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1、Assuming the company authorizes you to fill a position, the next step is to develop an applicant pool(求职人才库), using one or more of the recruitment sources described below.(假设一个公司委托你为某一职位招聘人员,那么下一步就是要利用以下所提供的一种或多种人员招聘渠道去建立一个求职人才库) Its hard to overemphasize the importance of effective recruiting. (有效的

2、人员招聘非常重要,其重要性无论怎样强调都不为过) The more applicants you have, the more selective you can be in your hiring.(你有的求职者越多,在你的雇佣中你的选择就越多) If only two candidates apply for two opening(空缺职位), you may have little choice but to hire them.(如果仅仅有两个候选人申请两个空缺职位,你别无选择只能雇用他们) But if 10 or 20 applicants appear, you can use

3、 techniques like interviews and tests to screen out all but the best.(但如果有10个或20个候选人出现,你可以使用像面谈和测试技术筛选出最好的) Effective recruiting is increasingly important today(今天,有效的招聘是越来越重要的), for several reasons(有几个原因). First, the ease of recruiting tends to ebb and flow with economic and unemployment levels. (首

4、先,人员招募的难易通常随着经济和失业水平上下波动)The U.S. unemployment rate declined each year for 10 years through mid-2001;(从2001年中期的10年里,美国的失业率呈现逐年下降态势) this led some experts to refer to the recruiting situation up to that time as one of “evaporated employee sources.” (这使得某些专家讲那个时期的人员招聘情况描述成“失去雇员来源”的状态) High average tur

5、nover rates (平均人员流动率)for some occupations are another problem;(一些职位高平均人员流动率是另一个问题) the average annual turnover rate(年平均流动率) for high-tech employees was recently 14.5%, according to one study. (根据一项研究,近年来高科技雇员的年平均流动率是14.5%)The increased emphasis on technology and therefore on skilled human capital al

6、so demands more selective hiring and thus a bigger applicant pool.(由于越来越重视技术并进而更关注熟练的人力资本,企业更需要选择性聘用雇员,从而也需要更大的求职库) Finding the right inducements(适当的激励因素) for attracting and hiring employees can be a problem.(寻找适当的激励因素来吸引和雇用人员可能是一个问题) A few years ago, for example, about 47,000 computer animator jobs

7、 opened up worldwide, but only 14,000 animators graduated from art school. (例如,几年前,全球范围内大约有47000计算机动画片制作职位空缺,但仅仅有14000动画片制作者是从艺术学校毕业的)With a little experience, these people could therefore earn $100,000 a year. Similarly, $10,000 to $20,000 signing bonuses(签约分红奖金) were often common for MBA students

8、in the late 1990s.(有一点经验,这些人可能因此每年赚100000美元。同样,10000美元到20000美元的签约分红奖金在上世纪90年代末的MBA学生中往往是共同的) Aggressive recruiting(主动招聘) is therefore often the name of the game.(因此主动招聘经常是游戏的名字) “Poaching workers is fair game,” reads one HR newsletter headline(通讯标题).(“偷猎工人是公平的游戏”是HR通讯标题新闻头条) Some recruiters even hav

9、e their own jargon(一些招聘者甚至有他们自己的行话). They call luring workers away(挖走员工) from other high-tech firms “nerd rustling.” (讨厌鬼的声音)(他们把从其他高科技公司挖走员工叫讨厌鬼的声音)As explained in Chapter 2, all recruiting must conform to EEO antidiscrimination laws(反歧视法律).(正如第二章所解释的,所有的招聘必须遵循EEO反歧视法律)EEO:Equal Employment Opportun

10、ity公平就业机会Offers made (2:1)Candidates interviewed(3:2)Candidates invited(4:3)1,200 Leads generated(6:The Recruiting Yield Pyramid(招聘收益金字塔)Some employers use a recruiting yield pyramid (人员招聘筛选金字塔)to calculate the number of applicants they must generate to hire the required number of new employees.(一些雇

11、主采用人员招聘筛选金字塔来计算求职者的人数,这些求职者是他们必须产生的以招聘到所需数量的新员工) In Figure 4-1, the company knows it needs 50 new entry-level accountants (初级会计师)next year(图4-1,公司知道下一年它需要50个新初级会计师). From experience, the firm also knows the ratio of offers made to actual new hires is 2 to 1;(根据经验,公司也知道,发出录用通知的人与实际新雇用的人之间比例是2:1). abo

12、ut half the people to whom it makes offers accept them. (公司发给录用通知书的人就会减半)Similarly, the firm knows that the ratio of candidates interviewed to offers made is 3 to 2, while the ratio of candidates invited for interviews to candidates actually interviewed is about 4 to 3.(同样,该公司知道被面试的候选人和提供面试的比例是3:2,然

13、而候选人被邀请面试和候选人实际被面试的比例是4:3) Finally, the firm knows that of six leads that come in from all its recruiting efforts, only one applicant typically gets an interview a 6 to 1 ratio.(最后,公司知道来自所有的招聘工作最后的六个候选人,通常仅有一个候选人得到面谈-比例是6:1) Given these ratios, the firm knows it must generate 1,200 leads to be able

14、to invite 200 viable candidates to its offices for interviews. (根据这些比率,公司知道它必须产生1200求职者导致能够邀请200个可能的候选人来它的办公室参见面试)The firm will then get to interview about 150 of those invited, and from these it will make 100 offers. Of those 100 offers, about 50 will accept.(公司将要面试大约150个被邀者,和从这些被邀者中提供100个通知。在这100个

15、通知中,大约50个将接受)Recruiting may bring to mind employment agencies and classified ads(就业代理机构和分类广告), but current employees are often the best source of candidates.(招聘可能会想到就业代理机构和分类广告,但当前雇员经常是最佳候选人来源) Filling open positions with inside candidates has many benefits.(用内部候选人员填补空缺职位有许多优势) First, theres really

16、no substitute for knowing a candidates strengths and weaknesses(首先,没有人比企业更了解一个候选人的优点和缺点). It is often therefore safer to promote employees from within, since youre likely to have a more accurate view of the persons skills than you would an outsiders.(因此,从内部晋升雇员是比较安全的,因为比起你从外部招聘候选人,你可能更精确地了解雇员的技术) In

17、ternal Sources of Candidates(内部招聘来源)Inside candidates may also be more committed to the company.(内部候选人可能会更忠于公司) Morale may rise, to the extent that employees see promotions as rewards for loyalty and competence.(员工士气上升,一定程度上雇员会把晋升当做忠诚度和能力的奖赏) Inside candidates may also require less orientation and t

18、raining(岗前引导和培训) than outsiders.(比起外部候选人,内部候选人可能也会需要更少的岗前引导和培训) However, hiring from within can also backfire(然而,从内部雇用可能也会反招其怨). Employees who apply for jobs and dont get them may become discontented;(申请空缺职位但没有得到职位的雇员可能变得不满意). telling unsuccessful applicants why they were rejected and what remedial

19、actions they might take to be more successful in the future is thus crucial. (因此告诉没有成功的候选人他们被拒绝的原因和他们可能采取什么补救措施来变得更成功,在将来是很重要的)Similarly, many employers require managers to post job openings(张贴职位空缺广告) and interview all inside candidates.(同样,许多雇员要求管理者张贴职位空缺广告和面试所有的内部候选人) Yet the manger often knows ah

20、ead of time exactly whom he or she wants to hire.(然而,管理者经常提前知道他或她想雇用谁) Requiring the person to interview a stream of unsuspecting inside candidates can be a waste of time for all concerned.(众所周知,要求管理者面试一连串可相信的内部候选人可能是浪费时间的) Groups are sometimes not as satisfied when their new boss is appointed from

21、within their own ranks as when he or she is a newcomer(当他们的新老板是从他们同级中被委任的时候,团体有时不像他或她是新来的那样满意): it may be difficult for the insider to shake off the reputation of being “one of the gang(同伙人之一).”(对于新委任的上司来说,摆脱“同伙人之一“的印象是困难的)Inbreeding(近亲繁殖) is another potential drawback(近亲繁殖是另一个潜在的缺点). When all manag

22、ers come up through the ranks, they may have a tendency to maintain the status quo, when a new direction is whats required.(当所有的管理者都是从内部提升时,在要求转变到新方向的时候,他们倾向于维持现状) Many “promote from within” firms like J.C. Penney(J.C.彭尼公司), IBM, and Delta Airlines(德尔塔航空公司/美国三角航空公司) went outside for CEOs in the 1990

23、s when their boards decided they needed new vision and leadership(许多“从内部晋升“的公司像JC,IBM和德尔塔航空公司在上世纪90年代的时候,当他们的董事会决定他们需要新的愿景和领导者的时候,他们从外部晋升来获得CEOS). Balancing the benefits to morale and loyalty with the possible inbreeding problem can be a challenge.(平衡士气和忠诚度与近亲繁殖问题之间的好处可能是一个挑战)Finding Internal Candid

24、ates(寻找内部候选人)To be effective, promotion from within requires using job posting, personnel records, and skills banks(职位公告、人事记录以及雇员技能数据库)(从内部晋升需要运用职位公告,人事记录以及雇员技能数据库是有效率的). Job posting means publicizing the open job to employees (often by literally posting it on bulletin boards or intranets) and listi

25、ng the jobs attributes, like qualifications, supervisor, work schedule, and pay rate(职位公告是向雇员公布空缺职位(经常通过字面上张贴在公告栏上或企业内联网上)和列出职位特征,像职位描述,上级,工作一览表和支付报酬). Some union contracts require job posting to ensure union members get first choice of new and better position. (一些工会合同要求职位公告确保工会成员具备新的和更好的职位的优先权)Yet

26、job posting can be a good practice even in nonunion firms, if it facilitates the transfer and promotion of qualified inside candidates.(然而,即使在没有工会的企业里,只要有利于合格的内部候选人调动和晋升,发布职位公告是一种好的方法) (However, firms often dont post supervisory jobs; management often prefers to select supervisory candidates based o

27、n things like supervisors recommendations, and appraisal and testing results.)(然而,公司经常不会张贴基层主管职位公告;管理者经常喜欢基于像上级推荐信,评估和测试结果来选基层管理者候选人)Personnel records are also important(人事记录也是重要的). An examination of personnel records (including application forms) may reveal employees who are working in jobs below t

28、heir educational or skill levels.(一个审查人事记录(包括求职申请表)可以发现那些正在以低于他们的教育水平或技能水平而工作的雇员) It may also reveal persons who have potential for further training or who already have the right background for the open job(它也发现谁有潜力培训或谁已经具备空缺职位的合适背景). Computerized records systems (like those discussed above) can hel

29、p ensure you consider qualified inside candidates for the opening. (计算机化的人事记录系统(如上所述)可以帮助确保你考虑候选人的资格为空缺职位)Some firms also develop “skillsbanks”(技能数据库) that list current employees with specific skills(一些公司也开发“技能数据库“,它列出当前雇员的特殊技能). For example, if you need an aerospace engineer in unit A, and the skil

30、lsbank shows a person with those skills in unit B, that person may be approached about transferring.(例如,如果在单元A你需要一个航空工程师,和技能数据库显示在单元B有一个具备那些技能的人,那个人可能被调动)Succession Planning(继任规则)Forecasting the availability of inside executive candidates is particularly important in succession planning “the process

31、 of ensuring a suitable supply of successors for current and future senior or key jobs.”(预测内部高级管理职位的供给情况在继任规则中是非常重要的,继任规则是保证目前和未来高级或关键职位有适当供给人员的职位的过程) Succession planning often involves a complicated series of steps(继任规则经常涉及一个构造复杂的一系列步骤). For example, potential successors for top management might be

32、 routed through the top jobs at several key divisions as well as overseas, and then through Harvards Advanced Management Program(哈佛大学的高级管理课程). (例如,高级管理职位的潜在继任人可能被送到几个关键部门以及海外机构去担任负责人,然后再送到哈弗大学去进修高级管理课程)Jeffrey Immelt(杰夫里伊梅尔特), the new CEO of GE, moved through these positions from 1989 through 2001(Jeffrey Immelt,新的GE的CEO,从1989到2001担任过以下职位): vice president, consumer services, GE appliances(GE器具事业部客户服务副总裁); vice president, worldwide m

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