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key to classroom exercises IVtranslationWord下载.docx

1、1. transform 2. converted 3. change 4. convert4. 他成功地让我接受了他的观点。He succeeded in converting me to his point of view.5. 警方设法制服了愤怒的人群。Police managed to subdue the angry crowd.6. 不同文化中对于孩子的训导方式是不一样的。Different cultures have different ways of disciplining their children.她对营销这门学科的实践知识和强烈的求知欲给我留下了深刻的印象.I was

2、 greatly impressed by her practical knowledge of the discipline of marketing and her strong desire to learn more.7. 法律要求雇主必须提供健康保险。The law compels employers to provide health insurance.8. 权力的移交迅速而又和平地得以实现。The transfer of power was effected swiftly and peacefully.9. 他们生活在不断的饥饿恐惧中。They live in continu

3、al fear of starvation.10. 他们最后一定能获得解放。Theyre sure to attain emancipation in the end.11. 工程进展得很慢,因为不少学者对普通人持敌对态度。The project proceeded slowly because many scholars were hostile to the common people.12. 从公众生活中隐退是不明智的。It was not a sensible choice to retreat from public life.13. 很多政客更关注的是权力和控制而不是人民的利益。M

4、any politicians are more concerned with power and control than with the good of the people.14. 不祥的黑云预示着雷暴的到来。The ominous black clouds predicted the coming thunderstorm.15. 一颗蛀牙可以引起强烈的疼痛。A bad tooth can cause acute pain.16. 大气中的有害物质威胁着人们的健康。Harmful substances in the atmosphere are threatening peoples

5、 health.17. 随着我们的工业和社会环境变得更加错综复杂,供电可靠性方面的要求也与日俱增。The demands for reliability of power supply increase daily as our industrial and social environment becomes more complex, complicated, sophisticated & intricate1. complex/complicated 2. sophisticated 3. complicated 4. intricate 5. sophisti

6、cated18. 他们找到了一种方法将癌细胞从正常组织中区分开来。They have found a method of distinguishing cancer cells from normal tissue.19. 我们已经学会了从自然界提取原材料创造新的合成材料。 We have learned to extract raw materials from nature to create new synthetic materials.20. 晨露在阳光下闪烁。The morning dews glitter in the sun.21. 水通过机器循环再利用。The water i

7、s cycled through the machine and reused.22. 我们到现在还没有科林的消息。Weve had no word from Colin as yet.23. 林奇的大部分画作是关于同一主题的不同变体。Most of Lynchs other pictures were variations on the same issue, theme & topic1. issue 2. theme 3. issues 4. topic.24. 这一事件将有损他的声誉。The incident threatens to ruin his reputa

8、tion.25. 惩罚应当与罪行相适应。 The punishment should be apt for the crime.Unit 2 Technology and Happiness1. 这个包裹连盒子总重量是十公斤。The gross weight of the package is 10 kilos, including the box.2. 新设备的引进使我们的产量增加到了三倍。The introduction of new equipment has tripled the output.3. 这个部落人的平均寿命是40岁。 The average life expectanc

9、y of the people in this tribe is 40 years.5. 我们必须要意识到90年代的经济繁荣已经结束了。We have to realize that the economic boom in 90s is over now.6. 适当的娱乐对于情感和心理的健康是必要的。Appropriate entertainment is necessary for emotional and psychological health.8. 最近的调查发现学生希望在课堂上有更多的时间练习口语。The recent survey found that students wan

10、ted to spend more time practicing speaking in inquiry, investigation & survey1. investigation 2. inquiries 3. survey 4. investigation.9. 我国成年人平均每天抽烟五根。Adults in our country smoke on average five cigarettes every day.10. 在记者招待会上,当提到这位影星的私人生活时,他总是保持沉默。At the press conference, when it came to

11、 his personal life, the movie star always kept silence.12. 对数学的透彻理解有助于解释各种各样的自然现象。A thorough understanding of mathematics helps explain a wide range of natural phenomena.13. 经济学家们正在研究通货膨胀在经济中的作用。Economists are now studying the inflationary forces at work in the economy.16. 看到这幅图,你第一个会想到什么东西?At sight

12、 of this picture, what is the first thing that comes to your mind?18. 建立在利益基础上的友谊是脆弱的。 Friendship based on interest is weak, feeble, frail & fragile1. frail 2. weak 3. fragile 4. feeble.19. 我们将会监督他的表现, 看看他是否能有所进步。We will monitor his performance to see if he can make some ove

13、rhear, bug & monitor1. bugged 2. overheard 3. monitoring 4. overheard20. 转校,尤其是在11岁至16岁之间,很容易打断一个孩子的教育。Moving to a new school can easily disrupt a childs education, especially between the ages of eleven and sixteen.21. 他被提名破坏了权利的微妙平衡。The nomination of him fractured the delicate balance of power.23.

14、逐步的恢复对病人和医生来说都是鼓舞人心的。The gradual recovery is encouraging not only to the patient but to the doctors as well.25. 毫无疑问,税收将会成为总统竞选的关键问题。Taxation is for certain going to be the key issue to the Presidents campaign.27. 正直已经根植于我们的企业文化之中。Integrity has been built into our corporations culture.28. 我们发现说明书很含糊,这很麻烦。We find it annoying that the instructions are quite vague. .29. 腐乳是中国的传统食物, 它闻起来臭吃起来香。Preserved bean curd is traditional Chinese food, which smel

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