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1、美国人的工作地点有什么不对?(A = Interviewer B = Lisa Cullen)(甲=记者 乙=丽莎.卡伦)A: Why did you write A Job to Die For?甲:你为什么写为之献身的工作这本书?B: As a nation, our occupational injury and illness rate rivals that of AIDS, Alzheimers,certain types of cancers. There is very little research on it. There is very little public awa

2、reness of it. There is very little investigative journalism about corporate behavior as to worker protection.乙:作为一个国家,我们的职业伤病率可以匹敌艾滋病,阿茲海默症(老人痴呆症)及某些癌症。对此却少有研究。公众对此也少有意识。新闻业也很少调查公司保护工人的行为。A; How many people die in the United States from work-related injuries?在美国,有多少人死于与工作相关的伤害? The Bureau of Labor S

3、tatistics says that only 16 workers die a day from work-related injuries. The 18 number I rely on is based on a study that was done by a team of experts headed by J. Paul Leigh and originally released in 1997.乙:美国劳动统计局说每天只有16名工人死于与工作相关的伤害。我信赖的数字是18,这个数字的依据是以保罗?利为首的一个专家小组所作的一个研究,结果最早公布于1997年。A: These

4、 numbers are way down from 30 years ago. Are safety programs working?这些数字是三十年前的。安全规划起作用吗? Well, many companies do have good safety programs. But compared to 30 years ago, we dont know the trend. Occupational diseases are poorly detected and tracked. Also, while the overall Bureau of Labor Statistics

5、 injury rates are going down, the injury rates have increased for women, miners and Hispanic workers and within certain industries.乙:嗯,很多公司确实有很好的安全规划。但是跟30年前相比,我们不知道发展趋势。职业病无法侦察和跟踪。而且,在美国劳动统计局总体的伤害 率在下降的同时,对妇女,矿工,具有拉丁美洲或西班牙血统的美国人以及某些行业人员的伤害率提髙了。A: One hundred and sixty five die every day from occupa

6、tional diseases, 18 die every day from work-related injuries,36,400 suffer non-fa tai injuries, and 3,200 get ill from occupational diseases, every day. You say that all of these cost $ 155 billion a year.甲:每天有165人死于职业病,18人死于与工作相关的伤害,36,400人遭受非致命性伤害的折磨,3,200人因职业病倒下。你说这些每年要花费一千五百五十亿美元。 Yes, according

7、 to the Leigh team. Another study put out just this year by Liberty Mutual the nations largest workers compensation carrier puts that number at between $ 160 billion and $ 240 billion a year. These are direct and indirect costs. These do not include pain and suffering. These are also only the costs

8、businesses are covering, not those paid directly by the injured or ill workers.乙:那是根据利的研究。今年由美国利宝(美国最大的工人赔偿航母)进行的另一项研究得出的数字是每年一千六百亿美元到两千四百亿美元。这些是直接和间接的花费不包括疼痛和遭受的痛苦。这些还只是企业支出的花费,不是由受伤人员或生病的工人们所直接支付的花费Part 2A: Since the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) was created in 1970,the deat

9、h rates from injuries in the United States have gone down.甲:自从1970年建立职业安全与健康管理局以后,美国的因伤死亡率就下降了。 OSHA has been successful on many different fronts. But OSHA has been so poorly supported by Congress and by the public; With their current budget and staffing there are 2,238 federal and state OSHA inspec

10、tors for 8 million workplaces it would take OSHA 119 years to inspect every work place. It is just not possible. Now, I dont think we would want an OSHA that is capable of going out and physically inspecting every workplace. We need employers to run their workplaces in a safe and healthy manner to b

11、egin with.乙:职业安全与健康管理局在很多方面都很成功。但是却没有从议会和公众那里获得多少支持。以他们现有的预算和员工(现在共有2,238名联邦 和州的职业安全与健康管理检察员,检查八百万工作场所),职业安全与健康管理局要花119年才能查遍每一个工作场所。这是不可能的。 How frequently are criminal penalties imposed for employers exposing their workers to dangerous conditions?雇主让工人进行危险作业会被刑事处罚,这种事情多吗?B: I was looking recently to

12、 find out how many people actually received jail time for willful OSHA violations. I couldnt find one. I don,t know if anybody has served any serious jail time for a workplace fatality.乙:最近我在查有多少人由于故意违反职业安全与健康管理局条例而真正受到入狱的处罚,一起案例也没找到。我不知道是否有人由于工地死亡事件而人狱脤刑。 You worked with companies as a safety offic

13、er. Why cant companies by themselves assure a safe workplace?你曾经是公司的安全官员。为什么公司不能确保安全生产呢? Many can and many do. Many want to keep their workers safe and healthy. But as with anything, there are those that need more pressure to do things the right way. Sometimes it costs money. The threat of an inspec

14、tion or a penalty helps push some employers who may choose to take a short cut to do the right thing.乙:很多公司都能做到并且很多公司也做了。很多公司想保证工人的安全和健康。但是和其他事情一样,有些公司需要更多的压力才能做正确的事。 有时这需要钱。检查或惩罚的压力就是要推动这些想选择捷径的雇主们做正确的事情。 Do the majority of employers want to do the right thing?大多数的雇主想做正确的事情吗? I would hope so, yes.乙:是的,我希望如此。 They know that a strong OSHA helps them do the right thing. .Why dont the businesses organize to give OSHA a little more muscle?他们知道强有力的职业安全与健康管理局能帮助他们做正确的事情。为什么企业们不组织起来,给职业安

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