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高教版中职英语基础模块 第3册unit 4《ill have to have my cell phone replaced》教案doc文档格式.docx

1、说能够使用典型的句子等描述问题并寻求解决方法。读能读懂投诉及处理投诉的信件,能从信件中提取对问题的解决办法。写能回复顾客的投诉信学生能在学习中发现问题和解决问题1、小组合作法2、情景教学法3、游戏教学法4、探索发现法文 化 意 识: 掌握在工作中遇到投诉时的合理处理方式。情 感 态 度:学生具备初步的服务意识,能够以专业的方法对待顾客投诉。教学重点能够听懂顾客投诉时描述的问题和对问题处理的需求。能够使用正确的句子等描述问题并寻求解决方法教学难点能理解because,since,as,for引导从句和so that 引导从句在句子中不同作用。能使用because,since,as,for,so

2、that 表达原因和结果教学后记Step 1 lead-in Activity 1 Discuss and list.两人一组,讨论什么情况下会投诉。1.When there is something wrong with the goods.2.When there is some quality problem.3.When people gets the wrong commodity.4.When people are not satisfied with the service.5.When the clerk is not polite.6.when the goods is de

3、layed.7.When the suitcase is damaged traveling by air.step 2 presentationVocabulary learning alarm n 闹钟 badly adv. 很;非常 damage v. 损坏 detailed adj. 详细的 disappoint v. 失望 guarantee n. 担保(书);保证 inconvenience n. 不便Incorrectly adv. 不妥当地 leaflet n, 传单mark n. 明显痕迹 quality n. 质量 receipt n. 收据refund n. 退还(钱款等

4、) replace v. 退换 Shower n. 淋浴 wrist n. 手腕1.教师先让学生自己看着音标拼读单词。2.然后教师请学生站起来读单词,读错的单词给予纠正。(可以多请几位学生读单词)3.教师带读单词,并且给予补充。4.给予学生几分钟的时间练习读单词。5.教师可以通过做游戏的方式检验学生掌握单词的程度。Text learning Activity 2 Look and match 看图,将框中的描述和图片匹配。Activity 3 listen and answer 听录音,回答以下问题。1.Why does the customer want to return the shir

5、t?2. What does the customer say to complain? 一、教师播放录音,学生边听录音边记录 二、两人一组讨论答案。 三、教师抽查并再次播放录音,让学生找出答案的依据。Activity 4 listen and complete.听录音,写出Tim 去商店的目的。 Tim went to the shop to_.Activity 5 listen and tick ,再听录音,完成下面的维修记录。Name of Customer Tim Item Watch alarm Problem Something wrong with the alarm Somet

6、hing wrong with the belt of the watch Other :_Time of purchasethis week last week other:_Solution replace refund other:_Customer Signature _Activity 6 listen and underline 再听录音,用下画线标出有关投诉的句子。1,教师先学生自行阅读课文2.教师播放录音,学生标出和投诉相关的句子。3.教师抽查4.教师讲解课文。5.学生跟录音朗读课文。6.学生自己朗读课文。7.教师请学生朗读课文。Activity 7 Look and talk

7、 两人一组,根据下面的图片,用所给句型对话。 A:Ill have to have this _. B: What is the problem?A: I bought this in your shop but.B:.Activity 8 Act and practice.两人一组,根据信息卡内容用活动5中标出的句子表演对话。 1. You are a customer. The CD player you bought last week doesnt work very well. The radio didnt work and the CD stopped working too.

8、You would like a refund.2. You are the staff of the shop. Make sure you understand the problem, check the receipt and agree to give the customer a refund.Difficult and important points:1.Ill have to have my watch replaced because there is something wrong with the alarm.我手表的闹钟坏了,我得去商店换一块表。have someth

9、ing replaced 是一个复合宾语结构,在前面的单元已经学过,因为replace 与 watch 之间是动宾关系,所以用过去分词。Something wrong with 在这里表示“.出了毛病”Eg:There is something wrong with the operating system. 操作系统出了些问题。I cannot hear you.There must be something wrong with my phone.我听不到你的声音,我的电话一定出了什么问题。2.when I took off the watch yesterday, I found it

10、left a green mark on my wrist.昨天我把手表取下来的时候发现手腕上留下了绿色的印迹take off 在这里是“摘掉、脱掉”的意思。It is too hot in the room. Youd better take off your coat .房间里太热了,你最好把外套脱了。Take off your coat for your tomorrows.脱掉外套,着手为明天行动。take off 还有 “ (飞机)起飞”的意思We eventually took off at 11 oclock and arrived in Beijing at 1:30.mark

11、 在这里表示“印记”。表示“留下印记”时用“leave a mark”.Eg :He left a mark for us with a chalk.他用粉笔给我们留下了记号。The mark of a mans shoes is deeply printed in the mud.泥土里清楚地留下了一个男子的鞋印。3. I took it off before taking the shower.我每次洗澡前都把手表摘掉。take a shower 是“淋浴”的意思。He went into the bathroom and took a shower. 他到浴室去冲澡。You can ta

12、ke a shower before we go.你可以在我们出发前冲个澡。 is still under guarantee.它现在还在保质期。guarantee在这里是“保修期”的意思Eg:The TV set has a 3 years guarantee.5.Im very disappointed at its quality.我对这块儿表的质量很不满意。disappointed 在这里是“失望的”意思。表示“对.失望”时。表示“对.失望”时,用“be disappointed at sb/ sth “.I am disappointed at her decision to

13、 quit her job .我对她辞职的决定感到失望。We are utterly disappointed at you.我们对你太失望了。6.Id rather have the watch replaced please.我宁愿把手表换掉。Would rather(美国英语中常用had rather) 在这里是“宁愿”的意思,常接动词原形,无人称,数,词性,时态变化,所有的人称情况均用“would rather”If you would rather stay alone, well all leave here.如果你宁愿独自呆着,那我们都离开这儿。He would rather w

14、ork in the countryside.7.Would you please show me your receipt so that I can take down some details? 请把您的收据给我看下,我得做个详细记录。take down 在这里是“记下,写下”I forget to take down his telephone number.8.Well get this watch exchanged for you in no time.我马上给您换。In no time 在这里是“马上”的意思Dinner will be ready in no time .Ne

15、d will finish writing the book in no time. _教师在总结时可可给出这些词汇,为学生下面的学习扫清障碍。让学生养成边听录音边记录关键信息的习惯。教师先要引导学生回顾在投诉和处理投诉时要用到的语句。第三、四课时 Reading and writingBook3 Unit4 Ill have to have my watch replaced Reading and writing(PPT16-28)5、小组合作法6、情景教学法7、游戏教学法8、探索发现法教学资源多媒体Step 1 Review1.请学生在默写上节课所学习的单词。2.请几组学生表演Activ

16、ity 6的对话3.检查学生完成Activity 8的练习作业。Step 2 Leadin Everyday EnglishIts not what you promised. 这与你们承诺的不一致。How do you expect us to solve the problem?您希望如何解决呢?Can you provide ? 您能提供吗?Contact us again if you have any other problems. 如再有问题请与我们联系。Activity 9 Discuss and answer.小组讨论,回答以下问题。What would you do in t

17、he following situations?1)Your goods are incorrectly produced.2)The assembly line breaks down.3)The customer complains to you.Step 3 PresentationActivity 10 Read and choose.阅读信件,选择其主题。What is the letter for?1)Making a complaint.2)Discussing a project with a business partner.3)Expressing gratitude.4)

18、Dealing with customers complaint.Activity 11 Read and complete 再读信件,完成下表。Reason Delay of productionIncorrectly produced leafletsActivity 12 Read and discuss.与同伴讨论,再读信件,根据其内容推测Mr Smith 的来信内容。1) We were very disappointed to see the leaflets you produced for our company. ( )2) We expected to get the le

19、aflets on August 10, but you sent them to us on August 16. ( )3) The color of the leaflets is not as beautiful as we agreed in the contract. ( )4) We expected full color leaflets, but instead, we found black and white photos in the leaflets. ( )5) The delay of 6 days has caused us a big loss. ( )Ste

20、p 4 practice and consolidationActivity 13 Read and answer 阅读下面的投诉信并回答问题。1)What had happened to the cameras by the time they reached the customers?_2)If you were the manager, would you agree to give a discount to the customers? Why or why not?3)If you were the manager, what would you do to avoid such

21、 inconvenience to customers in the future?_Activity 14 Read and complete 用框中词语组织活动13中的信息,完成Mr Thomas 的回信。First of all secondly whats moreBB Bridge Ltd.132 Riverside RoadLondon, EnglandDear Mr Thomas, I am very sorry to learn from your letter of August 15 that the cameras you ordered on July 13 were

22、damaged during shipping. _, I express my apology for the inconvenience we caused you. _, _ as you asked. We _to avoid future inconvenience to customers. We regret your need to write to us, and we guarantee the safe delivery of your orders in future. Yours, John BarrettStep 5 Homework 1.能默写Everyday E

23、nglish 2.课后完成Activity 14的练习。1.I have already worked out a solution to this problem.我们已经找到这个问题的解决方法。 Work out 在这里是“找到(解决方法等)”的意思。It took me some time to work out what was causing us.它花了我一些时间,找到导致这种状况的原因。Work out 还有 计算 、总计为、进展顺利、有满意的结果、锻炼的意思。It is hard to work out the result of this math problem.算出这道数

24、学题有点难。The price per pound works out at $3.2。每磅的价格总计为3.2美元。Things just didnt work out as planned.事情没有像计划的那样进展得顺利。Other people think its a nightmare, but I am sure it will work itself out. 其他人认为它是一场噩梦,但是我确信它会有满意的结果。Work out at a gym or swim twice a week.每周两次在健身房锻炼或游泳。2.The assembly line of our company

25、 broke down so that we couldnt finish it on time.我们公司的生产线出了故障所以我们不能及时完成交货。break down 在这里表示“坏掉,出毛病” we are sorry to arrive late ,but the car broke down .很抱歉我们来晚了,因为车抛锚了。Since you always stay up all night working overtime,your health will break down.像你这样经常熬夜加班,身体早晚会被累垮的。3.As we have signed the contrac

26、t, we will pay for your loss.根据签署的合同,我们会赔付因生产延误给您造成的损失。Sign a contract 在这里是“签署合同”的意思。He assigned the project to me,but we didnt sign a formal contract.他分配工作给了我,但是我们没有签订正式的合同。We ll do our best to sign the contract as soon as possible.我们争取尽早签合同。Pay for 在这里是“赔偿”的意思。He will pay for his mistake.他会为自己的错误付出代价的。 for the incorrectly produced leaflets.至于印错的那些传单.as for 在这里是“ 至于,就.来说”。As for the past,Im not telling you anything。至于我的过去,我不会告诉你任何事情。As for me ,Im very pleased to meet him.至于我,我当然很高兴见

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