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1、 Nature of spendingW: Writing a spending survey report Expressing opinions on spending 语音:连音 Not for naught30 minsGrammar exercises现在分词和过去分词45 minsSection One: Financial Matters(1-2课时)授课内容:Financial Matters授课班级授课时间2课时授课地点:教学目标能力(技能)目标知 识 目 标素质(情感)目标Students will be able to:1To master the techniques

2、to describing ways of spending in English.2. To acquaint students with the knowledge of education loan, investment and credit-card.3.To write a spending survey report.Students will learn:1To be familiar with the English expressions related to fianc problems.2 acquaint students with the knowledge of

3、education loan, investment and credit-card.3. write a spending survey report.4. practise liaison.1To learn to spend and earn.2.To know education loan, investment and credit-card.3To encourage Ss to make a living in the proper way.教学重点与难点1. To master to describe ways of spending in English.2. The ski

4、lls of writing a spending survey report.教学方法Multi media teaching equipment, pair work , group work teacher asks questions with detailed explanation imitation discussion能力训练任务1Have students work in pairs to ask and answer the questions in the given questionnaire to complete the questionnaire.2.Acquai

5、nt students with the new words.3 Have students listen to the tape or CD and fill in the blanks.4 Explain the language points. 5 Ask students to read the text and then proceed to the detailed study of the text.6 Have students write a report about these findings and provide some advice.教学参考资料1.Beyond

6、Oxford Practical College English Course2. Beyond Oxford Practical College English Course Teaching procedures3. InternetTeaching Procedures Step One: Starter A questionnaire about money matters at collegeA. Explain the language points in the survey. (2)B. Have students work in pairs to ask and answer

7、 the questions in the given questionnaire to complete the questionnaire. (4)C. Have students exchange their questionnaires and learn about others students answers. (4)D. Have 6-7 students into one group, work out the final result and give it an analysis. (7)E. Have one student out of each group to r

8、eport to the class on their group findings. (3)Notes 1. personal finance 个人理财finance n. 财务管理,财政;金融;资金 e.g. My present finances preclude the possibility of buying a car. 按我目前的财政状况是不 可能买车的。Unless we can get more finance, well have to close the hotel. 除非能得到更多的资金,否则我们将不得不关闭旅馆。finance当动词用时意思是“供给,负担经费”。 e

9、.g. His parents financed his college education. 父母负担他上大学的费用。The government will finance the building of the new roads with the taxes it collects. 政府将把征得的税收投资到这条新公路上。finance的形容词形式为financial,意思是“财政的,金融的”,如:financial affairs 财务问题;a grave financial crisis 严重的金融危机。2. loan n. 贷款;出借e.g. They found it impos

10、sible to get a bank loan. 他们发现不可能得到银行贷款。We wish to take a loan of your car for an afternoon. 我们想借你的汽车用一个下午。loan当动词用时,意思是“借出,贷与”。e.g. These works of art are too precious to be loaned out for exhibition. 这些艺术品珍贵无比,不能借出去展览。3. Do you think a part-time job would affect your studies? 你认为做兼职会影响你的学习吗?*affec

11、t vt. 影响,对起作用e.g. This area was affected by the flood. 该地区受到了洪灾的影响。Recently, the financial crisis in the U.S.A has affected the job market to a large extent. 近来,美国金融危机极大地影响了就业市场。4. Can you make ends meet every month? 你能每个月做到收支平衡吗?make ends meet 达到收支平衡 e.g. He found it hard to make ends meet on his l

12、ow income. 他发现以他微薄的收入很难做到收支平衡。Mary has spent so much money on new clothes that she finds it hard to make ends meet again this month. 玛丽买衣服花了很多钱,她发现这个月又难以混到月底了。 Step Two: Im brokeA. Ask students questions about credit cards: (2)a Do you have a credit card?b Do you prefer the shopping way of “Buy firs

13、t, pay later”?c Is there any difference between a debit card (借记卡) and a credit card (信用卡)? B. Have students listen to the tape or CD and fill in the blanks. (4)C. Check the answers with students and explain the language points(4)D. Encourage students to talk about their opinions on credit cards by

14、using the language to describe ways of spending given in the Learning Box.(5)1. Jenny, could you lend me a few dollars? 珍妮,能不能借我点钱?lend的意思是“借出”,其反义词是borrow,意思是“借入”。e.g. I borrowed a book from him.= He lent a book to me. 我从他那儿借了一本书。= 他借了一本书给我。2. Im a little broke. 我快没钱花了。broke a. 没钱,囊中羞涩;破产的e.g. Jim

15、had to take the job as a waiter in a small restaurant because he was broke. 吉姆身无分文,只得在一家小餐馆做服务生。The paper was going broke and would cease publication. 这家报纸将要破产停印。3. Im short of money myself 我自己也缺钱be short of 缺少 e.g. The family is badly short of money due to the childs disease. 由于孩子生病,这家人极度缺钱。Were sh

16、ort of time. Lets hurry up. 时间很少,我们得抓紧。4. but I buy a lot of things and pay by credit card. 但我最近用信用卡买了很多东西。credit n. 信用贷款;赊购e.g. If you are very rich, you can probably get unlimited credit. 如果你很有钱,就可能获得无限额信用度。In stores where once he had been able to obtain credit he was forced to pay cash. 过去他可以赊购的商

17、店现在要求他付现金。5. Yes, so do I. 是的,我就是这样。so do I的意思是“我也是”或“我也这么认为”。so放在句首有替代功能,一般后面的句子要用部分倒装句型。e.g. Jim thinks Yao Ming is a world famous basketball player. So do I. 吉姆认为姚明是世界著名的篮球运动员,我也这么认为。 Step Three: No risk, no gainA. Have students listen to the tape or CD. Then decide whether the given statements a

18、re true (T) or false (F). (3)B. Explain the language points and check the answers with students.(4)C. Ask students the following questions: (3)a What kind of person is Jessica? (She is a crazy shopper.)b Do you buy stocks? What should you pay attention to when buying stocks?1. Jessica has decided to

19、 invest all her money in stocks. 杰茜卡决定把钱全部投到股票上。*invest v. 投资,投入e.g. Ive invested a lot of time and effort in this plan. 我在这项计划上花了大量时间和精力。She invested in a painting by a famous young artist. 她买了一幅一位著名年轻画家的画作。invest的名词形式为investment,如:a big investment in land 对土地的大量投资。2. So, any luck finding a new job

20、? 是吗?运气如何?找到新工作了吗?这是一个省略句,any luck在口语中很常见,可单独使用,也可接介词如with和in,或直接接动词。e.g. Any luck with your hunting? 你打猎有什么收获吗?Any luck in your dating? 约会进展得如何?3. None. 没找到。none表示“一点也没有”,此处指没啥运气,也就是说没有找到新工作。e.g. How many birds are there in the tree?树上有几只小鸟? None. 一只也没有。4. Youll be up to your ears in debt if you ke

21、ep spending like this. 如果你还这样花钱的话,你会债台高筑的。up to ones ears in debt 债台高筑 e.g. Youll soon be up to your ears in debt if you dont stop gambling. 如果不停止赌博,你很快就会债台高筑。*debt n. 债务,欠债e.g. He is in debt for his house and his car. 他因购买房子和汽车而负债。He spent more and more money, getting deeper and deeper into debt. 他

22、花的钱越来越多,债台也越筑越高。5. Ive decided to buy stocks. 我决定去买股票。*stock n. 股票e.g. Father owns some stocks in that railroad. 父亲在那家铁路公司里有些股份。Stocks are generally lower in value because of the financial crisis. 受金融危机的影响,股票价格普遍下跌. Step Four: Enquiring about loansA. Ask students the following questions(2)a Do you k

23、now anything about Education Fund?b Have you ever thought of doing a part-time job on campus?c Have you ever won a scholarship?B. Have students choose the students questions in the box to complete the dialogue. (5)C. Invite two or three pairs of students for demonstration. (5) Notes 1. When do I sta

24、rt paying back the loan? 我从什么时候开始偿还贷款?pay back 偿还(借款等)e.g. Lend me $100, will you? Ill pay it back at the end of the month. 借我100美元行吗?月底我就还给你。I must remember to pay you back for the concert ticket. 我一定要记得还你音乐会门票的钱。2. Start by filling out our form online, and it can be approved in a few days. 先网上填表,几

25、天之后便会得到批准。fill out 填写e.g. The policeman filled out a report of the accident. 警察填写了事故报告单。*approve v. 批准,认可e.g. The firms directors quickly approved the new deal. 公司董事很快批准了新交易。The government sector initially approved the proposal in 1974. 政府部门于1974年初步批准了这一方案。approve还可表示“赞成,赞许”,常与of 搭配使用。e.g. I do not

26、quite approve of his moral character. 我不大欣赏他的道德品质。Everybody approves of the plans for a new school building. 大家都赞成再建造一所新校舍。approve的名词形式为approval,如:gain/obtain/win the approval of 得到的赞同。 Step Five: How the Stock Market WorksA. Text Lead-in: ask students to enjoy the video. (2) B. Pre-text Question: D

27、o you know how the stock market works?C. Text Comprehension: ask students to read the text and then proceed to the detailed study of the text. (6)D. After-text exercise: have students complete the exercises after the text and check the answers with students. (8)E. Have students to read the text afte

28、r the tape or CD. (3)1. If asked “Whats one of the fastest ways to lose money?” your answer might be: “Invest in the stock market and follow the investment companys advice.” 如果有人问“最快的亏钱方式之一是什么?”您可能会这样回答:“投资股票市场,采纳投资公司的建议”。If asked是省略形式,完整形式应该是If you were askedinvestment n. 投资e.g. The firm has made a

29、 huge investment in new equipment. 该公司投入巨资购置新设备。His investments amount to millions of dollars. 他的投资额达数百万美元。2. There may be some truth to this answer. 这个回答也许有点道理。some truth to sth. 在某方面有点道理e.g. I decided to take his advice because I found some truth to it. 我决定采纳他的建议,因为我觉得有点道理。You are talking nonsense. I cant find any truth to your words. 你真是胡说,我觉得你的话一点道理都没有。3. Years ago in a village, a man turned up

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