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1、 .Free expression of emotion, escapes from society, and return to nature New England Transcendentalism 新英格兰超验主义- Walt Whitman, whose established him as the most popular American poet of the 19th century.Washington Irving - one of the first American writers to earn an international reputation, an ear

2、ly Romantic writer, and Father of the American short stories, “the American Goldsmith”regarded as a writer who “perfected the best classic style that American literature ever produced.” First novel 纽约外史won him wide popularity 见闻札记 won international famecontains German folk tales , READING: excerpt f

3、rom “Rip Van Winkle”瑞普凡温可尔It is not only well-known for Rips 20-year sleep but also considered a model of perfect English in American literature and in the English language as well.Ralph Waldo Emerson - the spokesman of New England Transcendentalism(超验主义) movement The American Scholar论美国学者, 论自助, The

4、 Poet a reflection upon the aesthetic(美学的) problems in terms of the present state of literature in America Experience a discussion about the conflict between idealism and ordinary life. American Puritanism, European Romanticism, intuitive(直觉的) knowledge, over-soul, individual, nature Henry David Tho

5、reau梭罗 -沃乐登 excerpt from NatureNature 论自然 is regarded as the Bible of New England Transcendentalism, Emersons first little book, which discuss the love of nature, the uses of nature “a transparent eyeball”Nathaniel Hawthorne Interior(内部) of the heart, there is evil in every human heart, which may re

6、main latent, perhaps, through the whole life, but circumstances may rouse it to activity, so in almost every book, Hawthorne discuss sin and evil.The Scarlet Letter the scarlet letter A is ambiguous(不明确的). And the ambiguity is one of the salient(显著的) characteristics of Hawthornes art. Young Goodman

7、Brown 小伙子布朗Young Goodman Brown Goodman Brown, a Puritan(清教徒), who accepts both society in general and his fellow men as individuals worth his regard, confronted with the vision of human evil in one terrible night, and becomes thereafter distrustful and doubtful.Walt Whitman Openness, freedom, indivi

8、dualism I - me, my nation (society), Free verse(自由体诗), Envelope structure(信件结构), Catalogue (Listing) A new ideal, a new world, a new life-style 草叶集written in the founding documents of both the Revolutionary War in the United States and the Civil War. READING; 1. There Was a Child Went Forth 2. Caval

9、ry Crossing a Ford 3. Song of MyselfThere Was a Child Went Forth一个孩子的成长 how a child is greatly influenced by his growing environments, be identified with the childhood of a young, growing America.Cavalry Crossing a Ford 涉水的骑兵a scene of the American Civil War, all the movements described in this pict

10、ure are frozen. Song of Myself 自己之歌 Whitman is a man bubbling with energy and laden(装满) with ideas, spontaneous(自发的) expression of his original ideas Herman Melville - a master of allegory and symbolism, like HawthorneMardi玛地 雷得本 白外衣 皮埃尔 比利伯德 excerpt from Moby-DickMoby-Dick白鲸 is one of the worlds gr

11、eatest masterpieces, the first American prose epic, It turns out to be a symbolic voyage of the mind in quest of the truth and knowledge of the universe, a spiritual exploration into mans deep reality and psychology.Ishmael both as a character and a narrator; the captain, Ahab is a monomaniac(狂热者) w

12、hose single purpose is to capture the fierce, cunning(狡猾的) white whale, Moby Dick, which had torn away his leg.The Realistic Period : 1865-1914Realistic period “the Gilded(富有的) Age”, the poor poorer and the rich richer, peoples attention was now directed to the interesting features of everyday exist

13、ence Local colorism, social Darwinism, bestiality, beyond mans control 3 dominant figures of the period are William Dean Howells(美国现实文学先驱), Mark Twain and Henry James. Henry James “inner world” of man Howells focused on rising middle class Mark Twain his own region and people, particular “local colo

14、rism” Local colorists Sarah Orne Jewett, Joseph Kirkland and Hamlin Garland.Mark Twain - the true father of American literature Local colorist, vernacular(方言), simple sentence, wide-ranging humor, both realistically and symbolically, the damned human race Life on the MississippiA Connecticut Yankee in King Arthurs Court 亚瑟王朝廷上的康涅狄格州美国人The Adventures of Tom Sawyer汤姆索亚历险记 (for boys),哈克贝里费恩历险记(for adults)

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