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1、例1 The board meeting shall be called and presided over by the Chairman. Should the Chairman be absent, the vice-Chairman shall, in principle, call and preside over the board meeting.注释: (1)The board meeting shall be called and presided over by the Chairman.:董事会会议应由董事长召集并主持 the board meeting:董事会会议 pr

2、eside over:主持 (2)the vice-Chairman:副董事长参考译文: 董事会会议应由董事长召集并主持;如董事长缺席时,原则上,应由副董事长召集主持。例2 The Chinese-Foreign Cooperative Joint Ventures Company shall terminate upon the expiration of the joint venture term. (1)the Chinese-Foreign Cooperative Joint Ventures Company:中外合作经营公司 (2)the expiration of the joi

3、nt venture term:合作期满时 中外合作经营公司应于合作期满时终止。例3 The term of the Company shall be 5 years commencing from the date of issuance of the Companys business license. (1)the term of the Company:公司的期限 (2)the date of issuance of the Companys business license:公司营业执照签发之日公司的期限为5年,自公司营业执照签发之日计算。例4 This Contract and t

4、he appendices hereto shall come into force from the date of approval by the examination and approval authorities. (1)the appendices hereto:the appendices to this Contract 本合同附件 (2)shall come into force:应生效本合同及其附件须经审批机构批准,应自批准之日生效。例5 Any amendment to this Contract or to its appendices shall come into

5、 force after the written agreement is concluded and signed by the Parties hereto and approved by the original examination and approval authorities. (1)any amendment to this Contract or to its appendices:本合同及其附件的任何修改 (2)the original examination and approval authorities:审批机构 本合同及其附件的任何修改,必须经双方签署书面合同文件

6、,并报原审批机构批准后才能生效。例6 This Company shall be a Chinese legal person. All activities hereof shall be governed and protected by the Laws and relevant rules and regulations of Peoples Republic of China. (1)a Chinese legal person:中国法人 (2)shall be governed and protected by the Laws and relevant rules and reg

7、ulations of Peoples Republic of China:应受中华人民共和国法律和法规的管辖和保护 本公司应为中国法人。公司的一切活动应受中华人民共和国法律和法规的管辖和保护。例7 The production and business scope of the Company shall be as follows: to manufacture, sell and develop cooperatively produced products and other relevant products. (1)the production and business scope

8、 of the Company:公司的生产及经营范围 (2)to manufacture, sell and develop cooperatively produced products:制造、销售和开发合作产品 (3)relevant products:相关产品,配套产品 公司的生产及经营范围是制造、销售和开发合作产品及其相关或配套产品。例8 The first Board meeting shall be convened within one month after the issuance of the Companys business license. (1)be convene

9、d within one month:一个月内召开 (2)the issuance of the Companys business license:公司营业执照的签发 第一次董事会应在公司营业执照的签发后一个月内召开。例9 The date of issuance of the business license of the Company shall be the date of the establishment of the Board of Directors of the Company. (1)the date of the establishment of the Board

10、of Directors of the Company:公司董事会成立之日 公司营业执照签发之日应为公司董事会成立之日。例10 The documents on the major issues of the Company, including but not limited to, the management plan, the monthly report, quarterly report and annual report, shall be signed jointly by the General Manager and the Deputy General Manager,

11、then the documents shall come into effect. (1)the documents on the major issues of the Company:公司的重要文件 (2)the management plan:管理计划 (3)the monthly report:月度报告 (4)quarterly report:季度报告 (5)annual report:年度报告 (6)shall be signed jointly by the General Manager and the Deputy General Manager:应由总经理和副总经理会签 英

12、文合同翻译 (十三)十三 unless otherwise 除非 比“if not”和“otherwise”表达正式,由两个同义词“unless”和“otherwise”组成。 语法:一般后面紧跟动词,表示“除非另”,比如表示“除非合同另有规定”,可以说“unless otherwise specified in the Contract”;又如表示“除非信用证另有规定”,可以说“unless otherwise specified in the Letter of Credit”。 These articles shall apply to all documentary credits,

13、including standby letters of credit, to the extent to which the credits in question shall be applicable, and shall be binding on the Parties to the Contract, unless otherwise expressly agreed by the Parties thereto. (1)these articles:本条文 (2)apply to:适用 (3)the extent to which the credits in question

14、shall be applicable:其适用范围内(指该信用证适用范围内) (4)shall be binding on the Parties to the Contract:对合同各有关方面均具有约束力 本条文适用于一切跟单信用证,并包括在其适用范围内的备用信用证,除非另有约定,对合同各有关方面均具有约束力。 Unless otherwise specified in the credit, banks will accept a document bearing a date of issuance prior to that of the credit, subject to such document being presented within the time limits specified in the credit and in these articles. (1)unless otherwise specified in the credit:除非信用证另有规定 (2)a document bearing a date of issuance prior to that of the credit:出单日期早于信用证开证日期的单据 (3)within the time limi

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