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1、手续1)Doknowanythingabouttheselectionprocedureforastronauts?2)Theresultsshowclearlythiscorrect.3)Whatopeningabankaccount(账户)?3. mental mentl : adj. 精神的; 思想的physical: adj. 身体的spirit: n.精神; 心灵; 情绪thought: n.思想; 想法Astronautsnotonlyhadtolearnhowusespaceequipment, =

2、 centimeter/centimetre sentimi:t(r) : n. 厘米millimeter/millimetre: n. 毫米meter/metre: n. 米; 公尺kilometer/kilometre: n. 千米; 公里1)His height has increased by 3 cm.2)The player is 185 cm in height and 95 kg in weight.5.intelligent nteldnt : adj.有智慧的;聪明的;有智力的 clever: adj. 聪明的; 灵巧的; 熟练的; 精明的 bright: 明亮的 wise

3、: adj. 明智的; 英明的; 充满智慧的smart:1)Firstall,mustbeintelligentenoughgetrelatedcollegedegree.2)Sheevenmorethanherbrother.3)The childaskedlotquestions.6.rocket rkt: n. 火箭;火箭弹 rock: n. 岩石; 礁石1)Therocketcrashedfewsecondsafteritleftground.2)Therewas aattackoncapital of that country last night.7.gravity rvti: n

4、.重力;引力1)After many experiments, they succeeded in making rockets that could escape Earths gravity.stonerolleddownmountainbygravity. 3)Whentherenogravity, frnt(r): n. 边境;国界;边远地区(指两国接壤的前沿地区,多有军队驻防)border: n. 边界; 边境 (多指靠近两国或两地区分界线的区域)front: n. 前面; 前部; 前线adj. 前面的; 前部的; 在前的SPAC

5、E: THE FINAL FRONTIER1)Frontierincidentshavebeencommonborder.frontiersowellguardedonecanacross.3)The USA has a frontier with Mexico.9.vehicle vikl : n. 交通工具;车辆car: n. 小车; 轿车 taxi: n. 出租车; 计程车jeep: n. 吉普车 bus: n. 公共汽车truck: n. 卡车 train: n. 火车plane: n. 飞机 aircraft: n. 飞机helicopter: n. 直升机 spaceship/sp

6、acecraft: n. 宇宙飞船ship: n. 船; 舰 boat: n. 小船; 船bike/bicycle: n. 自行车 motorbike/motorcycle: n. 摩托车1)Are you the driver of this vehicle?2)Despitevehiclesizeweight,difficultdrive.3)Thisvehiclehasparkedin front of the school.10.universe junvs : n. 宇宙;天地万物 earth: n. 地球 moon: n. 月球1)They make vehicles to car

7、ry brave people into space to find out the secrets of the universe.2)Do you know how the universe began?11.determined dtmnd: adj.有决心的; 意志坚定的be determined to do: 决心做1)However, some scientists were determined to help humans realise their dream to explore space.2)Hedeterminedpassthe driving test thisti

8、me.3)Thegovernmentdetermined tocleanupcity.12. determine dtmn: vt. 查明;确定;决定determination dt:mnen: n. 决心;determine/decide to do: 决定做people in that countryrightdeterminetheirownfuture.2)The womandeterminescontinueworkingwhenreachesretirementage.13. satellite stlat : n. 人造卫星;卫星star: n. 恒星planet: n. 行星1

9、)Anewsatelliteputintoorbitaroundearth.moonthe earth.3)China sent up 40 satellites last year.14. launch lnt: v./n发射;发起;上市send up:发射1)The Russia will launch a communications satellite tomorrow morning.carwilllaunchednext year.3)Theysurpriseaircapital inearlyhoursmorning.15.orbit bt: n. (环绕地球/太阳等运行的)轨道

10、;势力范围v.沿轨道运行;环绕运行1)On 4 October 1957, the Sputnik 1 satellite was lunched by the USSR and successfully orbited around Earth.2)Mars and Earth haveorbitswhich change withtime.3)Now Canada iswithinthe United States of America.16. giant dant: adj. 巨大的;伟大的n. 巨人;巨兽;伟人big: adj. 大的;巨大的; 年龄较大的; 重大的; 严重的huge:

11、庞大的large: 大量的; 大规模的great: adj. 伟大的: 巨大的; 极大的; 大的1)Hemanagergiantfactory.2)Shakespearewaswriter.3)The bosslooksscaryhereallygentlegiant.17.leap li:p: n. 跳跃;剧增;剧变v. 跳过;跃过 (leapt - leapt lept; leaped -leaped) jump: v.跳; 跳跃;跳过; 跨越1)He hadleaptfrom a window in the building andescaped.2)I saw a fish leapi

12、ng out of the water.18. mankind mnkand : n.人类 (前不用冠词,接单数动词/复数动词) all mankind: 全人类 man: n. 人类 (不可数名词,前不用冠词,接单数动词)1)Over eight years later, on 20 July 1969, American astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped onto the moon, famously saying, “Thats one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind.”civilizationmankindtakenthousandsyearsdevelop.3) ednsi: n

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