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1、5、 How far are going to lay out the anchor line?锚缆绳需要放多少?6、 Keep five warps on the drum and lay out the rest.尽可能放,滚筒上留5圈。7、 We ve got through with the anchors,It s ready for the boat to connect now.已抛完锚,可以接拖了。8、 Have you got emergency equipments ready for the moving?拖航作业的应急器材准备完了吗?9、 The variable lo

2、ad is over the allowable limit. Well have to unload the surplus cement,drilling to unload the surplus cement,drilling water and some diesel oil.可变负荷超过允许量了,应该卸掉多余的水泥、钻井水,以及部分油。10、 Is it O.K to jack the rig down today?今天可以降船吗?11、 We cant jack down the rig as the weather is bad.天气不好,不能降船。12、 The rig ja

3、cking-down is under way now.现在正在降船。13、 The hull bottom is now the water surface.船体已接触水面。14、 The draft is 3.5 meters.船体吃水3.5米。15、 Lets connect the jetting line to jet the legs with 100 psi.接好冲桩管线,用7公斤/厘米2的压力开始冲桩。16、 The jetting pressure is 100 psi.冲桩压力7公斤/厘米2的压力。17、 According to the requirements wind

4、 speed less than force 3 and wave height less than 1 meter are considered as the optimum weather condition for the jacking down.按规定,要求风速在3级以下,波高小于1米是最佳的气象条件。MOVING A JACK UP RIG拖 航18、 There will be strong wind,we have to wait on weather.有强风,必须等候天气好转。19、 The wind speed is 1.5 meters per second and th

5、e wave height is less than 0.5 meter today Great! 今天风速1.5米/秒,浪高小于半米,好极了!20、 Have you worked out the statistical list of variable loads?平台可变负荷统计表搞好没有?21、 Now the Rig is overloaded to the boat?现已超载,需要卸载?22、 What materials can be unloaded to the boat?哪些物品可以卸载到?23、 The surplus barite, bentonite and ceme

6、nt have to trans-fered to the supply boat.反多余的重晶石,粘土粉和水泥运到拖轮上。24、 The Rig is short of potable water. Tell the boat to come for transferring water to the Rig.平台生活用水缺乏,让拖轮靠平台打淡水。25、 Wheres the new location? What are the coordinates?交换机井位在什么地方?经纬度多少?26、 What is our position now?现在船位在哪里?27、 We have got

7、the Rig position at 17:50 hours;10835EL (east longitude) and 2045NL (north latitude).17时50分测得船位在:东经10835北纬2045。28、 Which tug is responsible for handling the anchors?哪条拖轮负责起抛锚。29、 Drop No.2 and No.3 anchors, right?抛2号和3号锚,对不对?30、 When do we start jacking the Rig down?什么时候开始降船。31、 When do we going to

8、start moving?什么时候开始拖航。32、 The move is supposed to start at eight thirty.预计8点半起拖。33、 Which one the main tug? The Binhai 281, it has 8,000HP(horse power).主拖是哪条船?-滨海281,8000马力。34、 whats the moving speed now?现在船速多少?35、 About 4 knots.4节左右。36、 We can jack down the platform only when the wind scale is less

9、 than 4 and we have a smooth sea.四级风以下,海浪、海流不急时才可降船。37、 The speed has slowed down some because the fog is too thick.雾太大,航速成降低了些。38、 Which one is the chase boat? how much is the horse power?护航船是哪一条?有多大马力?39、 Its the boat binhai 261. She has 6.000HP (horse power).护航是滨海261船,6000马力。40、 What time will we

10、 get to the location.什么时候我们可以到达井位?41、 According to the present speed the Rig is expected to enter the location area at about 5 oclock tomorrow morning.按现在的航速,大约明早5时左右进入井位区。42、 The location buoy is in front over there. .前面就是井位标。43、 We are ready to drop the anchors.我们已经做好抛锚准备。44、 Everything is O.K.一切都

11、正常。JACKING-UP AND PRELOADING升降及压载45、 Whats the air gap to start preloading?平台升离水面多少才开始压载?46、 We are not going to preload until the air gap gets to 3 meters.打算升三米再开始。47、 How much preload water will have to put into the tanks?压载舱内要加多少压载水?48、 Well have to put into 5500 tons of preload water.要加5500吨。49、

12、 What way are you going to preload?打算如何压载?50、 We plan to have 3 steps for preloading. Each step will be followed by 30 minutes of observation. When the preloading finally finishes. There will be 2 hours for observation.打算分三组压,每组压完观察30分钟,最后压完观察二小时。51、 Do we star preloading right now?现在开始压载吗?52、 well

13、have to adjust the brake torque of jacking motors first so that the legs will jack evenly.先将升降马达的刹车扭矩调匀,这样桩腿升高比较平稳。53、 Can you get it done quickly?很快能调完吗?54、 It will probably take us one and half hours to adjust the 36 motors.36个马达大概要1个半小时。55、 When the preloading finishes and nothing abnormal is fou

14、nd, then well be ready to drain the water off.压载完了。观察无变化,准备放水。56、 Why has the main engine stopped?主机为什么停机?57、 They are lowering the raw water tower(deep well pump)now, so only the emergency generator can be operated.正在下放海水塔(深井泵),只能开应急发电机。58、 Let me check it ,O.K. penetrate the legs now.让我看一下,好,可以插桩了。59、 Check the leg penetration. How much penetration do we have?检查一下插桩情况,看看插下去多少 。60、 No.1 and No.2 legs indicate 10 meters and No.3 indicates 12 meters of penetration.1、2号桩腿插桩10米,3号桩腿插桩12米。61、 Are the main g

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