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四级段落模板及 英语四级真题作文课堂范文Word文件下载.docx

1、Sample Recreational Activities Nowadays, recreational activities have become an indispensable part in our daily life. Due to the fierce competition in every field, we are living under great pressure. In such a situation, various recreational activities provide us with a good way to release our strai

2、n and stress. However, there is a heated discussion on whether recreational activities are beneficial to us or not, especially to our college students. On the one hand, the advantages of recreational activities are obvious. To begin with, they can greatly enrich our campus life and effectively relie

3、ve us from the daily routines so that we can work and study more efficiently. Apart from this point, recreational activities can also provide us with multiple opportunities to make good friends and share the unique life experiences. Of course, we cant deny that they have also caused a host of proble

4、ms. For example, some young people are easily addicted to the games online, which affects their study and sometimes may lead to worse consequence as well. As for me, I am in favor of the idea that recreational activities do more good than harm to us. For one thing, we should actively participate in

5、some activities which is beneficial to us, such as sports and school activities. For another, we should try to deal with the relationship between recreational activities and academic study. Only in this way can we benefit more from them.段落的发展过程1) 段落的构思和设计 一个完整的段落包括主题句、若干个扩展句和一个结论句。段落的发展模式可能是列举型的也可能是

6、因果型或其他类型的,但无论怎样,写段落前都应有一个构思和设计的过程,这样就可以为考试时快速行文打下基础。请看如下段落: Social activities benefit us in many ways. (主题句) First, they can widen our horizons. By taking part in them, we can not only learn what we cant from books but learn how to put theories into practice. (扩展句1) Second, they provide us with a ch

7、ance to know more about the society and enrich our social experience. (扩展句2) As a result, we may find it not too difficult to adapt ourselves to the society when we graduate. (结论句)议论文的常用谋篇模式出于应试的考虑,我们把议论文分为以下几种类型:观点对比型、观点评述型、二者选择型、现象说明型。一、观点对比型观点对比型作文是就某一话题给出两种截然不同的观点,然后就两种观点分别进行对比论述,最后表明自己的观点。例如:Sh

8、ould University Campus be Open to Tourists? Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary? Should We Continue to Hold the CCTV Spring Festival Gala?1. 谋篇要点第一段:开门见山摆出讨论的话题并提出两种对立观点。第二段:分别阐述两种观点。第三段:表达自己的观点。2. 框架构思与设计(1)Nowadays, has become a hot issue among people. However, different people hold different op

9、inions about.(2)Some people think that (3)while others argue that (4)The reasons why some people are in favor of it can be listed as follows: (5)First of all, they believe that (6)Moreover, in their eyes, is (7)However, others strongly object to it. (8)They argue that (9)Whats more, they also point

10、out that (10)In my opinion, we should(11)For one thing, (12)For another, (13)Only in these ways can we.二、观点评述型观点评述型作文要求考生就某个话题或事物进行综合性的评述,此类文章往往开门见山按提出要阐述的话题,然后表明个人观点或见解,最后得出相应的结论。如:On Making Friends, On Confidence, On Part-time Job on Campus, On Social Practice。开门见山,提出要评述的主题。表明观点或态度。结论或综述 (1)plays

11、a vital role in(2)With, we are able us to(3)Without , we can not .(4)Evidently, we should attach importance to / cherish / pay more attention to(5)How can we .? factors, I think, should be taken into consideration.(6)For one thing, (7)For another, (8)So long as we., we are bound to So long as we can

12、 follow the two points given above, we are bound to enjoy good health. (9)All in all, we should be aware of the importance of(10)On the one hand, (11)On the other hand, (12)Only in this way, can we三、二者选择型 二者选择型作文要求考生客观描述两种不同选择所包含的优缺点,然后从中作出选择并表明自己的态度或理由。Where to Live-in the City or in the Country? P

13、ublic transportation or Private cars? 第一种选择的可能性及理由。第二种选择的可能性及理由。我的态度、评价或看法。(1)Whether we should do A or B is a difficult question to answer. (2)As to, different people make totally different decisions.(3)Some people prefer to (4)In their eyes, can bring us a lot of benefits. (5)To begin with,(6)Besi

14、des,(7)However, others like tobecause(8)First of all, enables us to come into a close contact with nature.(9)Furthermore, makes (10)In my opinion, compared with,has more advantages.(10)So we should , which is beneficial to. (11)But we cant deny that(12)Whats important to us is that四、问题解决型 “问题解决型”文章要求考生就某一社会问题目前的现状、产生原因以及解决问题的办法多角度进行议论。How to Eliminate Fake Commodities, How to Control Birth Rate, How to Solve the Problem of Brain Drain等等。开门见山引出问题。列举问题产生的原因或影响。解决问题的方法或措施。(1)The problem ofis becoming more and more serious than ever before, especially i

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