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1、第五章员工薪酬Chapter Five The salary of employees第六章工作时光 Chapter Six The working hours第七章员工休假 Chapter Seven The holidays of employees第八章员工福利 Chapter Eight The Welfare of employees第九章培训与成长 Chapter Nine The training and development第一十章出差治理Chapter Ten Management for Business Trips第一十一章违纪与处罚Chapter Eleven Vio

2、lation of regulations and punishment第一十二章情况、健康、劳动安然与保密政策Chapter Twelve Environment, health, security, and confidentiality第一十三章劳动争议Chapter Thirteen Labor disputes第一十四章附加条目Chapter Fourteen Supplementary articles第一章 总 则1. 为规范员工行动,晋升员工部队整体本质,特制订本手册。This Handbook is specially made in order to regulate th

3、e employees behavior and enhance the quality of employees, 2. 本手册实用于公司全部员工,公司全部员工必须严格遵守。 This Handbook applies to all employees of the Company, and it shall be strictly observed.3. 本手册所称“公司”即指“威意特汽车体系(中国)有限公司”;本手册所称“员工”系与公司产生工作关系,由公司正式雇用并根据相干规定签订劳动合同及领有工资者,但因营业须要临时雇用的短期员工,以签订的临时用工合同商定的权力义务为准。“the Co

4、mpany” in this Handbook indicates W.E.T. AUTOMOTIVE SYSTEMS (CHINA) LTD.; the “employees” in this Handbook indicates the persons who have been employed by the Company, have signed an employment contract with the Company and have received salaries from the Company. The persons who are employed tempor

5、arily due to business, shall be regulated by the temporary employment contract.第二章 公司概况W.E.T 公司由Bodo Ruthenberg师长教师在1968年创建,重要发卖各类加热体系组件。W.E.T公司名字来源于德语,其含义为电子技巧及加热。在1998年集团正式定名为:W.E.T汽车体系有限公司。W.E.T was formed by Mr. Bodo Ruthenberg in Munich in 1968, mainly selling heating components for various app

6、lications. The original name of our group W.E.T was “Warme und Elektro Technik”,a German name which means “heating and electrical technology”. In 1998, the Group changed its name into W.E.T Automotive Systems. 2002岁首 年代W.E.T高层决定在中国建立一个临盆工厂,并选址廊坊。在2002年8月购买如今廊坊工厂的这块地盘。从那时起各项预备工作就开端进行,包含工厂扶植、招募第一批新人。2

7、003年6月临盆第一批实验产品,一个月后开端第一批组装工作.The W.E.T China project started off in early 2002 when a Project Team was built by Head Office to set up a new production plant in China as well as choose a suitable location in Langfang. The agreement was signed for the purchase of the land used as our current location

8、 in Langfang in August, 2002. From then onwards, preparations were made for the construction of the building and the recruitment of the first group of people. The first production trial runs were made in June, 2003 and the first serial production started a month later. 第三章 员工行动规范1.公司员工应严格遵守国度的各项司法、律

9、例,遵守社会公德,保护公共秩序,保护国度好处。1. The Employee shall scrupulously abide by law, regulations and social ethics, and shall maintain public order and defend national interests. 2.保护社会治安,不打赌、不打斗斗殴,不吵架骂人,不酗酒闹事,不信迷信,不信邪教,不拉帮结派。2. To maintain social public order, and do not gamble, fight, quarrel, become drunk and

10、 create troubles, advocate superstition or evil cults or form cliques.3.公司员工应遵守公司各项规章轨制,自发保护公司的荣誉,认同企业文化。3. The employee shall obey all the companys rules, defend the companys reputation and accept the companys culture.4.公司员工应爱岗敬业,发挥自我,克意朝长进步,勇于立异, 尽力成为企业目标的实践者和推动者。4. The employee shall cherish the

11、work, devote whole heart, keep forging ahead and make innovation to promote the realization of the companys goal. 5.毋忝厥职,保障公司好处,保护公司形象,以积极的工作立场对待工作,工作务实,不怕苦,不言累,养成优胜的工作风格。5. The employee shall be active, practical, diligent and hardworking to maintain a good work style, and be faithful to his duty t

12、o protect the companys image and interests.6.诚实守信,谦虚谨慎,尊敬上级,屈从上级批示,屈从分派调动。6. The employee shall be honest, trustworthy, modest and prudent and also be obedient to the companys instruction and arrangement.7.公司员工应联结一致,互相尊敬,合作友爱,真诚合作,发扬优良的团队精力,创建和蔼的工作情况。7. The employees shall hang together, respect, he

13、lp, and cooperate sincerely with each other with team spirit to create a harmonious working environment.8.公司员工应积极参加公司组织的各类培训教导,赓续充分本身,进步职业工作技能,形成优胜的进修氛围,建立成长意识。8. Establishing a climate of learning and self-developing, the employee shall actively attend trainings held by the company and continuously

14、 enhance his/her skills and abilities.9.严格遵守本岗亭所属部分的各项治理细则,尽力进修、勤奋长进,保持不懈地进步本身的工作才能和营业程度,根据本身岗亭变加倍入培训进修和考察,进步自身岗亭工作才能。9. The employee shall obey all rules made by his/her department and make constant progress in learning and self-developing. When transferred to other post, the employee shall take tr

15、aining and evaluation for the new post and grow adapted and improved. 10.按时、按质、按量完成自身岗亭所分化的绩效考察指标,并接收监督检查。10. The employee shall finish the work allocated to his/her position on time with the required quality and accept supervision and inspection. 11.每位员工有根据自身岗亭实际情况提出合理化建议的义务,对工作流程、工作法度榜样中不合理之处应及时提出

16、并报直接上级尽快解决,严格按公司治理模式运作,确保工作流程和工作法度榜样的履行顺畅高效。11. Every employee must work according to the regulated work flow and procedures efficiently. If there is any suggestion on improvement on the work flow and procedures, the employee shall immediately make a report to his/her leader.12.遵守公司制订的相干会议和进修轨制,按时参加

17、公司、部分、班组组织的政治、营业进修。12. The employee shall execute the meeting and learning schedule and attend on time the political and vocational studies organized by the Company, the department or the team.13.公司员工应遵守职业道德,不徇私交,不弄虚作假,不向公司客户或其他好处相干人收受或索取任何不合法好处,不得借用公司或公司员工的名义从事欺骗或其他有损公司好处或荣誉的行动。13. Comply with prof

18、essional ethics; do not play tricks in the work to promote his/her private interest, demand or receive illegal advantages or benefits from the clients or other cooperator, practice fraud in the name of the company or the employee of the company or do any infringement to the company. 14.营业交往中要讲究礼貌,诚恳

19、待人。14. The employee shall be polite and friendly in business transaction.15.公司员工不背后群情公司和他人,严禁搬弄长短,恶意中伤他人。15. The employee shall not tell tales, make mischief among co-workers, defame or maliciously slander others. 16.按时高低班,不迟到早退,不得擅自分开工作岗亭,卖力实施岗亭职责。工作时代不得无故脱岗、串岗,工作时光不鼓噪、不闲谈,严禁做一切与工作无关的工作。严禁应用公司设备、对象

20、干私活、办私事。16. The employee shall implement the companys working hour system, starting and finishing the work on time, and the employee shall perform the duties of his/her position and shall not quit his/her post without permission, visit other post, have chitchat or do private affairs at working hours

21、. The employee shall not use the companys equipments or other resources for private affairs.17.爱护公共财物,节约节约,不浪费公司资本,不化公为私,不得用公司的财物奉送他人。17. The employee shall be thrifty and take good care of the companys properties. Wasting resources of the Company, embezzling or prorating or gifting the companys pro

22、perties shall be absolutely forbidden. 18.未经赞成不得翻看同事的文件、物品等。18. The employee shall not peep at documents or rummage the articles of other co-workers.19.不得将亲朋或无关人员带入工作场合,不得在值班时光住宿外来人员。19. The employee shall not bring irrelevant persons to workplace or put up the person who is not employee of the comp

23、any for the night at watch hours.20.工作停止后不得将工作物品带出工作场合。20. After work, the employee shall not bring the companys properties out of workplace. 21.积极正面,工作卖力。不发牢骚不抱怨,不传播负面信息。21. The employee shall be conscientious, positive and optimistic and shall not complain or spread negative messages.22.公司员工上班时要严格

24、遵守员工着装规定,员工工作时光须着正装或公司同一制造的工装,左胸佩带工作胸卡。仪表及着装应干净整洁,保持优胜的小我形象和企业形象。22. The employees shall obey the companys rules on dress. The employees shall wear formal suits or the uniform distributed by the company with name card on the left chest in working hours. The employees appearances and dresses shall be

25、 clean and tidy, maintaining a good image of his own and the Company.23.与引导及客人同业时,应面带微笑侧身站立,请引导与客人先行经由过程。23. When faced with the leader or visitor by the entrance or exit, the employee shall stand sideways with smile and let the leader and visitor go first. 24.在办公室应用手机不得拔取怪异铃声,且将响铃声声调小。会议时代养成手机静音的好习

26、惯,以免干扰他人。24. In order to avoid disturbing other co-workers, the employee shall not choose the wacky ring-tone on his/her mobile phone and turn it down in workplace. During meetings, the mobile phone shall be turned to mute.25.打德律风严禁大年夜声鼓噪以免影响他人,不得长时光接听或拨打工作以外的德律风,接听私家德律风以三分钟为限,长话短说。25. The employee

27、shall not speak too loudly when making phone calls so as not to disturb the co-workers. And phone calls irrelevant to work shall be brief and be limited in three minutes.26.碰着引导进出、客人到访及员工会晤要面带微笑道早问好,交换时应用“您好、感谢、请、对不起、再会”等礼貌用语。26. The employees shall greet and smile while faced with leader, visitors

28、and co-workers. And when serve them or answer their questions, the employee shall be polite and use courtesies such as hello, thanks, please, excuse me and see you. 第四章 录用与离职Employment and Disemployment1.员工录用1. Employment1.1员工的雇用将根据公司年度用人筹划按须要进行。本公司各部分如因工作须要,必须增长人员时,应先由部分经理向人力资本部提出申请,经总经理及人力资本部签字赞成后

29、,由人力资本部同一安排雇用。1.1 The employees shall be recruited according to the Companys annual staffing plan when needed. If more employees are needed on account of the business in each department, the department manager should make an application to HR department first and the unified recruitment shall be mad

30、e by the HR department after approved by the HR department and the general manager.1.2公司的录用政策是采取公平、公平、公开的原则,雇用和录用优良、实用之人才,无种族、肤色、宗教、性别等差别。1.2 The principles of equity, openness and fairness shall be followed in the recruitment, and any applicable talent can be employed, irrespective of sex, color, r

31、eligion or race, etc. 1.3前提和请求1.3 Conditions and requirements1.3.1“德才兼备、才能优先”是公司择才的根本标准。1.3.1 The basic criterion of recruitment in the Company is to search for employees with both ability and integrity, but ability preferred.1.3.2一般来说员工年纪必须达到18周岁以上,具有中华人平易近共和国承认的有效身份证实。1.3.2 As a rule, the minimum age of the employees shall be 18 years, with valid identification approved by the Peoples Republic of China.

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