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1、 Pride and to show off to friends 骄傲和向朋友们炫耀 Sexual gratification 性方面的满足 Social pressure 社会的压力 Temporal and seasonal fun 暂时和季节性的乐趣 Sense of incompleteness 不完全感 Is it true that you can find “completeness” through one another?是否你们真的能通过彼此达到“完全”呢?Are you normal if you are single and unmarried?单身而未婚的人是正常人

2、吗?How important is it for you to find your Ms. or Mr. Right to appear?你们寻求最佳伴侣的出现,这一点有多重要?创 2:18 耶和华 神说:“那人独居不好,我要为他造一个配偶帮助他。”The scripture states that God did not want us to be alone. Yet recognize foremost that:圣经指出上帝并不是想让我们独身一人生活。然而首先我们必须认识到以下几点:1) Singleness is not a curse, as God created us to

3、be unique and is worthy.单身并不是一种咒诅,原因在于上帝造了我们,使我们独一无二并且有价值。2) Your season of singleness is a time to equip yourself by growing in relationship with Him and serve Him 100% without distraction.在单身时期你们得以与上帝建立更为亲密的关系,全身心地、毫无羁绊地服事上帝,装备自己。3) It is also a season to equip yourself by learning to love one ano

4、ther in the holy way.在这一时期你们也可以通过学习以圣洁的方式彼此相爱来装备自己。The scripture above also states the right purposes of having a life-partner:上面的经文也阐述了获得终身伴侣的正确目的: To have companionship. Marriage is the most intimate relationship between two persons, secondary to the relationship between the individual and God. 获得

5、同伴。婚姻是两个人之间最亲密的关系,仅次于个人与上帝之间的关系。 To have mutual help. This implies: 相互帮助。这意味着: The spouse must be suitable in terms of having skills, character, and physical attributes that complement one another. 在拥有技能,品性和体格特征方面配偶必须相互补充,适合对方。 It must create synergy (being more effective than 2 serving separately)

6、婚姻必须产生协力优势(较二人各自服事更为有效) They must mutually support, backup and protect each other. 他们必须互相支持和保护。 A decisive choice to use the enhanced effectiveness to serve God together. 双方决心借着婚姻更有果效地共同服事上帝 Another purpose of having a life-partner is to produce Godly offspring.获得终身伴侣的另一个目的是生育敬虔的后代。Marriage is not a

7、 lottery game. Its success does not depend on “bumping” into the right person by chance. 婚姻不是彩票游戏。成功的婚姻不是凭着偶尔“碰”对了人就能取得的。Marriage is a commitment between 2 people, which stand for the rest of their lives. God has already pre-arranged your future spouse according to His will and in His timing. And on

8、ly abiding to His plan can the marriage endure the winds of time.婚姻是两个人之间的承诺。这一承诺的时限是他们整个的余生。上帝已经照着他的旨意,按着他的时间表为你预定好了你未来的配偶。而只有遵行他的计划才能使你的婚姻经受得住时间的考验。Nine BGR(BOYS & GIRLS RELATIONSHIP) Know Facts恋人关系中应该了解的九个事实1) Couples who engage in premarital sex are more likely to break up before marriage than t

9、hose who do not. The young woman has a higher chance to keep a boyfriend if she does not give in.同婚前不发生性关系的未婚夫妻相比,婚前就有性行为的未婚男女更有可能在婚前分手。如果年轻女子在这方面不让步,她倒更有希望与男友继续维持恋爱关系。2) Though the times have changed, many men yet do not want to marry a woman who has had sex with someone else. Good men will respect

10、 a woman of integrity. If a man threatens to dump you without pre-marital sex, you better dump the man first.尽管时代改变了,然而许多男士仍不愿意娶一位已经与其他人有过性关系的新娘。好男人都会尊敬那些正直诚实的女性。如果有人向你威胁说,若你不和他婚前发生性关系,他就要把你甩了的话,你最好还是先把他甩了吧。3) Virgins tend to have happier marriages than non-virgins. Your virginity can only be given

11、once to one person and you want to give to the right one assigned by God.贞洁的人们有可能获得比失贞的人们更为快乐的婚姻。童贞只能给一个人,也只能给一次-你们肯定希望把它交给那位上帝为你们指定的人儿。4) Those who have sex before marriage are more likely to split up or be divorced after marriage. The more premarital sex the individuals have had, the greater the t

12、endency to doubt or to suspect one another.婚前有性行为的人更有可能在婚后分手或离婚。他们在婚前的性行为越多,就越有可能相互怀疑或猜疑。5) Non-virgins are more likely to commit adultery after they are married than virgins having no concept that sex with other people is not OK.失贞的人们会认为和他人有性行为没有什么关系,因此他们在婚后更有可能犯奸淫。6) Non-virgins are more likely to

13、 be fooled into marrying the wrong person than virgins. Sex can blind you. So we need to examine our inner motivations for getting into BGR relationships other than sex drive.失贞的人们更容易上当而和不适和自己的人结婚。性可能使人变得盲目。因此我们需要检查一下自己内心的动机是否的确不是出于性的驱使7) Persons with premarital sex experience are less likely to be

14、satisfied with their total sex life after marriage. You will never forget the first time you make love and therefore tend to compare.有婚前性经验的人不太容易对婚后性生活的总体感到满意。你永远不会忘记“第一次”的经历,因而常常会去做比较。8) Having sex before marriage can push you into a poor marriage. Often a couple become serious and think that they

15、will marry, so they have sex, only to find out later that it was a mismatched. Yet bound by guilt or responsibility that they are pushed into marriage.婚前发生性行为可能会导致糟糕的婚姻。往往是一对未婚男女开始认真考虑他们之间的关系,认为将会与对方结婚,于是便发生关系,后来才发现他们之间并不合适。然而或出于歉疚,或出于责任,他们被迫结婚。9) Having sex before marriage tends to spoil sex after marriage either there is guilt, fear, and loss of self-esteem, or they cannot easily satisfy their sexual gratification and therefore look for wrongful ways to enhance sexual drive.婚

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