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1、They are paid by job.他们是按件计酬。I got a job with a firm.我在一家公司找到了工作。Each morning she would get up, do the chores, then go next door for a talk with her neighbour.每天早晨她都起来做些家务事,然后去隔壁和邻居聊天。2. clean the room例: Did he clean the room yesterday? 他昨天打扫房间吗? He didnt clean the room yesterday. 他昨天没打扫房间。3. make t

2、he bedDo she make the bed in the morning? 她是在早上整理床铺吗?4.take out the rubbishrubbish n.垃圾; 无意义的东西; 废话; 劣质的东西; vt.把说得一钱不值,贬损; 轻视,蔑视; 消灭,销毁;第三人称单数:rubbishes过去分词:rubbished复数:rubbishes现在进行时:rubbishing过去式:rubbishedrubbish 1. 垃圾, 废弃物2. 无意义的东西; 废话, 胡说八道3. 劣质的东西也就是说,一般是言语上的垃圾例句 Stop talking rubbish and get ou

3、t of here. 别再废话了,滚出去吧garbage 1. 垃圾, 废物2. 废话3. 垃圾场;垃圾箱;垃圾桶这个一般讲的是生活中的垃圾例句 Take out the garbage after dinner. 晚饭后不要忘记倒垃圾。5.wash clothesWhile i was reading , my mother was washing clothes.我读书的时候我妈妈在洗衣服。6.sweep the floorI can sweep the floor for you. 我会帮您扫地课堂小练_ chores _ the garbage _ the clothes_ the d

4、ishes _ the /ones bed _ the floor_ the room _ breakfast7.enjoy的用法:enjoy常用作及物动词,意思是“喜欢” 、“乐于” 、“享受的乐趣” 。一、 enjoy+名词或代词。【例】:They are enjoying their dinner. 他们在津津有味地吃饭。Do you enjoy the film?你喜欢这部电影吗?二、 enjoy+动词的-ing形式。I enjoy listening to light music. 我喜欢听轻音乐。 Do you enjoy reading?你喜欢读书吗?三、 enjoy+(ones

5、elf),意为“过得愉快、玩得高兴” ,相当于have a good time Did you enjoy yourself at the party?你在聚会时玩得高兴吗? I enjoyed myself very much at the party.我在聚会时玩得真开心。课堂练习:1、看图,读词组,判断词组与图画内容是否一致。图文一致的请打“”,不一致的请打“”。12%1.2.3.brush teethwash clothesmake the bedplay the pianoplay the badmintonwatch TVsweep the floor2、读单词,请把单词按照不同的

6、类别进行分类。18%Word BoxA. onceB. dogC. T-shirtD. elephantE. dressF. twiceG. neverH. birdI. jacketJ. oftenK. jeansL. fishThings we wear7. ( C ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Animals we see 8. ( B ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Frequency9. ( A ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 3.从各题所提供的选项中选择最佳选项完成句子。10%10. ( ) What does mean?A. 洗手间 B. 安全出口 C. 禁止游泳11. ( ) What

7、_Bill do after school ? He often plays the flute . A. do B. does C. is12. ( ) Which is Canadas national flag?A. B. C. 13. ( ) _do you go to the movies ? Twice a week . A. How often B. How C. How long14. ( ) Can you park the car here? A. Yes. B. No. C. I dont know.4、看图画,读句子,找出与图画内容相符合的句子。15. ( )A. To

8、day is Saturday . Amy has to go to the drama club.B. Amy likes sports. She plays tennis with her friends once a week.C. Amy often does chores at home. She has to clean rooms every day.16. ( )A. Tom likes animals. He often goes go the zoo with his friends.B. Xiao Ming likes pet. He often walks his do

9、g after school.C. I have a pet. Its a turtle. It can walk.17. ( )A. Its a sunny day. We can go for a picnic.B. Its summer. We can swim in the swimming pool.C. I have a golden fish. I feed the fish every day.18. ( )A. Its Sunday. I go to the movies with my mother.B. This is our music room. Its very b

10、ig.C. Do you often go to the park? Yes, I do.19. ( ) A. We often clean our classroom after school.B. Dont play with fire. Its dangerous.C. I have to wash my clothes at home.5、填序号,完成对话。20%对话一:A: No, I dont.B: My name is Linda.C:I often play it with my friend.D: Three times a week.E: I often go to the

11、 gym.F: I often play tennis.-Whats your name?-_例: ( B )-Linda, where do you go after school?-_20_( )_.-How often do you go there?-(2)_21_( )_. -What do you do there?-(3)_22_( )_.-Who do you play with?-(4)_23_( )_. -Do you often play badminton there?-(5) _24_( )_. 对话二:Sam和Andy在谈论事情,他们在谈些什么呢?A. What c

12、hores do you have to do at home?B. Can you go swimming with me after school?C. Whats your name?D. twice a week.E. At about 6 oclock. F. How often do you do these things?Sam:( C )Andy: My name is Andy. 25. ( )Sorry, I cant. I have to go home and do chores. 26. ( ) I have to feed the fish. We can go s

13、wimming after I finish my chores. When? 27. ( ) Sure , I can wait for you. 28. ( ) I have to do the chores 29. ( ).6、Read and write.10%Lily 和她的朋友们都是勤劳的孩子,经常帮助爸爸妈妈做一些力所能及的家务活。请根据图片的内容仿照例句完成句子。Lily Joy Peter Tom Kate MaryIm _Kate_. Im a _girl_. I have to look after the dog every day.Im _(1)_. Im a _(2

14、)_. I have to_(3)_ twice a week._(4)_._(5)_._(6)_ Lets Review通过听、说、读、写的活动,综合复习四、五、六单元的词汇和功能句。教学过程A. Listen and circle.1. 热身复习用思维导图的方式复习第四、五、六单元的词汇。(1) 听录音跟读第四、五、六单元单词。(2) 教师在黑板上分别写出表示类别的单词stationery, TV shows和chores.(3) 学生依次说出包含在以上三个类别中的相关词汇。(4) 教师在黑板上完成思维导图。2. Listen and circle.(1) 学生观察A项两幅图片,分别就两幅

15、图的内容回答问题: Where is it? What can you see in the picture? 待学生回答完后,教师可延伸问题:What other stationery do you know? What other clothes do you know? 复习第四单元的词汇和有关服装的词汇。(2) 播放录音,学生整体感知对话内容。(3) 播放第二遍录音,学生边听边圈出相应图片。(4) 教师利用课件核对答案。BRead and fill in the chart. 1. 学生观察B项图片,回答问题:Who are they? What are they doing?2. 学

16、生初次阅读对话,感知对话大意,并回答问题:What are they talking about?3. 学生再次阅读对话,在文中圈出每个人喜欢的电视节目。4. 教师引导学生观察表格,明确填写要求学生独立完成表格填写。5. 教师以问答方式核对答案,可进行如下提问:What TV shows does Andy like? 或Whats Andys favorite TV show? 从而进一步复习第五单元的词汇和功能句。C. Read, survey and write.1. 教师导入调查活动环节,可进行如下对话:Just now, Bill, Andy, Yaoyao, Binbin and

17、Lily talk about TV shows. Now lets talk about it too.2. 师生示范(1)教师首先出示调查问卷中有关电视节目的三个问题及填写答案的部分,并根据自身实际情况自问自答,将答案书写在 “me”这一栏中相应的位置上。(2)让学生在书中相应位置填写自己的真实情况。(3)就这三个问题进行提问,请一位学生回答问题,并示范填写相应表格,可进行如下提问:First, I want to know do you like watching TV? Whats your favourite TV show? And when do you usually watc

18、h it? 教师在“my friend”这一栏中相应的位置上书写答案。然后该生对老师提问后,将教师的答案填写在自己书中“my friend”一栏的相应位置上。3. 在填写完上述三个问题后,教师引出其他问题,呈现完整的调查问卷,可使用如下句子:Ok, besides watching TV, I think you may do some others things at home, such as doing chores, go shopping and . So there are some other questions for you. 4. 学生认真阅读所有问题,思考后根据自身实际情

19、况填写“me”这一栏的相关内容。5. 学生两人结对,仿照刚刚教师和学生的示范进行调查,并填写调查问卷。6. 根据刚刚的调查,学生独立完成短文编写。Lets Spell通过各种活动,复习第四、五、六单元的的字母组合的发音,并训练学生利用读音规律活用的能力。A. Listen, read and write.1. 学生观察A项中的五组字母组合: ch, th, wh, sh和tch,说一说这些字母组合的发音。2. 教师播放录音,学生整体感知单词发音。3. 教师再次播放录音,学生手指单词并跟读,巩固记忆字母组合在单词中的发音。4. 学生两人结对,大声朗读单词,互相纠正发音错误。5. 学生两人结对,讨

20、论带有这五种字母组合的其他单词。6. 学生独立完成A项中的单词填写。7. 教师通过实物投影展示学生所写内容,核对答案。B.Listen and write.1. 教师播放录音,学生初步感知每个单词的发音。2. 教师再次播放录音,学生尝试说出所缺字母组合的发音。3. 教师第三次播放录音,学生填写所缺字母。4. 教师通过板书或实物投影核对答案。CLets make a word book.1. 学生观察C项中五种字母组合的彩页,说一说每张彩页展示的是那组字母组合的发音。2. 按发音规则,尝试依次朗读每张彩页上的单词3. 学生两人结对,讨论找出其他含有这五种字母组合且发音相同的单词。4. 教师带领学

21、生以一个字母组合为例,制作单词彩页。5. 学生自己制作单词彩页。6. 将彩页装订成Word Book.7. 将wood book与Revision1中的wood book 装订在一起,制作成一本大的wood book, 在班中的班级图书角展示。Story Time1. 能够在教师的引导下,借助图片和其他阅读策略读懂本单元的故事,回答故事后的问题,并尝试复述故事。2. 能够通过学习小故事,了解同学和朋友间友情。A. Lets read.1呈现故事(1) 出示第一幅图,讨论如下问题:Who is she? What is she doing?(2) 在明确答案She is making an in

22、vitation后,出示第五副图,回答问题:Why does she make an invitation? 根据问题,预测故事发生的背景。导入本故事,教师可使用如下语言:Joy wants to invite her friends to her birthday party. Now lets look at what happened on her birthday?(3) 教师播放故事视频,学生初步感知故事大意。(4) 学生独立阅读故事,并回答问题:What does Joy do for her birthday? What is Andys present?2. 图片环游,深入理解

23、故事教师讲述故事并借助问题引导学生继续深入观察图片,理解文字含义。图1:What will Joy do on her birthday? 教师书写板书 have a party。图2:What does Andy want to do for Joys birthday? 教师可以让学生观察此图,说一说Andy都想到过哪些礼物。教师书写板书buy a special present。图3:What TV show does Andy watch? What does Andy want to buy? Why? 教师书写板书watch TV和 buy a toy dog。图4:How muc

24、h is the toy dog? 教师书写板书Its only 20 yuan.图5: Where are they? 教师让学生观察图片信息和上下文,猜测arrive的意思,并书写板书arrive at home。图6:What do Joys friends do? 教师书写板书have presents。图7:What does Joy get? What does Joy feel? 教师书写板书five dogs 和 surprise。BAnswer the questions.1. 学生再次阅读故事。2. 回答如下问题:(1) What does Joy do for her birthday?(2) Where does Andy see the dog?(3) How many dogs does Joy get?C. Retell the story.1. 朗读故事(1) 听录音,跟读故事。教师指导学生模仿录音中人物对话的语音语调。(2) 教师带领三位学生朗读故事,教师读旁白,三个学生分别朗读Joy, Andy和man。(3) 学生四人一小组,分角色朗读故事。2. 复述故事(1) 教师利用板书,引导学生复述故事。(2) 学生尝试自己复述故事。(3)请个别学生到前面复述故事。

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