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1、andlookedaroundfor someone tohelphim.【汉语翻译】年轻军官与老兵(1)一位新上任的(new)年轻军官(young officer)在火车站(railway station)候车。他要去看望(visit)他的母亲(mother)。他想打电话(want to telephone sb.)告诉(tell)母亲他的列车(train)到站的时间。但寻遍了所有的口袋(pocket),却发现(find)他没有打电话用的硬币(coin),于是他走到车站外面(outside),环顾四周(look around)想找人帮忙(help)。 A Young Officer and

2、an Old Soldier(2)Atlastan oldsoldiercame by, and the young officer stopped him and said,“Have you gotchangefor tenpence?”“Waitamoment,”the old soldieranswered,beginningputhis hand in his pocket.“Ill seewhetherI can help you.”“Dont youknowhow tospeakto an officer?”the young man saidangrily. “Nowletss

3、tartagainHave you got change for ten pence?“No,sir,”the old soldier answeredquickly.年轻军官与老兵(2)最后(at last)有名老兵(old soldier)路过,年轻的军官拦住他道:“你有十便士(pence)的零钱(change)吗?“等会儿(wait a moment)。”老兵回答(answer),开始(begin)把手放(put)进口袋, “让我看看是否(whether)能帮助你。难道你不知道(know)该怎样跟一位长官说话(speak)吗?”年轻人生气地(angrily)说, “现在我们重新开始(st

4、art again),你有十美分的硬币吗?“没有,长官(sir)。”老兵迅速(quickly)答道。二. Are You Going to Thank Her?(1)Mrs.Greenhaslivednear the parkof the city for fortyyears.Shes very richand has got a lot ofmoney.But she never buys something expensive for her family and alwaysdoes all thehouseworkherself.She sweeps all the rooms ev

5、ery day.Lastmorning,when she gotup, she feltterrible. After breakfastshe felt evenworse. She found some medicineand took it. But it was uselessto her and she had to go to a hospital.您是要感谢她吗?格林夫人(Mrs.)在这座城市(city)的公园(park)附近住(live)了四十(forty)年了。她特别富裕(rich),相当有钱(money)。但她从不(never)给自己的家人(family)买昂贵的(expe

6、nsive)物品,而且总是(always)自己做所有的家务(housework),她每天打扫(sweep)所有的房间。昨天早上(Last morning)。她起床(get up)时感觉(feel)很糟糕(terrible)。早餐(breakfast)后她觉得更严重(even worse),就找了一些药(medicine)吃了。但还是没用(useless)。她不得不去了医院(hospital)。 Are You Going to Thank Her?The doctorlooked her over andaskedher to be in hospital, but sherefusedwen

7、t homeonfoot.Assoonasshe got home, the telephonerang.Shehurriedto answer it.It was the doctor.He told her she had left herpursein the hospital and anursehad found it.“Could you tell me hername,please?”asked Mrs.Green.“Ofcourse, Mrs.Are you going tothankher?”asked the doctor.“No, no.”She said,“Myhand

8、bagwas lostthreeyearsago.I want to know if she found it.”医生(doctor)给她作了检查并要求(ask)她住院,但她拒绝(refuse)了,然后步行(on foot)回家。她一(as soon as)到家,电话就响(ring)了,她赶紧(hurry)去接听电话,是医生打来的,他告诉这位女士她的钱包(purse)丢在了医院,一位护士(nurse)捡到了。“您能告诉我这位护士的名字(name)吗?”格林夫人问道。“当然可以(of course),格林夫人,您是要感谢(thank)她吗?”医生问道。“不,不是,”她说:“我的手提包(handb

9、ag)三年前(three years ago)丢了,我想问问是不是她找到了。” 三. Sam and Tod (1)Sam had adog.Its name was Tod. It was veryhelpful,but itatetoo much.So Sam didnt like it, and he wanted tokillTod. HetiedTod in a bag and put it in asmall boat.Herowed the boat to the middleof a bigriver.Justas he threwthe poor animalinto the

10、 river, the boat began to go down.Both Sam and Todfell intothe river.萨姆与托德(1)萨姆有一只狗(dog)。他的名字叫托德。它很有用(helpful),但它吃的太多(eat too much)。所以萨姆不喜欢他。萨姆想杀死(kill)托德。萨姆把托德绑(tie)在一个袋子里,把它放进一只小船(small boat)。他把船划(row)到一条大河(river)的中央(middle)。他正要(just)把这只可怜的动物(poor animal)扔(throw)下河的时候,船开始下沉,萨姆和托德两个都(both)跌入(fall i

11、nto)河里。Sam and Tod (2)Tod wasable toswim,but Sam couldnt.The dog bit(咬)the rope and got out of the bag.It tried its best to swim to save Sam. The man was saved, so he was very thankfulto the dog.He didnotwant to kill the dog anymore. Fromthenon, he gave the dog as muchfoodas it wanted.萨姆与托德(2)托德能(be

12、 able to)游泳(swim),但萨姆不会。狗把绳子(rope)咬断,从袋子里出来(get out of the bag)。它竭尽全力(try ones best)游过去救(save)萨姆。萨姆获救了,所以他对托德是非常感激的(thankful)他不再(not any more)打算杀它了。从那以后(from then on),小狗想要吃多少食物(food)萨姆就给多少。四.In the Bar (1)In England,if you are under the age of eighteen,youre not allowed todrinkin a publicbar.Mr.Thom

13、pson used to go to a bar near his house,but he never took his son, Tom, because he was tooyoung.Then when Tom had his eighteenthbirthday,Mr.Thompson took him tousualbarforthefirsttime.在酒吧(1)在英格兰(England),年龄在18岁以下(under the age of eighteen)的人不允许(be not allowed to do)到公众(public)酒吧里喝酒(drink)。汤普森先生过去经常(

14、used to)到他家附近(near)的一个酒吧喝酒,但他从不带(take)他的儿子(son)汤姆,因为(because)他还太小(too young)。当汤姆过18岁生日(birthday)时,他第一次(for the first time)带儿子去了他经常去的酒吧(his usual bar)。In the Bar (2)They drank forhalfanhour, and then Mr.Thompson said to his son,“Now, Tom, I want toteachyoulesson, Youmustalwaysbecarefulnot to drink too much.And how do you know when youve hadenough?Well, Ill t

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