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1、有的同学甚至形成一种错误的观点觉得阅读训练的越多,得分反而越少。特别是五月份衡阳市联考的英语阅读试题中第二篇第63题,大部分同学包括一些英语成绩平时非常优秀的同学选错答案,这种现象不禁引起了我的深思。就其原因,尽管我们已经做过有关阅读细节理解,推理判断等专题训练,却忽略了阅读理解选项中复述句与推理句的区别及相关训练,使得学生此方面能力仍然比较薄弱,能够取得的进步当然也就受到了限制。(衡阳市2009年五月联考题阅读理解第二篇)63. Which of the following can be inferred? (正确答案为A)但是绝大部分同学选D.( A qualified pilot has

2、 to pass comprehensive examinations on political and military theory).即使在已经给出正确答案后,他们还是觉得无法理解。其实这个句子是对原文They had also passed comprehensive examinations on political and military theory, flight skills, management and mental health的复述,而非推断。因此加强此题型的分析与训练是非常必要的。我制作了两个多媒体课件作为对学生的一个专题训练,并取得了很好的效果。在课件中我采取了

3、以下几个步骤: 从概念上着手辨析复述与推理的区别。复述(Restatement)是用另一种表达方式来表达句子,但它所表达的观点与原文是一致的。而推断(inference)是根据原文所给的信息得出的一个推断或结论。强调推理判断题的设问方式。1. What is implied in the sentence(s) . ?2. It is implied in the passage that3. The passage implies/suggests that4. It can be inferred/seen/concluded from the passage that5. Which o

4、f the following can be inferred from this passage?6. Which of the following can be concluded from this passage?7. Which of the following conclusions could best be drawn from the passage?8. Based on the passage, we can assume that9. We can learn from the passage that the author is10. In Which of the

5、following publications would this passage most likely be printed?11. The paragraph following the passage would most probably discuss12. What would the paragraph preceding this passage probably discuss? . 具体分析所给选项的类型和特点。含有推理判断要求的题目一般以下面四种形式选项的句子出现:1.复述句或纯粹是重复原文2.是根据原文得出的推理或判断。3.有些选项表面上看起来非常像是对原文的推断,但

6、根据原文信息它其实是错误的推断。4.有些句子看起来是对的,或根据常识是正确句子,但它实际上与原文无关,不能由原文推断出它的正误。. 通过典型例子分析与训练加强学生的辨别能力。题目类型均为:Which of the following can be inferred from this passage?训练1. Heavy smokers and drinkers run a fifteen timesgreater risk of developing cancer of the mouth and throat than non-smokers and non-drinkers.A. Can

7、cer of the mouth and throat is more likely to occur in heavy smokers and drinkers than in non-smokers and non-drinkers.B. People who never smoke or drink will not get mouth or throat cancer.C. Heavy drinkers who run have a greater risk of developing cancer than non-drinkers.D. People would probably

8、be healthier if they did not drink or smoke.正确答案D(80%左右的同学误选A)。Explanation:“A”is the likeliest answer that the students will choose. a restatement of the original sentence. If heavy smokers and drinkers run a greater risk of developing cancer than those who do not smoke or drink, then cancer is more

9、 likely to occur in heavy smokers and drinkers.“B” is not true that people who neversmoke or drink will never get mouth or throat cancer. We only know that they are less likely to get this kind of cancer.“C” is not true. The word “run” in the originalsentence is part of the phrase “to run a risk of”

10、, which means “ to be in danger” . The sentence does not tell us anything about heavy drinkers who enjoy the sport of running.“D” is an inference which can be drawnfrom the information given. If people whosmoke and drink heavily run a high risk of developing cancer, then we can infer that people pro

11、bably would be healthier if they dont smoke or drink too much.训练2.Nine out of ten doctors responding to a survey said they recommend our product to their patients if they recommend anything.A. Nine out of ten doctors recommend the product .B. If they recommend anything, nine out of ten doctors respo

12、nding to a survey recommend the product.C. Most doctors recommend the product.D. We dont know how many doctors recommend the product.正确答案D (70%左右的同学误选C)Nine out of ten doctors who respond to a survey doesnt mean the number of all the doctors in all the hospitals. Maybe all of these ten doctors are t

13、he same hospital. So “A” and Option “C” cant be based on the original sentences. Option B is only a restatement.训练3. Often people who hold higher position in a given group overestimate their performance, while people in the lowest levels of the group underestimate theirs. While this may not always b

14、e true, it does indicate that often the actual position in the group has much to do with the feeling of personal confidence a person may have. Thus, members who hold the higher positions in a group or feel that they have an important part to play in the group will probably have more confidence in th

15、eir own performance.A.If people have confidence in their own performance, they will achieve high position in a group.B .If we let people know they are an important part of a group, they will probably become more self-confident.C.People who hold low position in a group often overestimate their performance.D.People in positions of power in a group may feel they do better work than they really do.E.People with higher positions in a group do better wo

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