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1、第5题 The Tweed, the Tyne, Tees and Thames rivers are all in_ .A. the United StatesB. CanadaC. AustraliaD. Britain 【正确答案】 D第6题 England has a _climate with _summers and _winters.A. continental, hot, coldB. maritime, cool, mildC. changeable, foggy, snowyD. unfavourable, dry, cold 第7题 The Romans remained

2、 in control of Britain for nearly _.A. six centuriesB. the whole of the Middle AgesC. 400 yearsD. a century 第8题 The great king of Wessex who fought against invasion Danes in 9th century was known as_A. HengistB. Alfred GreatC. the ConfessorD. King Picts 第9题 The word Heptarchy is used to describe the

3、 situation in England in the 6th century when _.A. the country was divided into seven kingdomsB. the country was fighting against invadersC. troops of invaders arrived in large numbersD. many warlords were fighting each other 第10题 At bottom English feudal scale were _.A. slavesB. free peasantsC. vil

4、leinsD. freemen 第11题 Henry was the first King of the House of_ .A. YorkB. Count of AnjouC. AquitaineD. Plantagenet 第12题 The jurors function in Britain now is to _.A. punish the criminalB. argue with the defenceC. hear evidence and give verdictD. help the judge and give proposals 第13题 The Hundred Yea

5、rs War ended _.A. in defeat for EnglandB. in victory for EnglandC. in peace for both countriesD. in defeat for France 第14题 The 1381 peasant uprising England directedA. rich clergy landownersB. rich merchants industrialists Parliament lordsD. the Hundred Years War 第15题 The religious reform in England

6、 in the 16th century was to _and to make _ Church of England.A. cut connections with the Pope, an independentB. establish connections with the Pope, a CatholicC. establish new relations with the Pope, a RoyalD. alter theology in every way, revolutionary 第16题 Cromwell was proclaimed _ by an instrumen

7、t of Government in 1653.A. General CommanderB. the Supreme RulerC. Petty Tyrant of EnglandD. Lord Protector 第17题 The Test Act passed after Restoration _.A. were against the PuritansB. excluded all Catholics from public officeC. increased the kings powersD. was the law for schools 第18题 The Disabling

8、Act forbade_.A. any Catholics to sit in either House of ParliamentB. any Puritans to sit in either House of ParliamentC. any landowners to sell and buy landD. any tenant?in?chief to divide his land 第19题 The law which united England and Scotland in 1707 was known as _.A. the Unification ActB. the Act

9、 of UnionC. the One Country ActD. the Union Act 第20题 The Tories were the forerunners of _ of Britain today.A. the Conservative PartyB. the Liberty PartyC. the Labor PartyD. the Socialist Party 第21题 As a result of the industrial revolution, Britain was by 1830 the “_”.A. industrial leader of the worl

10、dB. Leading Sea Power of the WorldC. workshop of the worldD. industrialized country of the world 第22题 For those who were not affected by the gloomy financial reality, the 1920s were the _ in Britain. A. Roaring TwentiesB. Bright TwentiesC. Gold TimeD. Wonderful Age 第23题 By the _ Adolf Hitler got the

11、 Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia in 1938.A. Versailles ArrangementB. nonaggression pactC. Paris TreatyD. Munich Agreement 第24题 Britain has considerable reserves of coal, but British coal mining is called a _industry today.A. newB. developingC. sickD. declining 第25题 Traditionally, Britain has had a def

12、icit on _and a surplus on _.A. visible trade, invisible tradeB. steel trade, coal tradeC. invisible trade, visible tradeD. oil trade, agricultural trade 第26题 The two main tiers of local authority throughout England and Wales are_ and_.A. cities, townsB. cities, villagesC. counties, districtsD. citie

13、s, shires 第27题 In Britain the “either way” offences refer to _ and other less serious cases.A. theftB. murderC. bombingD. terrorist crimes 第28题 Ireland is also called the _because of its rich _.A. green land, green countrysideB. Emerald Isle, green countrysideC. forest country, forestsD. agricultura

14、l country, agriculture 第29题 In 1170 the _ invaded Ireland and they ruled lreland for over 700 years.A. DanesB. VikingsC. Anglo?SaxonsD. Celts 第30题 The_ Treaty of 1921 established an Irish Free State.A. PeaceB. FriendlyIrishD. Independence 第31题 Immigration to the United States from Asian and Hispanic

15、 Countries now account for_ of the total.A. 30%B. 50%C. 60%D. 80% 第32题 The natives of America were called Indians by_.A. ColumbusB. the AmericansD. Spanish colonists 第33题 The first ten amendments to the U.S, Constitution are known as the _.A. First TenB. Great AmendmentsC. Ten ChangesD. Bill of Righ

16、ts 第34题 Before American Civil War, public feeling slavery increased by Harriet Stowes novel_A. RootsB. Uncle Toms CabinC. American TragedyD. Shame America 第35题 Stand Oil Company established by_A. RockefellerB. MorganC. FordD. Truman 第36题 The largest producer steel States early years 20th was_A. Ford

17、 CorporationB. the Steel Mill West Union Corporation 第37题 The large movement demanding government regulation of the economy and social conditions in the United States at the turn of the 20th century has been known as the _.A. Civil Rights MovementB. New Deal MovementC. Regulation MovementD. Progress

18、ive Movement 第38题 The drafters of the U.S. Constitution devised _ by which the Constitution could be changed.A. a simple processB. a single processC. a bi?party processD. a dual process 第39题 In the United States two?year colleges are also known as _.A. small collegesB. lower collegesC. community col

19、legesD. industrial colleges 第40题 The largest and busiest city on the Pacific Coast of the United states is _.A. New YorkB. BostonC. St. FranciscoD. Los Angeles 第41题 Only about _ of the land of Canada has permanent population.A. 11%B. 20%C. 30%D. 4% 第42题 The largest river in Canada is the _.A. Lawrence RiverB. Ohio RiverC. Columbia RiverD. Mackenzie River 第43题 The French were forced to give up every inch of

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