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1、例:Compared with last year, our coal output has increased by three times. (煤产量增加了3倍)The prime cost decreased by 60%.主要成本降低了60。 用increase (decrease, reduce) to. 表示增加(减少)到多少 The number of the students has increased to 3000. The price of rice has reduced to two thirds.(大米降价到原价的2/3)B.倍数表示法用exceed (increa

2、se, decrease, reduce) + by a factor of +倍数表示增加了x1倍或减少到原来的1/x. 例如: This speed exceeded the average speed by a factor of 2.5 该速度超过平均速度的1.5倍 (是原来的2.5倍) The price of the tools has decreased by a factor of 4工具价格降到原来的1/4注:在表示2倍时,不要用 2 times 而要用twice 或double 在表示3倍时 可用 3 times 或triple, treble 在表示4倍或4倍以上时, 除

3、用基数词times 外,还可用”基数词fold” 的合成词 例:During that period, its total output of industry increased to ten-fold.工业产值增加了9倍。写作注意事项:1 汉语表达方式比较简略,转译成英文时要将原意清楚地反映出来。a. 今天是我们最后一堂课 不能直译成today is our last class,因为主表不一致。b. 会议定在星期五。正式的译文应将“召开”译出来。(The meeting is arranged /or scheduled to be held on Friday)2.英汉翻译绝不可一一对

4、应直译,尤其是汉语中常用的习惯说法若完全照译则根本不符合英文习惯:如在.的支持下绝不可能译成under the support of .,而在.的领导下却可译成under the leadership of .4.英语句子结构要注意主句和其它修饰和说明部分的关系。不能完全按汉语顺序翻译,否则让人看不懂。至于主句放前放后则看想强调的是哪部分。千万不能将已想好的汉语逐字逐句译成英文。论文范例讲解香港大学(The University of Hong Kong)一篇论文A CAVE-based Multi-Material Virtual Prototyping SystemThis paper p

5、roposes a CAVE-based multi-material virtual prototyping (CMMVP) system for immersive stereoscopic visualization(沉浸式立体可视化) and optimisation(美式英语用-zation,英式英语用-sation) of multi-material layered manufacturing(MMLM) processes. The CMMVP system consists mainly of a suite of software packages for simulati

6、on of MMLM processes, integrated with a multi-screen CAVE-based virtual reality (VR) system, to create an immersive virtual environment(沉浸式虚拟环境下) for digital fabrication(数字制造) of multi-material product prototypes(原型,样件). In comparison with desktop-based or semi-imrnersive(半沉浸式) VR systems, the CMMVP

7、 system isolates environmental disturbances such that designers can fully immerse in performing stereoscopic visualization(立体可视化) and quality analysis of the resulting multi-material prototypes for subsequent improvements of a product design. The CMMVP system facilitates advanced product design and

8、helps reduce product development time and cost substantially.Keywords: CAVE; immersive virtual reality; stereoscopic visualization; virtual prototyping; layered manufacturing 1. INTRODUCTIONA multi-material virtual prototyping (MMVP) system 1 has recently been developed for digital fabrication(数字化制造

9、) and virtual analysis of multi-material prototypes to facilitate product development. The MMVP system consists of a suit of algorithms for simulation of multi-material layered manufacturing(MMLM) processes, which are integrated with a semi-immersive virtual reality (VR) system for stereoscopic visu

10、alization and analysis of the resulting digital prototypes. The semi-immersive VR system may be a desktop display or a LCD projector(液晶投影仪) with a large screen.The MMVP system fabricates digital multi-material prototypes to help raise the productivity of MMLM machines and improve prototype quality t

11、hrough visualisation of the influences of the critical process parameters. The resulting digital prototypes can be sent via the Internet to customers to solicit comments(征求意见), while the process parameters can be used for optimal fabrication of physical prototypes. This approach significantly reduce

12、s the number of costly physical prototypes needed for product development. Therefore, the associated manufacturing overheads(一般指企业日常经营管理费用) and product development cycles may be reduced substantially, because digital prototypes are mostly used and there is no worry about the costs and the quality of

13、 physical prototypes. Currently, the MMVP system is integrated with a desktop-based VR system that consists mainly of a PC, a monitor, a pair of shutter glasses,(立体眼镜) and an infrared emitter(红外线发射器), as shown in Fig. 1. It was developed with Visual C/C+ + and WorldToolKit Release 9. A pair of shutt

14、er glasses generates a stereoscopic feeling by synchronizing(同步) with the display device to switch on and off the images to the left eye and the right eye alternately. This creates a depth perception(感知,理解)and therefore an illusion(幻觉) of being there. Hence, several designers can each wear a pair of

15、 shutter glasses to visualise the digital prototype at the same time. This allows a design team to communicate and exchange ideas. However, an obvious limitation of such a semi-immersive desktop-based VR system is that designers are susceptible(对敏感的) to environmental disturbances, diminishing (减弱,削弱)their true feeling and concentration in the design process. As a result, they cannot fully immers

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