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1、而不得不在Willam James大楼再呆一年for a whole year in William James while就像脑袋长了一个角那么羞愧feeling like you have a horn coming out of head.这种事没有快乐可言 非常痛苦s not fun. Its painful.但是积极者.对不起However,the difference between a merit finder,sorry,积极者和消极者的区别在于a benefit finder and a fault finder is that,积极者明白the benefit finder

2、 understands that这世界是不会事事如愿的while things dont necessarily happen for the best,但我们可以扭转坏事it is possible to make the best of things that happen.事情会好转的 一切会变顺利的Things will be OK. Things will turn out fine.可能需要点时间It may take a while.可能要过一段时间才能看到曙光Until I see the benefit of it,it may take a while and I wil

3、l可能要过一段时间才能忘了羞辱痛苦失望get over the humiliation or the pain or the disappointment.但一切不好的事都会过去But that,too,shall pass.也就是说 积极者明白In other words,The benefit finder understands that这些感觉是暂时的 他会允许自己these feelings are temporary,gives him or herself the permission有人之常情 他会明白to be human and then understands事情最后会好

4、转的things will turn out fine at the end.我明白这点 发生的都发生了 这就是人生I know that. Been there. Done that. Part of life.允许自己有人之常情 包括允许自己Permission to be human,which includes permission感受这些负面情绪 允许自己失败to experience these emotions and also the permission to fail.我们稍后会深入讲允许自己失败Well talk a lot about this permission t

5、o fail等我们讲到完美主义时when we talk about perfectionism.因为完美主义对失败有强烈的情绪Because perfectionism is real intense for your failure如果做不到最好的 那就是最差的or we feel its all or nothing.如果你不是完美无瑕 那你就是一无是处Either we have a complete flawless record,or its useless.要么就是非凡 要么就是平庸 没有中间地带s either phenomenal,or catastrophe. All or

6、 nothing.The benefit finder understands that nature,人的本性决定了the human nature dictates that我们会有痛苦的情绪 人的本性we have painful emotions and human nature,或者说是人就会有失败的时候 但失败会过去的or being human dictates we also fail. And that,too,shall pass.做积极者有很多好处There are many benefits to be a benefit finder.第一个好处就是幸福感多了So t

7、he first benefit is we simply feel better.积极者感到更多幸福 还有其他好处We are happier for it. But there are many many others.例如For example,波莫纳大学的Suzanne Thompson做了以下的研究Suzanne Thompson from Pomona University did following research.她找那些在加州大火中She went to people who had just lost their homes失去家园的灾民in a fire in Cali

8、fornia.那时候很多灾民.那是一场很大的山火There were many of them at the time- it was a large wildfire.很多人去失去了家园And many people lost their homes火灾过去 她去采访他们and she interviewed them after that.她把积极者和消极者区分开来And she distinguished who were benefit finders and fault finders:积极者并没有说我很高兴火灾发生了the benefit finders didnt say Im

9、so glad it happened,而是说这场天灾也有好的一面but they said well there are some positive here-我可以重新开始 火灾给了我一个新起点I can start a new; its a fresh start;现在我更喜欢我的家 我的家人都安全无事and now Ill appreciate my home more; my family is OK;这让我很欣慰 这是好事and Im relieved and thats good.所以积极者看到的是好的一面So they focused on the positive.随后她跟进

10、这些受访者When she followed up with these individuals,那些跟消极者区分开来的积极者those who were benefit finders as opposed to fault finders长远来说 他们感到更幸福were happier in the long term,were able to,他们有更多积极情绪were experiencing more positive moods,and less likely焦虑的情绪更少 身体也少患病to be anxious and had less physical symptoms.所以对

11、身心都有好处Both psychological as well as physical consequences.有很多研究针对积极心态对身体的影响 例如Numerous,a lot of research on health benefits-for example,Glenn Affleck找一些人做过一个研究Glenn Affleck did research with individuals这些人有过心脏病发who had a heart attack.有些人把病发看成大灾难And there were some individuals who saw it as the catas

12、trophe,世界末日the end of the world.另外一些人当然不会为病发感到高兴There were others who were certainly not happy about it,但他们会说这是一个警钟but said OK,so this is a wake-up call.心脏病发也有好的一面s actually some positive here,因为它告诉我要好好照顾自己的身体because it is telling me I need to take care of myself better.或者病发让他们对自己的价值观有所改观Or it helpe

13、d them revise their personal values.看到积极的一面的人Those individuals who saw the positive,the benefit,把心脏病发视为一个警钟的人who are able to see the wake-up call there再活八年的几率更高were more likely to survive 8 years later;而且再次心脏病发的几率也更低less likely to have a second heart attack.这听起来很显然而见Now that sounds pretty obvious,因为

14、他们会改变生活方法because you know they change their life style.但原因不只是改变了生活方式But its not just about changing life style.我上次介绍的UCLA大学的Julienne BowerJulienne Bower we talked about last time from UCLA他研究过一些艾滋病患者 找出其中的积极者looked at AIDS patient and identified the benefit finders there-不是那些说太好了 我有艾滋病的人not the peop

15、le who said m so glad that I have AIDS而是那些说因为患了这个病but rather the people who said as a result of that,现在我更懂得感激一些事I am able to appreciate certain things more;我更关心那些真正重要的事I focus more on the things that really matter;因为这个病 我和一些人更亲近了as a result,I am getting closer to certain people四到九年后 她跟进这个研究The benef

16、it finders,when she followed up 4 to 9 years later,她发现积极者的存活的几率更高the benefit finders were more likely to survive,活下来的可能性更高were more likely to be alive.Laura King和Minor做的研究表明Research by Laura King and Minor: what they showed我们可以把人培养成积极者was that it can also be used as an intervention.所以除了那些天生的积极者So it

17、s not just people who are born benefit finders或者消极者以外.我们知道积极与否和基因有一定关系or fault finders - and we know there is a genetic component too,但除了天生的以外 还可以后天培养but there could be an intervention.他们找来一些生活中受过创伤的人So they brought in people whod experienced traumas让他们写下这些创伤in their lives and they had them write ab

18、out these traumas写下从创伤中看到的好处and their perceived benefits of the trauma.那些写下从创伤中看到的好处Those who wrote about the perceived benefit of the trauma身体和心理都更健康更幸福were physically healthier and psychologically healthier,happier.另一个研究的对象是癌症患者Another research on cancer patients.那些参加研究的女性写下她们的病情The women came in

19、and wrote about their cancer.她们还会写And they wrote about患上癌症带来的好事good things that came out of my experience with cancer写出这些的女人The women who wrote about this,看医生的次数更少visited the doctor office less often,战胜癌症的几率也更高were more likely to survive their cancer.通过改变她们的观念 改变她们的关注点Just by changing their perspect

20、ive,by changing their focus.这些女人没有说患上癌症最好了Now these women did not say it happened for the best也许有些人会这么说 但大部分不会Maybe some did; but most did not.他们会说但愿我没有癌症They said I wish I didnt have this cancer但我确实患上了However it happened,you know. Stuff happens.关键是我们怎么处理 怎么看待这个病The question is what we do with it; h

21、ow we interpret it after.然后她们跟自己说Then they said to themselves我们和家人更亲近了OK,so we get closer to our family;我现在更感激生活了m appreciating life so much more now;我可以享受一下花香了I can enjoy the breath or flower,现在我和家人乐也融融or I couldnt before my family so much closer now;现在我知道谁才是真正的朋友了I know who my real friends are她们从坏

22、事中找出好事 而不是把坏事看到好事And they found benefit in it. Not for the best.但她们会尽力从坏事中看到好的一面But they made the best of the things that happened.这种心态甚至会影响到他们的寿命水平And that made the difference even to their mortality rates.有很多人研究乐观Theres a lot of research on optimism,积极心态和长寿之间的联系 例如benefit-finding and longevity. Fo

23、r example,在Mayo诊所那839位住院病人中in a sample of 839 residents in the Mayo clinic,研究人员用他们作研究对象when they looked at them,他们区分开积极者和消极者they identified the benefit finders and fault finders.两年后那些乐观的积极者The benefit finders that are optimists were,after 2 years,存活率高出19%were 19% more likely to survive.到目前为止 在研究积极心态

24、和乐观领域中By far,the most influential and interesting study done影响最深最有趣的实验就是修女实验in this area of benefit finding and optimism was the nun study.这个实验从多方面表明圣经里说得没错The nun study showed in many ways that the Bible was correct,快乐真的能使人长寿that joy does prolongeth our lives.这个修女实验是从1932年开始做And the nun study was d

25、one,started in 1932.1932年 178位修女完成受训In 1932,178 nuns who just completed their training-她们的年龄大约为22岁they were around the age of 22,just about to embark这些即将开始传教的修女受到方方面面的测试on their mission were tested on numerous accounts.其中一个就是她们要写自己的短小传记One of the things they did was write biographical sketches这个资料几十

26、年前就收集起来了of themselves. And we had this data for decades.最近心理学家才打开这些资料And psychologists just very recently opened up the data想对它进行研究and wanted to look at it,想弄明白wanted to understand what predicts longevity.有几个修女活到了今天?活了多久?Which of the nuns are still alive today? How long did they live?这个实验在1932年展开 她们

27、当时22岁OK,this was done in 1932 when they were avergae age of 22.00:09:32,800 - 00:35,380他们想找长寿的预测因素And they looked for predictors of longevity所以他们看她们的传记写得多深奥so they looked at how complex their essays were-也就是说考察她们的智力水平in other words,their intellectual capacities,跟长寿一点关系都没有 他们看居住环境zero correlation to longevity; they looked at place of residence-看看居住环境的污染程度maybe they lived in places with less or more pollution会不会影响她们的寿命that would impact how long they lived,没联系 住加州的和住波士顿的没分别zero correlation- California,Boston,no diffe

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