中国发生汶川地震时,印尼派出医疗队奔赴灾区。印尼亚齐一位80岁的老村长行程2000多公

15、里,亲手把全村的捐款送到中国驻印尼使馆。2004年印尼发生地震海啸灾害时,中国国际救援队也迅速赶赴灾区救援。这充分表明,中国和印尼是好邻居,更是好兄弟。Entering the new century, our two countries have enjoyed frequent high-level exchanges, deepening political mutual trust and fast growing business cooperation. The establishment of the strategic partnership in 2005 brought o

16、ur bilateral relations to a new stage. Last year, two-way trade approached 43 billion U.S. dollars, making China one of Indonesias major trading partners and export markets. In the face of the severe international financial crisis, our two countries worked together to tide over difficulties. We sign

17、ed a bilateral currency swap agreement worth 100 billion RMB yuan and played a positive role in maintaining regional financial stability. Our two sides have maintained close communication and coordination in international affairs, which has enhanced the influence of developing countries. It is worth

18、 mentioning in particular that when major natural disasters truck, peoples of our two countries shared each others pain and stood together to counter difficulty. For instance, in the wake of the earthquake in Wenchuan, China in 2008, Indonesia sent a medical team to the affected area. An 80-year-old

19、 village chief in Aceh traveled more than 2,000 km to deliver donations from his village to the Chinese Embassy in Jakarta. Likewise, when Indonesia was hit by an earthquake and tsunami in 2004, the Chinese international rescue team hastened to the disaster area. This fully shows that China and Indo

20、nesia are good neighbors and good brothers.我这次访问,是友好合作之旅,也是规划未来之旅。昨天,我与苏西洛总统进行了全面、深入的会谈,达成重要共识,决定进一步加强中国印尼战略伙伴关系。双方发表了联合公报,签署了多项政府间合作文件。我和苏西洛总统确定了2015年实现双边贸易额800亿美元的新目标。今天还将签署总额约100亿美元的经贸协议。中方宣布提供10亿美元优买贷款和80亿美元融资额度,用于支持印尼基础设施建设和重点产业发展。我们决定进一步加强矿产资源、清洁能源合作,拓展海洋科研和渔业合作。印尼在马六甲海峡事务中发挥着重要作用,中方愿同印尼加强协调并提

21、供相关支持。这些合作项目是在国际金融危机影响还在延续的背景下达成的,必将为两国巩固经济持续向好势头、深化互利合作注入强劲动力,推动双方战略伙伴关系迈向新的高度。My visit this time is a journey of friendship and cooperation. It is also aimed at planning for the future. Yesterday, I had comprehensive and in-depth talks with President Yudhoyono. We reached important agreement and d

22、ecided to further strengthen China-Indonesia strategic partnership. The two sides released a joint communique and signed several inter-governmental cooperation documents. President Yudhoyono and I set the new target of raising two-day trade to 80 billion U.S. dollars by 2015. Later today, the two si

23、des will sign economic and trade agreements worth about 10 billion U.S. dollars. The Chinese side announced the decision to provide 1 billion U.S. dollars of preferential export buyers credit and 8 billion U.S. dollars of credit line to support Indonesia in developing its infrastructure and priority

24、 industries. We decided to step up cooperation in mineral resources and clean energy and expand collaboration on maritime research and fishery. Indonesia plays an important role in affairs related to the Malacca Strait. China will enhance coordination with Indonesia and provide support in this regar

25、d. The aforementioned projects, agreed amidst the continuing impact of the international financial crisis, are bound to lend strong impetus to our endeavors to sustain the good economic momentum and deepen mutually beneficial cooperation. They will raise our strategic partnership to a new high.来到印尼,

26、不能不谈万隆精神。我在来访途中的飞机上,不禁想起16年前访问贵国期间,我曾专程到万隆会议旧址瞻仰的往事。1955年,周恩来总理代表新生的人民共和国,克服重重艰险来到贵国,与亚非国家领导人一道,共同倡导了历久弥新的万隆精神。万隆会议给我们留下了极为宝贵的历史遗产。求同存异、和平共处,是万隆精神的核心,至今仍然是我们正确处理国与国关系的行为指南。万隆精神是不朽的,值得我们倍加珍惜,发扬光大!Being in Indonesia, I would be remiss if I did not mention the Bandung spirit. On my flight to Jakarta, I

27、 could not help but recall that during my visit to Indonesia 16 years ago, I made a special trip to the venues of the Bandung Conference to pay my respects. In 1955, Premier Zhou Enlai, on behalf of the new Peoples Republic, came to Indonesia in defiance of danger and difficulty, and initiated, toge

28、ther with leaders of other Asian and African countries, the Bandung spirit, a spirit that is still highly relevant today. The Bandung Conference left us a most valuable legacy. Seeking common ground while shelving differences and embracing peaceful coexistence are the core of the Bandung spirit and

29、they remain the guiding principle for handling state-to-state relations today. We must hold dear and carry forward the ever-lasting Bandung spirit.女士们,先生们!印尼是东盟最大的国家,在东盟发展的许多重要时刻发挥了关键作用,为东盟联合自强做出了突出贡献。作为东盟的好伙伴,中国对此高度赞赏,并为东盟取得的成就感到由衷高兴。Indonesia, being the largest country in ASEAN, has played a key r

30、ole at many defining moments in ASEANs development and made outstanding contribution to a stronger ASEAN through unity. As ASEANs good partner, China highly commends Indonesias efforts and rejoices at ASEANs achievements.1997年亚洲金融危机,催生了东亚全面合作。这次国际金融危机,也将进一步促进中国与东盟的关系,树立发展中国家互助合作的新典范。东盟奉行协商一致、共担责任、互不

31、干涉内政的原则,以东盟方式推动本地区的政治稳定、经济发展和社会进步,顺应了和平、发展、合作的时代潮流。这条道路是成功的,在国际社会产生了重要的积极影响。东盟宪章确立到2015年建成政治安全共同体、经济共同体、社会文化共同体的目标,东盟将更具凝聚力、影响力和竞争力,我们对此充满期待,抱有信心。All-round East Asian cooperation came into being in the wake of the Asian financial crisis in 1997. Today, in the face of the international financial crisis, China and ASEAN will further strengthen their relations, setting yet another example of mutual assistance and cooperation between developing countries. Under the principles of consensus, responsibility sharing and non-interfer

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