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2、导的从句多位于主句前,有时也位于主句后。4。as引导让步状语从句时,从句中的状语、表语或动词必须置于句首;though引导让步状语从句时,这些成分可置于句首也可用正常语序;但although等其他词引导的让步状语从句不能将这些成分前置。5.表示“虽然的连词though/although不能与表示“但是”的连词but连用;表示“原因”的because等连词不可与表示结果的连词so等同时使用。读语篇,悟语法。反复朗读下列短文,领悟画线黑体部分。思考:有多少种状语从句?下面的状语从句各属于哪一种?有哪些特殊的用法?My mother was cooking in the kitchen while1

3、 I was doing my school assignments.As_soon_as2 I finished my homework, I went to get some water to drink。 Then the doorbell rang. However, my sister unlocked the door before3 I could open it。We were surprised the_moment4 we saw her because5 her clothes and face were terribly dirty.She looked much po

4、orer than6 we expected. Since7 we didnt know what had happened to her, we stood there and waited for my sisters story. We wouldnt leave unless8 my sister told us all about it。 After9 my sister got changed, she told us that she fell into a ditch when10 she walked on a path on her way to my uncles hom

5、e in the countryside. She couldnt get out of the ditch。Although11 she cried for help, no one could hear her. She tried to climb out of it, but, however12 hard she tried, she failed to escape from it. As13 time went by, she got worried. After several vain attempts she had to stand where14 she was and

6、 waited until15 a boy student passed by and gave her a hand. The boy reached her a long rope and told her to climb with the rope. She did as16 the boy told, so_that17 she came out。 My sister also warned us to be careful when18 walking on a path even_though/if 19 we are in a great hurry。 Thats true.

7、We should mind our step so_that20 we can ensure our safety。用于对比两件事,意思是“而”用while,不能用when/as代替。2。as soon as引导时间状语从句,表示“一就”。3.before表示“还没来得及就”。名词词组如the moment/the second/the day/the first time/next time.。.等可以用来引导时间状语从句。5.引导表示原因的从句时用because,其引导的原因状语从句一般放在主句之后,而如果只是名词性短语表示原因,则用because of引导.6.在表示比较时,用than


9、词或副词,用于修饰该形容词或副词,wherever,whenever也可以引导让步状语从句,在从句中作状语,相当于no matter how/where/when;另外whatever,whoever,whichever也可以引导让步状语从句.13.表示“随着”时,只能用as引导.14.引导地点状语从句时,用where/wherever,表示“在的地方.15。固定用法“直到才”可以用两种表达形式:“延续性动词until句子(用肯定形式);“not短暂性动词until句子”(用否定形式).16.引导方式状语从句时,可以用as,意思是“按照,像那样17。so that引导结果状语从句,从句表示的通

10、常是某件事的结果。18.when引导表示“当时”的时间状语从句时,如果主句的主语和从句的主语是一致的,可以省略when从句的主语和be动词,用分词来表示。19。表示“即使,尽管”的even though/if引导让步状语从句。20。so that除了引导结果状语从句外,还可以引导目的状语从句,常与情态动词can/could等连用。.单句填空(用适当的从属连词填空)1.However hard you try, it is very difficult to lose weight without cutting down the amount you eat。2.Did Jenny retur

11、n early last night?-Exactly。 It was not yet nine oclock when she arrived home.Though/Although the doctor has warned him of the side effects of the medicine, he still takes it every day。4.If you miss this chance, it may be years before you get another one.5.Quiet boy as/though he may be, he talks a l

12、ot about his favorite singers after class.6.The old man asked Lucy to move to another chair because he wanted to sit next to his wife。7.She says that shell have to close the shop unless business improves。8.If you happen to get lost in the wild, youd better stay where you are and wait for help.9。I we

13、nt on with my work until I finished washing all the clothes.10.You will never gain success unless you are fully devoted to your work。单句改错(下列每句中有一处错误,每处涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改,请指出并改正。)1.He cant come because of he is ill.去掉because后的ofShe studied hard so that could catch up with others.在that后加she3.Only we keep

14、 optimistic can we succeed。在only后加whenWhen he hesitating, a man came up to him。在he后加was5。Although she was in poor health, but she continued to carry out her duties.去掉but6。I will stick to my plan if you agree with me or not。ifwhether7。I lived in this house since I came to this city。在lived前加haveI had hardly got home than it began to rain。thanwhen9.We left in so a hurry that we forgot to lock the door。sosuch10.He came in quietly in order to he wouldnt wake his wife。tothat.语篇填空(在下面空格处填入1个适当的连接词,使结构完整,语意通顺.)My classmat

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