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英语新同步外研必修一讲义Module 2 单元小结 Word版含答案Word格式.docx

1、他课堂上对我们非常严格,课下对我们有耐心。他的课很有条理。他是如此可爱以至于他是我们学校最受欢迎的教师之一。与其他老师相比,李老师更注重教学方法。他尝试各种方法使自己的课活泼有趣.听他的课很令人放松。在他看来我们不仅应该知道“是什么”,还要理解“为什么.所以,无论何时他提出问题,他不是立即给我们答案,而是鼓励我们独立思考.在他的帮助下,我们学会了如何分析和解决问题。他是如此有学问的一个人以至于我们都很尊敬他。加餐练(一)完形阅读组合练。完形填空I went to a camp last month, and I met this strange girl, Elizabeth.When I s

2、aw her sitting alone in the sun at lunch, I said, “Want to come _1_ with us under that tree over there?”Elizabeth said, “No。When we _2_ another person for our volleyball team and invited Elizabeth to play with us, Elizabeth said, “_3_ I wanted to play volleyball, Id _4_ be playing volleyball。After a

3、 few more _5_ comments (评论) like that, I _6_ to stay away from Elizabeth.But _7_, I was paired with her on a nature walk.“What do you like to do for fun?” I said, trying to make small talk _8_ we started out.“I like to walk in peace and quiet,” Elizabeth replied。“OK, I said, getting the _9_.Then we

4、had the quietest, most peaceful walk in human history。Until “Hey!” I said.“Why is that _10_ in the middle of the path?“Oh no!” said Elizabeth。“I think he is hurt!As we got _11_, the bird flew away。“Thats good,” I said。“He might be taking a rest over there.”Elizabeth whispered (小声说道),“But what if hes

5、 in _12_, like my granddad?“Your granddad?” I said。Elizabeth looked at the ground。“He fell and broke his leg the day camp started.Hes _13_ in the hospital and is in so much pain。“Oh, no thats _14_! I said.“Im so sorry。Elizabeth shook her head.“Im sorry。For some _15_, whenever I get really sad, Im _1

6、6_。I guess its because I just want to be _17_ or something。“I _18_ it,” I said。“I dont always know how to _19_ it when Im feeling down。“Thanks,” she said。“I really _20_ your granddad gets better soon, too,”I said。“Thank you,” she said, smiling.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。作者在野营时遇到一个奇怪的女孩,对人总是冷冰冰,然而通过进一步了解作者才发现原来女孩

7、是因为祖父受伤住院才心情不好。1A。eat BplayCstudy Dwalk解析:选A根据上文中的“When I saw her sitting alone in the sun at lunch可知,作者邀请女孩和她们一起“吃(eat)”午饭。2A.forgot BneededCaccepted Dshowed选B根据下文中的“invited Elizabeth to play with us”可知,作者的排球队还“需要(needed)”一名球员。3A.When BBecauseCThough DIf选D根据作者在第一段对伊丽莎白的评论:“this strange girl”以及伊丽莎白拒

8、绝和作者一起吃饭可推测,伊丽莎白同样也回绝了作者她们邀请她打排球的提议。因此,此处是说:“如果(If)”我想打排球,我就“已经(already)在打了。言外之意,她不想打,因此邀请也没用.4A.also BagainCalready Dever选C参见上题解析。5A。unfair BunfriendlyCshort Dhonest解析:选B根据上文中的“Elizabeth said,No。和伊丽莎白拒绝和作者她们一起打排球可知,伊丽莎白表现得非常“不友好(unfriendly)。6A。failed BcontinuedCdecided Drefused选C根据伊丽莎白冷冰冰的态度可知,作者“决

9、定(decided)”不再接近她。7A.unluckily BinterestinglyCnaturally Dsilently选A根据上文中的“stay away from Elizabeth”和该空后的“I was paired with her on a nature walk可知,作者想躲开伊丽莎白却又偏偏在徒步旅行中和她分到一组,因此对作者来说是“不幸的(unluckily)8A。unless BsoCsince Das选D根据句意可知,“当(as)”她们出发时,作者试着和伊丽莎白寒暄。9A。point BadviceCproblem Dresult选A根据上文中的“I like t

10、o walk in peace and quiet, Elizabeth replied。”和下文中的“Then we had the quietest, most peaceful walk in human history.”可知,作者明白了伊丽莎白的“意思(point)”.10A。student BgranddadCpatient Dbird选D根据下文中的“the bird flew away”可知,她们看到路中间有一只“鸟儿(bird)11A.older BcloserCout Daway选B根据上文中的“Oh no! said Elizabeth。 I think he is hu

11、rt!”可知,作者和伊丽莎白上前一探究竟,因此填closer。12A。pity BfearCpain Danger选C根据伊丽莎白在下文说她的祖父“in so much pain”可知,此处她担心鸟儿的“疼痛(pain)”。13A.soon BstillConly Donce选B根据伊丽莎白的话可知,她的祖父在她开始野营的那天摔断了腿,现在痛苦无比,再结合她在营地时的心情可推测,她的祖父现在“仍然(still)在医院接受治疗。14A。terrible BstrangeCdangerous Dfoolish选A根据下文中的“Im so sorry。并结合当时的情景可知,作者很同情伊丽莎白祖父的遭遇.thats terrible意为“太糟糕了”.15A。purpose BdutyCchance Dreason选D此处伊丽莎白解释自己“粗鲁(rude)”行为的“原因(reason)”。16A.shy BwrongCrude Dslow17A.alone BclearCpolite Dhappy选A根据第一段中的“sitting alone以及伊丽莎白拒绝和别人一起吃饭、玩耍可知,她在伤心时想“独自(alone)”一个人待着.18A。make BgetChave Dtry选B根据作者接下来说的“I dont always know 。.。 Im feeling down.可

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