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1、Apoplast: A continuous system consists of cell wall, cell space (interplace) and vessel of xylem, except protoplast, considered as a non-life part in the plant.Symplast: A continuous system consists of protoplast, plasmodesma and plasmic membrane, considered as a life part except apolast.3.Free wate

2、r and bound water 自由水和束缚水Free water: It does not bind to components of cell tightly and moves freely in the plant. Special characters: participate in metabolism, take as solvent and easily freeze 。bound water:It binds to components of cell tightly and does not move freely in the plant. Special chara

3、cters: do not participate in metabolism, do not take as solvent and do not easily freeze 。4.Bleeding and guttation 伤流和吐水Bleeding: a phenomena that the sap flows out from the wounded part. It is caused by root pressure.Guttation: when soil has enough water and atmosphere is warm and higher relative h

4、umidity (RH), often in the early mourning, unwounded leaf can secret sap from tip or margin of leaf. It is an index for health seedlings. 5.Root pressure 根压Root pressure is a power which pushed water to mount along vessel, depending on physiological activity of root. 6.Soil available water土壤可利用水分It

5、is referred as the water that can directly be taken up and utilized by plants, whose water content is higher than wilting coefficient in the soil.7.Temporary wilting and permanent wilting暂时萎焉和永久萎焉The wilting is caused by loss of equilibrium between water absorption and evaporation (main transpiratio

6、n). Transpiration is larger than absorption. It can be recovered by shading or in the evening upon decreasing in transpiration, but not by watering.The wilting is caused by no available soil water, plant can not absorb water from the soil. It can be recovered by watering or water spring, but not by

7、decreasing in transpiration.8.Transpiration pull蒸腾拉力A power driving water upward along xylem vessel, and is decided by a gradient of water potentials due to transpiration. It is independent of root metabolism and is the main power for water absorption.9.Transpiration coefficient (water requirement)蒸

8、腾系数Water requirement is a reciprocal of transpiration efficiency, means that plant consumes water quantity (g) for making 1g of dry matter. 生成1kg干物质需要多少g水。10.Transpiration efficiency (ratio)蒸腾效率(比率)Plant produces quality(unit: g)when consuming 1kg water by transpiration.11.Transpiration rate 蒸腾速率Wat

9、er loss of plant through transpiration per unit leaf area and per unit time. (g/m2s)12.Critical period of water 水分临界期A period during which plant is most sensitive to water deficiency and is most easily injured by water deficiency, but the water requirement is not always largest at that period.花粉母细胞减

10、数分裂至四分体期13.Transpiration-cohesion-tension theory蒸腾-内聚力-张力学说Water can be transported in a continuous water column because water cohesion is larger than its tension.14.Osmosis absorption;渗透性吸水Osmosis (渗透作用) is a diffusion in which solvent molecules pass through semipermeable membrane (半透性膜). 15.imbibi

11、tion absorption; 吸胀吸水Imbibition (吸胀作用) is a phenomena in which hydrophilic colloids enlarge with water absorption.(vacuole-unformed cell)16.metabolism absorption. 代谢性吸水The plant cell uses the energy produced in respiration and drives water absorption across plasmatic membrane17.Semipermeable membran

12、e 半透膜A selectively-permeable membrane, a membrane that will allow certain molecules or ions to pass through it by diffusion and occasionally specialized facilitated diffusion18.Plasmolysis and Deplasmolysis 质壁分离与质壁分离复原19.ssolute potential 溶质势=渗透势The decreased part of water potential caused by existe

13、nce of the solute in the solution 由于溶质颗粒的存在,降低了水的自由能而使其水势低于纯水水势的水势下降值。20.ppressure potential 压力势The increased part of water potential caused by turgor pressure, always positive21.mmatric potential 衬质势The decreased part of water potential results from cell components absorbing water, always negative.

14、22.Water channel proteins or aquaporins水通道蛋白或水孔蛋白Aquaporins in all living cell are a serious proteins which located in plasmatic membrane or tonoplast, and play an important role in water transmembrane transport because they have less resistance to water and speed up water transport across the membr

15、ane. 23.Stomatal transpiration气孔蒸腾24.Law of micro-pore diffusionperimeter diffusion小孔扩散定律周长扩散Diffusion rate of water vapor throughout poly micropore is not proportional to the area, but is proportional to the perimeter.25.Stomatal complex 气孔复合体保卫细胞guard cell及邻近细胞neighboring cell或副卫细胞accessory cells/ subsidiary cells二、key points1.Understand water relat

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